Top Ten Tuesday: Recent Additions to My Kindle Unlimited TBR


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Recent Addition to My KU TBR

This week's prompt is actually Hilarious Book Titles but I absolutely was not 
feeling that one. So I went rogue and decided to share my most recent additions 
to my Kindle Unlimited TBR/wish list/call it what you want. 

We all know that I don't really use TBR's. I'm a bonofide mood reader and cannot, 
under any circumstances, read from a pre-planned list. Nope, not happening. 
But at the same time, I've never met a list I didn't like and I'll invent any
excuse to make one. So, even though there's a chance these will not get read
anytime soon (or - let's be real - ever), these are the books that have most
recently caught my attention and been added to my KU list.


I can't remember where I came across this one, but the angsty
synopsis sounds right up my alley.

Every synopsis of every Jennifer Hartmann book has me convinced
that I will love it. 

This series has been on my radar for a while and seeing it on KU
helps move it up the (hypothetical) list.

This has actually been on my radar for a while but I only just recently
realized it was available on KU.

I've read two by Cole that I've loved and I'm interested in 
starting this series.

The concept is super intriguing and since it's on KU, why not?

The cover is cringey, but both Dini and Deanna swear it's good.
I'm taking them at their word... 😉

As with Marriage for One, I've been meaning to read Hero for a while,
and just saw that it was on KU.

I've read a few by Street that I really enjoyed and would like to read more.

I read one from Martinez years ago that didn't really work for me, but
I'm intrigued by this synopsis and willing to give her another try.

Have you read any of these books?


  1. I hope that you enjoy reading each of these when you get the opportunity!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  2. I also have books on my Kindle that I wonder when I will ever read.... But still, we keep on adding more!

    Hope you get to all of these eventually.

    Elza Reads

    1. Mareli - Classic case of too many books and too little time, right? :)

  3. Oddly, I'm the complete opposite of you; I love to have lists of books I hope to read of various sorts and to use those lists to figure out what I want to read next.

    1. Deb - I love the lists... I just don't stick to them. lol

  4. I laughed because I added two of these to my TBR because of Dini and Deanna. Hope they are all hits for you.

  5. I've been using KU on and off since I first got my Kindle; I've had it for awhile now but I still do not use it enough - too many books to read! I hope you enjoy these when you get to them!

    1. Angela - Despite the fact that I've had Kindles for probably 10 years, I didn't subscribe to KU until about 3 months ago. I'm playing it by ear month to month to see how much I use it.

  6. I hope you like all of them!

    My post:

  7. Oh, I love KU 😍 I've read Meet Me Halfway and Marriage For One and really enjoyed both. I also really liked Puck Shy but I loved the next book in the series much more! I hope you enjoy these books whenever you get to them! 😉

    1. Dini - I think it was actually you that put Meet Me Halfway on my radar. :) Plus Puck Shy, of course. Now I just need to to read them all! :)

  8. I'm a mood reader too! I absolutely can't stick to a list, but I agree it is fun to come up with them! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Yep, I love making the list, but I'm never going to stick to it. :)

  9. I hope you enjoy all of these!
    My TTT:

  10. Haha so true! I'm the same with mood reading and lists. I have a list, but it's like...suggestions. :)

    1. Greg - Exactly. A list is fine but I'm always going to be a mood reader. :)

  11. I also downloaded Meet Me Halfway and haven't read it yet. I do recommend Hero and Marriage for One, though.

    1. Deanna - That's good to hear about Hero and marriage for One!

  12. I went rogue with my TTT post this week, too. Trying to find hilarious titles was just too much work. ;D

    1. Lark - I don't read books with funny titles so I knew I was going to have to switch things up. :)

  13. They look interesting. I have to be careful as I just get so many kindle books and then never read them!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  14. I've always ran my blog based on a list of books that I needed to read for publisher and ones that I wanted to read. What I've found, though, is that I have really been struggling to stick to that list. It is funny because I used to be so regimented about it. Alas, my moods seem to be the driving force these days. I still keep a calendar with books that publish soon, but I've become a lot more forgiving about not reviewing them if I'm not ready to read it.

    1. Ethan - It's interesting how you've done something of a 180 when it comes to how you choose your books. My arcs are few and far between these days so I rarely have pub dates to consider.

  15. Like you, I'm a mood reader but I can't resist making lists. :D I hope you enjoy these when you do finally read them.

    1. Jenni - I love how we both make lists just to make them... and then never stick to them. LOL

  16. These are all new to me. I am better at reading from a monthly tbr lately but I have to leave a few spots open for when I want to go off the list.

  17. I SO feel you on this! I love lists, but I rarely stick to them. It's super fun to make them, though. And I enjoy seeing what books people are adding to their TBR lists, so this is a fun topic for me to read.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - Glad to see I'm not alone when it comes to making the TBR lists (because it's fun to make a list) but then completely disregarding it. LOL

  18. I went rogue this week too. All of these are new to me but they sound wonderful. I hope you enjoy them all whenever you get around to reading them.

    1. Thanks Suzanne! Maybe one day I'll have the time to read All The Books. :)

  19. Nice list. I'm tempted by all of these KU books. I've been reading a lot of them lately, but none of the ones on your list for now.
    Here is my TTT this week:
    Have a great week☀️

    1. I actually haven't had KU for all that long. I find that I use it mostly for "palette cleanser" books in between my more emotional reads. :)

  20. It seems like many of us didn't do today's topic. Looks like you have some great books here and I hope you enjoy them all.

    1. Wendy - I noticed that, too. Sometimes the topics just don't speak to you.

  21. OMG.. I love this list! I haven't read any of these.. but they would certainly fit on my TBR as well.

  22. I read Marriage for One back when it came out and I still love it so much!!

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Genesis - That's so good to hear! I hope I'll love it, too!

  23. I loved Marriage for One! Hope you do too, Tanya!

    1. Rachel - I've seen so many raves for that one! I'm saving it for when I'm in the mood for something heavier/longer. I think it's over 500 pages.

  24. Oooh, these are all new to me, so now I'm off to check them out, as well. ;) Thank you for sharing!

    1. I always forget to make sure I'm signed in before I hit publish. 🤦‍♀️ And I was wrong, I do have two of these on my tbr. 😃 Yay!!

    2. Dedra - Hopefully we'll both get to them soon! :)

  25. Marriage for One and From the Embers are on my TBR, too. Ruthless Creatures is the only one I've read, and I very much enjoyed it. The second book in that series is fantastic! Hope you enjoy the ones that you do get to!

    1. Alison - Reading your review of Ruthless Creatures reminded me of how much I wanted to start the series!

    2. I'm honestly surprised I haven't picked up the third book after how much I loved the first two. At this point, though, I'm probably scared they just can't possibly be as good. LOL!

  26. I seriously hesitate going back to KU but I don't read that much romance or KU books at the moment so I am...on the fence!

    1. Sophie - I've found that I turn to KU for those "in between" books. Perfect for when I've finished something emotional or heavy and I want to grab a short and steamy novella. lol

  27. I noticed that several people "went rogue" on the TTT topic last week (I'm replying on 8/15, so I'm nearly a week behind - sorry!) You chose a good topic, and it's interesting to see what books are catching your eye. I know exactly what you mean about TBR lists, though! I hope you get around to at least some of these.

    1. Lark - I noticed the same. I actually wrote all these down in my book journal. Hopefully seeing the titles will remind me of how much I want to read them!

  28. I haven't read any of these yet, but I LOVE the cover for Meet Me Halfway.

    1. Lindsey - Isn't it gorgeous! Hopefully the inside is as good as the outside. :)

  29. Wow these all look so good here, I am always looking for books to add to my KU library haha they do have such a great selection these days.

    1. Renee - The options seem limitless in KU sometimes! :)

  30. I don't think I've seen any of these; hope they're all awesome reads though.

    Lauren @
