The Sunday Post #296 | July 24, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W
What a week. Work-wise things were busy and stressful and I was so relieved for Friday afternoon to finally arrive. I was beyond ready to head out and close the door on the work week. Around 4:00, just as I was getting ready to shut down my computer... torrential rain storm. Thunder that felt like it was shaking the building, wind so strong it was flinging the lobby door open, and rain that flooded the parking lot in minutes. So, I wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Gah! Half an hour later it finally let up enough for me to make a mad dash out of there. 

With work being so stressful all week, I wasn't doing much after hours. I didn't even stick to my weekly menu plan. Several Most nights we grabbed take-out when I was too wiped out to deal with dinner. To make up for it, I plan on making a special home-cooked meal Sunday evening - I just don't know what that will be yet. 😉

Instead of the usual 80's tunes this week, I'm going to share some random acts of kindness. There's so much ugliness lately, it's enough to drag your spirits down. So how about a little lift showing the good in people instead? Enjoy.

O N   T H E   B L O G
Tuesday, July 19

Thursday, July 21

W H A T   I   R E A D

Audio: Love Lessons (Brooklyn Bruisers #12) by Sarina Bowen - ★★★★
Kindle: Mine to Possess (Psy-Changeling #4) by Nalini Singh - â˜…★★★

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

Audio: My Scorned Best Friend (The Greene Family #7) - Piper Rayne

N E W   A D D I T I O N S

Kindle: Forever Only Once - Carrie Ann Ryan

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. I hope next week at work will be less stressful Tanya!!!!

  2. I feel ya, I did not stick to my menu 3 nights this week, but I did eat other (slightly) healthy things lolzz

    1. Esther - I've been pretty good about it lately but this past week threw me off. I just could not deal with much after leaving the office. lol

  3. Ugh, I hope this week is better work-wise for you!

  4. Between the weather and work, I was happy when quitting time came on Friday. I love random acts of kindness. I have seen quite a few from that reel. Did you see the one where the guy caught a ball, gave it to a kid, and later, the kid caught a ball and gave it to the guy. Too cute! Hope your home cooked meal is delicious tonight.

    1. I have seen that clip! I get sucked into those RAK videos. It feeds the soul. My home-cooked meal got botched. Decided on cubed steak in the slow cooker, went to the store last night... no cubed steak. So I'm making tacos. lol

  5. I'm jealous of your rainstorm! And I love that quote at the end of your post. That's totally me. ;D

    1. Lark - That random quote totally spoke to me. Apparently I have a very small window of being pleasant. LOL

  6. Sorry your week was so stressful! At least you got to read Love Lessons.

    1. Deanna - So true. And Love Lessons did my heart good so it was quite the bright spot. :)

  7. I feel you about dinner. I need to get some new meal ideas because this past week, NOTHING sounded good. It was all too much work and not enough reward!

    1. Samantha - Oh my goodness, don't you hate that? When absolutely nothing even sounds good. It's like, I just need to make/eat something so I can check the box that I had dinner. Not enough reward is right!

  8. I'm sorry you had such a stressful week. I hope this week's better. The rainstorm sounds fantastic, except that it prevented you from going home for a half-an hour. My husband and I haven't had a home-cooked meal since we moved. We're too beat from unpack to plan/cook anything. I feel you. I hope you have a great week.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Jenni. This week is going so much better. It helps that two of my three bosses are on vacation. Haha! Hopefully we'll both feel more like cooking some dinners at home this week. :)

  9. I hope you have a better week this week.
    I can't wait to see what you think of that Carrie Ann Ryan book. I've placed it my cart a few times but never actually purchased it.

    1. Thanks Alicia - this week is going so much better. :) I'm a little nervous about the Carrie Ann Ryan book. I've only read one by CAR so far and it was just okay. But this one was available for free so I figured I had nothing to lose. :)

  10. I hope this week is much better. Yeah you are still reading Psy-Changeling! They just get better and better.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne. This week is definitely an improvement on last week! I really enjoyed Mine to Posses. And I know I'll be picking up book #5 very soon!

  11. I'm glad that week is behind you!!! So? It's Sunday evening. Did you make a tasty meal and if so, what was it? I'm still trying to talk myself into getting dressed and running up to the store, but it is soooooo hotttttttt I don't want tooooooooooooo.

    1. Jinjer - Would you believe I didn't make the homecooked meal? LOL I had plans for simmered cubed steak in gravy and homemade mashed potatoes. Got to the store and they were out of cubed steak. Ugh. I ended up making tacos. I don't think that counts as homemade. Haha!

  12. It's nice to be inspired with all the bad stuff we see lately. And wow what a storm! We had one like that last night, actually- rain coming in sheets, thunder rocking the house. Hope you're having a nice weekend. :)

    1. Greg - I love a good storm like that - as long as I'm home. :)

  13. We had a similar stressful week here. Hopefully this week will be better!!

    1. I hope this week will be kinder to both of us, Jennifer!

  14. I hate it when the sky opens up just in time for the drive home from work. I am sorry that your week was stressful. I have been known to feed my family a bunch of frozen food during my stressful weeks. I hope that you have a wonderful week!

    1. Same, Carole! I love a good storm but I don't want to drive in it. Good to know I'm not alone in not feeling led to cook during a rough week! Frozen food for the win! :)

  15. I'm so very sorry you're having such a stressful time at work. I remember weeks like that, and it's just so draining. I hope things get better for you soon!

    1. Thanks Wendy. This week has been quite an improvement. :)

  16. What an intense thunderstorm! Hope you have an amazing week ahead!

  17. So sorry your work was so stressful. We ordered delivery a few nights simply because it was too hot to turn the oven I hope this week is better for you. Hugs.

    1. Thanks Kimberly. And I can relate to your reasoning as well! Sometimes it's just too hot to cook!

  18. Hope this is a less stressful week for you, Tanya! Wouldn't that thunder/rainstorm been wonderful if you were already home? Lol! I hate driving in the rain, but I love it if I don't have to go anywhere.

    1. So true, Rachel. I would have loved that storm had I already been home curled up with a good book. :)

  19. Sometimes grabbing takeout is what we need when we have long tiring days. I hope this week is much more relaxed for you. I am happy to see you enjoyed Mine to Possess, I had a fun time with that one there. Singh does write the best pack dynamics.

    1. Renee - Thank you, this week is already starting off so much better than last week. I'm so glad I finally started the Psy-Changeling series! Mine to Possess was a great entry.

  20. I'm so jealous, we're drowning in smoke again from the fire by Yosemite and we usually don't get rain out here till October, so I'll gladly steal some of your guys rain pretty please! And I'm so sorry you had a rough week, here's hoping this week is much, much, much less stressful for you *hugs*!

    1. Jen - Ugh, sorry to hear about all the smoke. I hope they get the fire controlled soon! This week has been so much better, so thank you. :)

  21. I hope this week is going better for you. Stress sucks.

  22. It must have been the week for it because weather and work stress pretty much did me in last week too. I was so over it that when I signed on Monday morning, I immediately put in to take off this Thursday and Friday because I didn't want to deal with another whole week of the stress, haha. Hopefully this week is better for us both!

    1. Suzanne - Geez, sounds like we had the same week last week. Except you were smarter this week and planned for a couple days off. Go you! :)

  23. I'm sorry to read your week has been so stressful. I hope this week will be much better. And yikes.. crazy weather!! Have a great week Tanya.

  24. Sorry work has been so stressful and that you got stuck late with the rain. But, I have to admit that I'm sooo super jealous to hear about that rain!

    1. Thanks Alison - This week has been sooo much better. It helps than two of my three bosses are on vacation this week. LOL
