The Sunday Post #299 | August 21, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news:  a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E  W E E K  I N  R E V I E W

I skipped last week's post because I was too tired/overwhelmed to bother. I did try to visit everyone else's posts throughout the week (although I know I still missed a few due to time constraints). 

I've been feeling a bit stressed/overwhelmed at work lately so this week I took off Thursday and Friday and what a difference two days can make! Thursday was my quiet day at home. I never left the house. I read, I blog hopped a bit, I took a nap. It was fabulous. 😊 On Friday I had some alone-time and I went to two used book stores - Chamblin Bookmine, which is a local gem, and a 2nd & Charles location across town. That's something I normally would not do on a weekend because of crowds, but having a weekday off made it doable. I scored a few books at each stop and capped off my afternoon with some takeout from Chicken Salad Chick for lunch. Another good day.

Last Sunday I watched Purple Hearts on Netflix and I totally get the hype. Both The Husband and I really enjoyed it. (He did pick apart a few of the military aspects but that's to be expected. LOL) That's probably the first movie I've watched in a couple years!

Here's your feel-good moment for the week. This little guy gives his grandpa his homerun baseball and the reactions from them both are so touching.

This week's 80's music fix is Kyrie (1985) by Mr. Mister. I was never a fan of their music (it all seemed kind of bland to me) but this song was the one exception. This one I loved. Enjoy!

O N  T H E  B L O G

Tuesday, August 16

Friday, August 19

W H A T  I  R E A D 


This covers the last two weeks.

Kindle: Gage (Pittsburgh Titans #3) by Sawyer Bennett - ★★★★.5
Kindle: Crank (Red Ridge Sinners MC #1) by Caitlyn Dare - â˜…★★.5
Audio: Husband Material (London Calling #2) by Alexis Hall - â˜…★★★.25
Kindle: Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #3) by Kennedy Fox - ★★★★

C U R R E N T L Y  R E A D I N G


Audio: The Family Remains (The Family Upstairs #2) by Lisa Jewell
Kindle: Hostage to Pleasure (Psy-Changeling #5) by Nalini Singh

N E W  A D D I T I O N S

My used bookstore finds on Friday.

The Friendship Pact by Jill Shalvis
Reckless Memories by Catherine Cowles
The Birthday List by Devney Perry

T O T A L L Y  R A N D O M

How was your week?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I think it's great that when you realized you were overwhelmed you also gave yourself the time to really recover, that's such an important thing to do and so many people don't do it! SO yaay for rest and relaxation and quiet days! I'm going to give Kyrie a listen, since I do enjoy the occasional Mr. Mister song :) Enjoy your new reads and I hope you have a good upcoming week!
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. Thanks Juli! I'm usually pretty good about taking time off when needed but let it go a bit long this time. It's amazing the good an extra day or two can do. :)

  2. I am glad that you took some days off Tanya! It seems that you needed them! And now I went to look for Purple Hearts trailer as I just announced my husband that I'll watch it tonight!

    1. Thanks Sophie! I hope you enjoyed Purple Hearts! I was surprised at how much I liked it.

  3. I don't know, Broken Wings was a pretty epic song, but more mellow than the nu wave you usually feature. I keep looking up all the places you reference. Don't think they were around back when I lived in Jax, though 2nd and Charles isn't too far from where I lived (at one point). Yum! Chicken salad sandwiches. It's really was a tragedy when Chick-fil-a took that off the menu. The Titians continues to dazzle you. I am should be reading the first book this week (so excited!). Hope work is better this week.

    1. Sam - I'd say Broken Wings was their biggest hit but I never jibed with it. Interesting that you used to live in the area where 2nd & Charles is now. You wouldn't recognize it. That area has *exploded* over the past several years. I don't think I ever had the Chick-Fil-A chicken salad sandwich. Shocking, I know. lol But I'm still salty about them nixing the cole slaw and the carrot and raisin salad. Can't wait to see what you think of Baden. I loved it so much.

  4. Love the quote! And I love used bookstores too... one of my favorite things to do is just to browse in one when you have plenty of time and are not in a hurry. I was just thinking of that this week since I went in a used bookstore here I hadn't been to in several years (and it's one of the few left here around here).

    Hope the Lisa Jewell one is good. I just read an interview with her this week about that one.

    1. Greg - Bookstore browsing is the best! And it had been far too long since I'd done that. The Lisa Jewell book is so good! I'm listening to the audio version and I don't want to stop. I was almost late to the office this morning because I was at such a good part. lol

  5. I'm so glad you took a couple days off! Stress reduction is super important!

  6. Kyrie was one of my favorite songs back in the 80s. I get what you mean about being stressed with work, unfortunately for me school is just getting started and I can only hope things get better at this point. Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - I imagine taking time off is a lot trickier for you during the school year.

  7. Now I'm wanting to go to my local bookstore and just browse! I hope your work stress eases soon. I really enjoyed The Friendship Pact, hope you do too.

    1. Wendy - Bookstore browsing is the best! And I'm really looking forward to The Friendship Pact.

  8. Yeah I haven't watched Purple Hearts but I know why everyone is loving it. I just binged a TV show so I need to get caught up on reading this week. Maybe in September I will watch that show. I hope you are enjoying that Nalini Singh. I am really curious about that Devney Perry, I hear its an amazing one.

    1. Renee - Devney Perry has really become a go-to author over the last couple years. I've loved everything I've read from her so far. And I'm totally enjoying the Psy-Changeling series! This morning I was almost late to work because I didn't want to stop reading about Dorian and Ashaya. LOL

  9. I'm so glad you're feeling better after your two days break. Sometimes all we need is a little time to breathe.

    1. Carrie - So true. Just those two days off did me a world of good!

  10. Work can be a LOT sometimes. Taking time for yourself is always worth it. I'm so glad to hear that you had a good two days off. I definitely need to schedule some quiet time for myself. I always take the Friday before Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon off so I can get my house in order. Hoping this week is better for you!

    1. Stephanie - I really need to do that more often - take a few random days here and there just for some down time. Goodness knows I have the time of the books to do it!

  11. I liked Kyrie song as well! Happy reading.

  12. I'm so glad you got a nice break. I don't go places on the weekend either. Yay you are still working through Psy-Changeling. In a couple more books, it will just really take off and get better and better. The Trinity books are all amazing.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - There are so many places I'd love to go but I'm not willing to go on weekends when they're crowded. So having those two days gave the leeway to do that. Such a good feeling! I'm so gad I finally started the Psy-Changelings series. I'm really enjoying it.

  13. I skipped last week, too. Just so busy. I'm so happy you got some time to relax and decompress! It makes such a difference! I love visiting thrift stores or second hand book stores. Yay for The Friendship Pact! That Catherine Cowles looks good, too. Hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday, Tanya!

    1. Rachel - Those two days off worked wonders. :) I'm excited about the Catherine Cowles book. I love everything I've read from her so far.

  14. That's great you had a couple days off from work and had some good, relaxing days! You just need those sometimes. I read Husband Material earlier this month and loved it.

    Lauren @

    1. Lauren - Wasn't Husband Material great? :) I just loved being back with Luc and Oliver.

  15. I'm glad you got to take a couple of days off. I know how helpful that can be when things are stressful at work. I hope this week is easier for you at work.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Jenni! Those two days off did me a world of good. :)

  16. That's a beautiful copy of The Birthday List. It sounds like you had a great couple days off!

    1. Alison - I was so excited to find that copy of The Birthday List! Devney Perry is one of my favorites.

  17. My sister calls those "mental health days." They're really important; I'm glad you were able to take a few. I hope you're able to go into this week feeling rested and recharged.

    I picked up The Friendship Pact on sale for Kindle last week, so I'll be reading it at some point, too. Somehow I missed it when it came out; usually I follow Jill Shalvis's new books pretty closely.

  18. I used to love that Kyrie song! Memories. lol
    I'm glad you took some time to yourself. It's nice you got to enjoy the bookstores without the crowds.

  19. How good for you that you took those two days off when you felt like you needed it. And it sure sounds like you had a great time on those days as well.
    I can't wait to see Purple Hearts. I saw the trailer the other day, and it sure sounds like a movie I would like. I totally get your husband! LOL! I can't watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy without thinking.. Who is their fact checker?! :D
    Have a great week!

    1. Maureen - Haha! I bet you do pick apart medical shows and notice all the mistakes. And yell out "that would never happen!" :)

  20. I can't overstate how much I've come to appreciate a day off every once in a while. I think being quarantined for so long really helped me see the need to just do nothing. I'm glad you were able to find some solace from the grind this week.

    1. Ethan - So agree! I get in the mindset of " I HAVE to be at work" and I can't take time off. But I'm doing myself no favors that way. Some occasional time off does wonders.

  21. Sometimes taking a quiet day or two is the best thing you can do. The last vacation that I took from work was just to stay home alone and read for a week. It was great! I love book shopping so it sounds like you were doing some fun things. Have a great week!

    1. Carole - I remember when you did that! Having a whole week to read sounds divine.
