Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Single Parent Romance


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Favorite Single Part Romance
This week's topic is actually Bookish Goals, but I don't make bookish goals.
I just read. :) So instead I'm going to share some of my favorite single parent
romances. For someone who doesn't have kids, never wanted kids... I somehow
have a soft spot for single parent romances. I wouldn't necessarily call it a favorite 
trope, but when done well, I really enjoy it. Here are some of my favorites: 

Have you read any of these books?


  1. I have not read any of these books, but what a cool subgenre!

    My post:

  2. I love that you don't make goals, you just read! :D Happy reading all of these.

    1. Lark - Goals are fine for my work life and home life, but reading? Nope, not interested. I just want to keep it simple and read. :)

  3. This is actually a trope I don't come across too often, but I do have Ignite on my TBR!

    1. Angela - I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed Ignite! It really got me in the feels.

  4. I think I've read all but that Piper Rayne book. Guess I need to add it to my list! I loved the rest of these.

    1. Deanna - I had fun with that Piper Rayne hockey series. And Faking It With #41 was one of my faves from the series.

    2. I downloaded it from the library, so hopefully I can get to it soon!

    3. Yay! I hope you enjoy it. It's actually the third in the series but each book focuses on a different player/couple (although the other players appear through all the books).

  5. Wait For It is on my TBR so glad to see it on this list!

  6. I can't remember the names off the top of my head but I remember reading a few that I loved years ago.
    Now it's bugging me lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  7. I almost thought I have read NONE of these, but I read Hook Shot. As a single parent, I enjoy single parent romances (even if it never happened for me). LOL

    1. Sam - Hook Shot was a real favorite. I loved Kenan's devotion to his daughter and his commitment to be a good dad.

  8. That's great that you have a sub genre you really enjoy! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  9. Reading is even MORE fun when you don't have bookish goals...

    My Top Ten Tuesday List

  10. I don't really read romance, so haven't tried any of these - but it's a cool sub-genre....something different. And thanks for the reminder that there's no rules to blogging and all the 'commitments' are self-imposed. I really need to lighten up! :) Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - Yes! Any blogging "pressure" is totally self-imposed. I refuse to make a hobby feel like a job. :)

  11. Interesting! I actually read lots of books about single parents, even though I really don't read romance. My heart goes out to those who do it alone. Parenting is tough any way you shake it, but it definitely helps to have some help. How interesting that you don't have/want kids but you enjoy this trope.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - I know, right? I am 100% not a "kid person" but sometimes in fiction it just works for me. *shrugs*

  12. The single parent trope is one of my favorites too! Kids seem to add to the story or diffuse the tension.

    1. Wendy - For me, I think it's the added responsibility the single parent is carrying, and the devotion to their kids, that is the draw for me. Either way, it's a trope I enjoy! :)

  13. I’ll have to check out some of these books. I like stories about single parents finding they’re happily ever afters. :)

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by earlier.


    1. Astilbe - A single parent finding that special partner, someone who adores their child(ren), gives me all the feels. :)

  14. Great topic choice! While I have 3 kids of my own, I've never been the typical female to fawn all over other people's babies/toddlers. I'm missing that gene. However, I do still love single parent romances.

    1. Alison - Too funny that you phrase it that way because I often joke that I was born without the gene that makes people get mushy over babies and kids. lol I have zero maternal urges. Ha!

    2. LOL! Yep, that's how I word it, too. It really throws people off sometimes since I have 3 of my own and a great relationship with them. But, I found my kids are the exception for me. I totally get missing the "gene", though!!

  15. Bwahaha I love your statement about just reading! But that's true! Also I love single dad books!

  16. I haven't read any of these but I do enjoy books that feature a single parent!

    1. Carole - I don't know why but those single parent romances really hit the spot for me. :)

  17. This can definitely be a fun trope!!! Thanks for sharing.

    Lauren @

  18. I think my soft spot for single parents in books stems from the fact my mom was a single parent and I'm forever impressed at how she raised me. And I think so many of my friends had single parent families so it became the norm but we also recognise how hard that was looking back. You've got some good ones on here, Wait for It was so good!

    1. Becky - So you have a real-life connection with single parenting. I love seeing the single parent find new love. And the other partner falling in love with the kid(s) as well as the parent. Good stuff!

  19. I didn't have many goals either. I think I posted 4. :)

    1. Jen - Once I start setting reading goals, it starts to feel like a chore.

  20. Loved Down Too Deep and those Emma Chase ones too!

    1. Rachel - I just love Emma Chase. I wish she published as frequently as some other authors.

  21. Yay for Wait for It being on both of our lists---for different reasons!---this week. :)

    1. Dedra - I loved single parent Diana in Wait For It! She was so devoted to those boys.

  22. I've not read any of those yet but I have the K.A.Tucker one on my kindle.

  23. What a great topic! I like that you focused on this sub-genre. Although it's not a trope I gravitate towards on a regular basis, I enjoy single parent romances when I do read them (secret babies are a different matter). There's just something about not only a couple falling in love, but also the love for the child. I like how novels like these include the child and don't treat them like afterthoughts. I will have to check the books you featured out!
