The Sunday Post #323 | January 29, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


How is it practically the end of January already? Is it just me or did the entire month pass in a flash? 

It was a busy week at the office and I decided to work from home on Friday for a change of pace. Great way to end the week. This post-holidays working five days a week thing is for the birds. 😉

Kennedy Fox is one of my favorite writing duos and receiving the news this week that they are parting ways gutted me. I have had so much enjoyment from their books and it's sad to know there won't be more coming. They've canceled their 2023 releases and will move forward with solo projects. At least I'll have those to look forward to. *wipes away tears*

BookBub shared their list of must-read romances releasing in 2023. There are several already on my TBR. How about you - any of those on your radar? Or maybe you've already read some of them?

This week's 80's music fix is Mad About You (1986) by Belinda Carlisle. Enjoy!


Tuesday, January 24

Friday, January 27


Kindle: The Choice (Dragon Heart Legacy #3) by Nora Roberts - 4.25★



Physical copy: Give Me Love (Rose Canyon #2) - Corinne Michaels

Audio: Consolation (Consolation Duet #2) - Corinne Michaels


Physical copy: Keep This Promise - Corinne Michaels 

My pre-order for this gorgeous special edition arrived this week.
This is the final book in the Rose Canyon series. I'm reading the 
second book now and can't wait to dive into this one.




  1. I have never read a Kennedy Fox book, but I hate endings like that. I see nine of my TBR books on that BookBub list (I am lucky to have a few already too, and yes, five day work weeks are for the birds.

    1. The Kennedy Fox news really threw me. I guess it's a good/necessary move for them both, but I'm mourning all the books that I won't get. *sobs* Awesome that you already have some of those books from the BookBub list!

  2. The Kennedy Fox news seems to have come out of the blue for folks! Sad but there is obviously some story there and it's better they part ways than risk producing books that dont have the heart they used to, I guess?

    Only two of the bookbub must reads are on my list! Love, Theoretically and Lassiter. :)

    1. Nicci - Someone did come right out and ask KFox the reason behind the parting and Brooke (one half of the duo) said they were intentionally vague because they weren't comfortable giving details in public. Totally fair (and it's no one's business anyway). I guess now I'll just look forward to their solo efforts. :)

  3. Work has been brutal for me too! And from the romance list I have five on my TBR already! Let's hope next week will be less busy Tanya!

    1. Sophie - Hopefully this week will be easier for both of us!

  4. You always post such good music! I forgot how much I enjoy Mad About you. I have several books I want to read on the bookbub must read romance list. Have a great week, Tanya.

    1. Thanks Wendy. :) When it comes to music, I am very much stuck in the 70's and 80's. :)

  5. I am planning on like 2 on the bookbub list. lol They tend to only show illustrated books mostly and I don't really read those very much. But I hope you love the books from there you plan on reading. Very Sad about Kennedy Fox. I like those covers for Corinne Michaels.

    1. Renee - I tend to steer clear of the illustrated covers, too. I'll be so glad when the trend goes away. What's bad is that the covers are often deceiving and I'm probably missing some good reads because of the horrible covers. I've read a few that turned out to be not at all what you would think from the cartoonish cover.

  6. That's sad news about your favorite writing duo. I wonder what caused the literary breakup? I'm sure they had their reasons, but it's a disappointment for their fans.

    Re the BookBub list, I already have the ARCs for the Amanda Quick and Mary Balogh books (can't wait to read them!), and the Nora Roberts title is on my TBR list (but the library hold list is going to be endless.) Ana Maria and the Fox has also crossed my radar, and I think I'll add it to my TBR list.

    1. Lark - How great that you already have some ARCs for the books on the BookBub list. I'll put the Nora Robert one on hold at the library but you're right - the wait will be a long one!

  7. Wow! I haven't read Kennedy Fox in a year or so, but used to love all their books, and still like to read them! That's crazy news. I'll have to look for them as individual authors I guess. I love those Corinne Michaels covers so pretty! Hope that you have a good week!

    1. Lisa - Yeah, I'm still bummed about the Kennedy Fox news. At least I still have more of their backlist to work my way through.

  8. I was surprised by the Kennedy Fox announcement as well. It feels very out of the blue-I mean, they had books planned. I did enjoy both authors before they were KF. There are a couple books on the Buzzfeed list I am looking forward to, but not many.

    1. Samantha - Yeah, I was totally shocked. I guess it had been brewing for a while (that's the impression I get from their various comments). At least I can look forward to their solo releases.

  9. There are 5 I am planning to read on the Bookbub list and I have 4 of them already. Happy Place by Emily Henry, Hello Stranger by Katherine Center, Identity by Nora Roberts, and Love Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood. I plan to get the audio for True Love Experiment which will be available closer to release. I LOVE those covers on the Corinne Michaels books and I have enjoyed some of her books.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Anne - How great that you already have 4 of the 5 you want to read! I think I'm going to hit up the library for the Nora Roberts book.

  10. That is sad that there will be no more Kennedy Fox books. :( But that chocolate cake for breakfast with no policing quote totally made me laugh.

  11. I have been wanting to read a Kennedy Fox book. That's so sad.
    It's definitely crazy to me as well that it's already almost February. If you ask me what I did this month it's hard to give you an answer. LOL!
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Maureen - Glad I'm not the only one who feels like January was a blur!

  12. Smiling at that chocolate cake for breakfast image you posted because that was my dinner last night. Two pieces of chocolate cake. lol

    So sorry about the news of one of your favorite writing duos.

    1. Jinjer - I love that you had chocolate cake for dinner! :)

  13. Yes, 5 in person work days is for the birds! Nice that you had Friday to work at home! I can't believe January is almost over either! Where did it go? But honestly, I'm looking forward to spring so I can start planting!

    I have 8 on my TBR from that Bookbub list. Being able to eat chocolate cake for breakfast is definitely an adulting perk! :)

    1. Rachel - Throughout the holidays I got used to those 4 day work weeks. Going back to five days is killing me. lol I had to laugh at the chocolate cake for breakfast. :)

  14. Yeah who thought 5 days on and 2 days off was a good idea? Not me, clearly. Sorry to hear about your writing duo splitting up. That sucks. Thank goodness we have 80's music to cheer us up lol.

  15. Lol - my mom always let me eat cake for breakfast when I was growing up and I did the same with my kids. It's really not that different from other sweet breakfast food.

    I wish that I had the option to work from home. I am only able to when the weather is bad (and then there is really no work to do anyway). I wonder what happened with Kennedy Fox? That's a little strange since they seemed to be pretty successful. I hope that you have a fantastic week.

    1. Carole - Oh my goodness, I love that you and your mom allow(ed) cake for breakfast. lol Glad you at least get to work from home when the weather is bad.

  16. It's not just you. This month really did go by in a flash. Wishing you a great week!

  17. The Kennedy Fox news was really disappointing.
    I can't wait to check out that BookBub list.

    1. Alicia - I am still so disappointed by the Kennedy Fox news. :(

  18. Ooh, that is really nice to end the week at home. This month really did go by fast!

  19. I also can't believe we're at the end of January!
    Sorry Kennedy Fox broke up. At least they will still be writing separately. Maybe those books will be even better.
    The Jimenez, Adams, Hazelwood, and Center books all my made TBR. I read the Center one already and gave it 4 stars. I wish they included indie authors as well.
    I used to LOVE Belinda Carlilse. Mad About You and Circle in the Sand were my favorites at the time! I hope you have a great time reading these Corinne Michaels' books.

    1. Deanna - I'm consoling myself that I still have some KFox backlist to get thru. And yes, I'm looking forward to their solo releases. I'm sad to miss out of the 3rd gen Circle B series that was in the works.

      Go-Go's and then Belinda Carlisle had so many great songs!

  20. Replies
    1. Hena - I have yet to read anything by her but I hear good things.

  21. It's sad when favourite author partnerships go their separate ways, especially when there were books in the planning for the year.

    1. Nikki - So true. I'm sad to miss out of the releases that were coming this year. But I still have some of the backlist to read so that's a bonus. :)

  22. Yes, the month flew by!

    I don't know those authors but yikes, that sucks.

    Yes, you can eat chocolate for breakfast as an adult but it also makes you feel like crap later lol I can't handle that kind of food very much anymore lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Karen - Ha! So you're saying you can do the fun stuff as an adult but have the pay the consequences? Well damn, there goes that plan. ;-)

  23. Cool beats. The song sound similar to another song I hear before.
    Have a great week.

  24. I didn't read the Kennedy Fox news. Sad, but I hope it's a great move for them both.

  25. Sorry to hear the news about Kennedy Fox, but hopefully it means more books from them as solo authors?
    I also have several books of that top 2023 romance list on my TBR (and just added a lot of others, haha ;) )

  26. Aw, I'm sorry your favorite duo is breaking up especially since they already had releases planned. :(

  27. I'm with you on January feeling like a blur. Like seriously, where did it go? LOL. Love the song you chose this week. That was one of my favorites back in the day.

  28. Honestly, I like to try and reserve Monday's and Friday's for working from home as it boths eases you in and out of the week. No one likes that early morning alarm on a Monday. Sorry to hear the news about Kennedy Fox, it's always my worry when it comes to a writing duo that something won't work out.
