Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Contemporary Series

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Favorite Contemporary Series

Are we sensing a theme here? I haven't been feeling the TTT topics at all lately so I've been going rogue and doing my own thing for weeks now. And, after looking at the topics for the rest of the year, it's likely to continue for a while.

So this week I'm sharing my favorite contemporary series. I love a good standalone but when it comes to contemporary, and specifically contemporary romance (my genre of choice), it seems that series reign supreme. And I'm (usually) good with that. More to enjoy! So here are my favorites...


I remember reading Ten Tiny Breaths in 2014 and feeling like: please let this author have more books because I want to read them all. I enjoyed the entire series and even the novella, In Her Wake, was wonderful. 


I already knew and loved Jennifer Armentrout (hello, Lux series!) when I picked up Wait for You so I expected I would like it. But what happened was that I loved it. I fell so hard for Avery and Cam's story, both individually and together. And while their story remains my favorite, I still inhaled the rest of the series and have such a soft spot for it.


I read the Stage Dive series on audio when I was looking for something to entertain me during my commute. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much so I was surprised to find myself hooked. While Play was far and away my favorite, the whole series was a lot of fun and I totally enjoyed watching the story progress with each couple.


Despite the cheesy covers, and despite the punny titles, I love this series. I expected lighthearted fun and some swoony/sexy bits, but what I didn't expect was the emotional aspect. There was a pivotal scene in the first book that had me sniffing back tears and made me think, okay, clearly there's more to these books than meets the eye. It helps that Andi Arndt and Shane East narrated the entire series and they are perfection.


Marked Men is another series I started on a whim. Something on audio for the commute. I ended up binge-listening to the entire series. And then I moved on to the spin-off series, Saints of Denver. I grew so attached to this tight-knit group of friends/found-family. There are scenes that bring me to tears (no matter how many times I've listened to them), characters that I love (and one or two that I tolerate LOL), and I love revisiting them again and again.


I loathe the term "guilty pleasure" because I don't feel guilty about anything I choose to read. But Abbi Glines in general, and the Rosemary Beach series in particular, is the closest I come to that. I call them my "brain candy" books. But despite the fact that they're not particularly well-written, and despite the fact that they can be a little over the top and ridiculous, when it comes to this series I eat it all up with a spoon. I was sucked right into the series from the first book and gobbled up each book after that, practically salivating over the wait for the last several books to release. These characters and their lives felt so real that I was positive I could drive across the state to Rosemary Beach (a real place) and find them all hanging out together. :)

Even though there are only two books in this series so far, I'm sold on it. I can even forgive the cover of the first book that is so cheesy it oozes Velveeta. These characters are so realistic and down to earth and they feel like they're people you could know or work with. The plots are just as relatable, nothing crazy or over the top, and it was easy to pull for these characters and truly feel for their stories. I really hope there's more to come in this series.


Sarina Bowen is one of my go-to authors and her True North series is a big reason why. It started with my love of the Shipley clan in book one and grew from there. I get invested in every character and every couple and each story leaves me with a desire to visit Vermont and become friends with them all.


I only came to experience Kennedy Ryan for the first time this year, but that was enough to make me an instant fan. Long Shot was an incredibly powerful story. Ryan made these characters come to life and feel like living, breathing people that I was personally invested in. That led me to binge the other two books in the series and cemented all three as one of my newest favorite series.


And I saved the best for last. :) For the last six years I have laughed and cried with these remarkable characters. Seen them through addictions, mental illness, tragedies and triumphs - both professional and personal, scandals, marriages and children... and loved every second of it. Over the span of ten books these characters became so real and I ached for them when the suffered and cheered for them when they overcame adversity. I cried for their losses and laughed at their antics. The final book, Some Kind of Perfect, was incredibly bittersweet. The Addicted series has been my favorite contemporary series for years and I can't imagine another taking its place.

What is your favorite series - contemporary or otherwise?


  1. "I can even forgive the cover of the first book that is so cheesy it oozes Velveeta."
    Hahaha I love it! I'm not gonna lie but that cover is what's put me off picking this series up whenever I come across it on Amazon... But I might consider picking it up now! I'm definitely going to check out some of these other contemporary romance series too because there are so many that sometimes I don't even know where to start. Great rogue-post, Tanya!

    My TTT post

    1. Ugh, that cover really is bad! LOL But believe me, the insides are so much better! :)

  2. Great list! I don't think I've really heard of any of these, but I don't tend to read much contemporary and I especially don't read contemporary series. I should check some out!

    1. At least you have some ideas if you ever feel led to pick up a contemporary. :)

  3. I'm not into contemporary. Enjoy what you like.

  4. Excuse me while I squee in happiness over The Marked Men and Saints of Denver! (Even though I've only read one or two of the Saints...) Not to mention the Stage Dive series. Man, that was Kylie Scott at her best... I miss them.
    The Rosemary Beach series I used to love so much (but feel odd about liking) but haven't read it in years. I wonder if I would still enjoy it if I re-read? Hmmm.

    Can you believe I haven't really read the others? KA Tucker is one that's been on the radar for years but I've never felt compelled to read. The Royally series/Emma Chase books I'm slowly collecting but haven't read yet. Sarina Bowen, I have a load of books but haven't read... *hangs head in shame*

    1. Love that we have several in common! I never get tired of the Marked Men and Saints of Denver series. So addictive! And you totally need to finish the Saints of Denver. The last two books were wonderful. I wonder the same about Rosemary Beach - would I love it as much now as I did years ago. Honestly, I think I would. :) I'm well aware of its issues but I truly loved those characters.

      K.A. Tucker and Sarina Bowen... you're breaking my heart that you haven't read them yet! :)

  5. I didn't know Jennifer Armentrout wrote romance- I guess I thought she was more YA fantasy (not that you can't do both, I just had her in my mind as fantasy for some reason). Or maybe I got her mixed up with someone else. anyway- love the cover of Ten Tiny Breaths too! All those are nice actually.

    1. JLA covers a lot of genres: romance (YA and adult), paranormal, fantasy, suspense. She's a jack (jill?) of all trades. :)

  6. I only read one book from Wait for Me and loved it. Should have picked more up from there.
    I heard a lot of good about Kennedy Ryan's books. I really want to try

    1. I really loved the Wait for You series. The first book remained my favorite but I thought all of them were so good. I'm reading another by Kennedy Ryan right now... she's definitely become a new favorite.

  7. I see a few I love - True North, Hoops, Rosemary Beach, Marked Men/Saints of Denver, and Stage Dive. I read one JLA book, and I think I will read more in that series. It was enjoyable.

    1. I'm pretty sure it was you and Amber that got me to read Long Shot and got me hooked on the Hoop series. I owe you both big time for that! :)

  8. I really need to continue with the Royally series - I liked the first book way more than I expected to!

    1. Same, Angela! I just expected a run of the mill contemporary but I ended up really loving Royally Screwed! I was hooked on the series after that.

  9. Replies
    1. Me too, Deanna! I'm convinced Sarina Bowen can do no wrong. :)

  10. You do you and if you're not feeling the TTT theme it's totally fair to make up your own instead. I can't believe I've not finished a single one of these series! I am seeing some books I've read though. I did enjoy the majority of books in the Wait For You series but they began to feel a bit repetitive and I stopped reading by about the 5th book I think? I don't know why I never went back to reading. I do seriously need to finish the Hoops series though as the first book was excellent, I've not clue why I haven't continued with it.

    1. I can't remember how many books there were in the Wait For You series... six I think? With a few novellas sprinkled in. The Hoops series was so, so good. Made me quite the fan of Kennedy Ryan. I'm actually reading one by her right now.

  11. I'm not the biggest series reader, but I do have quite a few favorites actually, with Harry Potter being no.1 hah


  12. Awesome post!! I added the Wait for You and Royally series to my TBR. I have started but not finished the Stage Dive, Ten Tiny Breaths, and True North series. I need to finish them! I LOVE Armentrout's paranormal books, but I've yet to read one of her contemporaries yet. I so need to get on that!!

    1. Armentrout is one of those authors for me that rarely disappoints. And Wait For You is one of my favorites by her. And the Royally series by Chase... so much fun!

  13. I think I've mostly only read contemporary standalones so all of these are new to me. After enjoying K.A. Tucker's latest novel, I'm definitely curious about her series.

    1. Tucker is such a go-to author for me. Love her story telling.

  14. I LOVE the Wait For You Series too! Although I love anything that she writes lol. And I need to read the Rosemary Beach Series. I've only ever read The Vincent Boys Duology and fell for those two books hard, I need to discover the rest of her stories. :)
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Same here, Jen! I love pretty much everything Armentrout writes. (Although I still haven't made it through the Covenant series yet. I just can't seem to connect with it.) The Vincent Boys duology was fun. And the Rosemary Beach series was like my crack. LOL
