The Sunday Post #300 | August 28, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news:  a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E  W E E K  I N  R E V I E W

Nothing exciting this week. An average week at the office and at home. I worked from home on Wednesday, just to break up the week. We had a repairman come to replace some fan in the refrigerator that was making noise so it's now quiet again. The Husband was out of town on Thursday for a shooting competition and came in 4th place. And that was about it.

This week's feel-good news: Tennis great Roger Federer made a promise to a little boy back in 2017 and, five years later, kept his promise. My heart was bursting with happiness for Zizou while watching this! 😊

So, this week's 80's music fix is a little different. Those of a certain age (you know who you are LOL) will remember Rick Astley's big hit Never Gonna Give You Up from 1987. Well, he recreated the iconic video in a commercial for a California insurance company. It's priceless! 😄

O N  T H E  B L O G

Tuesday, August 23

Wednesday, August 24

Thursday, August 25

W H A T  I  R E A D


The Family Remains (The Family Upstairs #2) by Lisa Jewell - ★★★★.5
Hostage to Pleasure (Psy-Changeling #5) by Nalini Singh - â˜…★★★

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G


Audio: Don't Kiss the Bride - Carian Cole
Kindle: My Fake Fiancé (The Greene Family #8) - Piper Rayne

N E W  A D D I T I O N S


Kindle: My Fake Fiancé (The Greene Family #8) by Piper Rayne
For review: Shattered Sea (Tattered & Torn #4) by Catherine Cowles

I pre-ordered My Fake Fiancé and was excited when it popped up on my Kindle Tuesday morning. I've been so ready for Mandi's story. I started Thursday and am loving it.

I was thrilled to receive an ARC of Shattered Sea. I am loving this series so hard. It has just the right mix of small town romance and suspense. Cowles has quickly become a new favorite.

T O T A L L Y  R A N D O M



  1. I just want to let you know how proud I am of you for reading your pre-order straight away. These are things I never do. I wish I could work from home, but after being called out the one day I did while other co-workers stay home for days at time with NOTHING has me paranoid. Rick Astley aged well. That was a fun video

    1. Sam - Why thank you, ma'am! :) I don't pre-order often but when I do it for something I'm genuinely excited to read. So I tend to want to read it right away. Rick Astley really has aged well... he's looking good!

  2. Hi Tanya! Oh that Rick Astley video was exactly what I needed today! Sick in bed and all. And yes, I am of that age where I still remember the original video.

    I haven't read anything by Lisa Jewel in ages, need to make a plan.

    Have a great week ahead and happy reading!

    Elza Reads

    1. Mareli - So sorry you're sick in bed! I so hope you feel better this week!

  3. Somethimes an average week is good. I can't wait to see your review of Don't Kiss The Bride. I've hear good things about the author's books, I just haven't made time to read anything yet.

    1. Alicia - I've read two by Carian Cole so far and enjoyed them both. In fact, one of them I really loved. So far Don't Kiss the Bride is a big hit!

  4. Who hasn't been "rick-rolled" with that song! Glad he's still having fun with it!

    1. Bonnie - It's so crazy that song is still making the rounds all these years later!

  5. I love quiet weeks and quiet refrigerators! I really wish that I had the option of working from home every once in a while. I love that commerical! I hope that you have a great week, Tanya!

    1. Carole - It is such a welcome option to be able to work from home when I want. It's a great way to break up the week.

  6. That video with Zizou was amazing!!! I am a fan of Roger now Tanya ;-)

  7. It is nice to have a quiet week. Makes the busy weeks all the better!

    I don't watch sport but that sounds cute.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - So true. The quiet weeks are the reward for the busy weeks. :)

  8. I loved both videos!! Teared up for the tennis one and LOL at Rick Astley. I loved that song back then!

    1. Wendy - Same here. It's crazy how the song is still making the rounds after 35 years!

  9. I love Rick Astley! My students love to Rick Roll! Have a great week!

    1. Samantha - That's too funny! Especially since that song was popular 15-20 years before they were even born. LOL

  10. 4th place?! that's so cool! Congrats to your hubby!

    1. Thanks Carrie! He keeps working toward making the top three. Almost there! :)

  11. I saw Rick Astley at the NKOTB concert back in May, lol! That tennis video was so wonderful! Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - How cool to have seen him live! I saw NKOTB 3-4 years ago but Rick was touring with them then. I got Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, and Salt n Pepa. LOL

  12. I love Rick Astley. I love that he's become a meme. :D That tennis video was so heart-warming. I made my husband watch it too. Also, congrats to your hubby for getting 4th place.

    1. Jenni - It blows my mind that he is a meme after all these years. Too funny!

  13. That Zizou video is fabulous. And I'm glad Jewell's book was good as well. I need to get back to her books.

    That might be one of the bettr commercials I've seen. :)

    1. Greg - Isn't it crazy how Rick Astley is still around after 35 years? I love it. I highly recommend Jewell's The Family Remains but I would definitely read The Family Upstairs first.

  14. I'm glad you had a regular week without any big problems. I like a lot of things you are reading! Also, it's great you are reading books you own. I have to focus on doing that because I can always read them later.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks Anne - I make a concerted effort to read from my own shelves as well as read backlist books. I love the new releases but I want to read the ones I own, too.

  15. I love a week with no big problems and yay for getting the fan fixed. It's amazing how quiet things are when those things get dealt with. The Lisa Jewell book looks great and is on my TBR. Love the Rick Astley commercial! My son figured out how to send YouTube videos to my phone so he's constantly sending that song to me. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - So true. The fridge had me driving me crazy for over a month. Not hearing that stupid fan any more is heavenly. :) Too funny about your son sending you that Rick Astley song! Haha!

  16. Good that repairing the fan fixed your fridge and you didn't have to buy a new one. You never know with newer appliances these days.

    1. Rachel - That was my concern, for sure. I thought it might mean the fridge was on the way out. So thankful it was an easy fix!

  17. I'm going to have to watch that Rick Astley video! I remember watching the Addicted to Love video at my older cousin's house as a child. I'm glad things are going well even if they are boring.

    1. Deanna - Oh yeah, the Addicted to Love video was certainly iconic. I remember it being copied a lot.

  18. That Rick Astley video is the best!!! "Is this still a thing?" Hahahahaha. Yes! We love you, Rick!

    Also, I can totally relate to that under the blankets graphic. I've always used "hiding under my protective duvet" after hearing Ryan Seacrest talk about how he does that. Hahahahaha.

    1. Jinjer - Okay, I'm siting here laughing that apparently kajillionaire Ryan Seacrest also hides under the covers. LOL

  19. Sounds like a good week. And I saw that Roger Federer clip. Love that so much.
    I hope you'll enjoy Shattered Sea. Catherine Cowles is one of my favorites as well and I can't wait to start reading that one.
    Have a great week Tanya.

    1. Maureen - I've been flying through Shattered Sea (and I am not a fast reader). I got to a big climax scene this morning and was almost late to work! LOL

  20. It sounds like a pretty good week! I should try some Lisa Jewell.

    1. Amber - When you're in the mood for mystery/suspense, I definitely recommend Lisa Jewell.

  21. I've had a pretty laid back week too. I'm just not so patiently waiting for some fall weather to arrive. We are expecting rain all week, so hopefully that means a break from the unbearable heat.

    1. Ethan - I'd love to think that fall weather was on the way but I know better. Fall in Florida just means ever so slightly less hot. Probably the same in Texas. :)

  22. Omg the blanket thing hahaha So true!! I need to give Lisa Jewell a second chance!

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Genesis - When you're in the mood for some good mystery/suspense, Lisa Jewell is a good one!

  23. Glad to see the Lisa Jewell book was a good one for you. :) And OMG your totally random - why is that a thing? I remember doing it as a child and I still feel that way when I get under the blankets. LOL!

    1. Suzanne - Right? Sometimes covers equals safety. I'm sure of it. LOL

  24. Oh I am SO excited to read The Family Remains. It’s one of my most anticipated - loved that you enjoyed it!
