Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books of 2022


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Favorite Books of 2022
This week's prompt is Favorite Books of 2022 (straightforward enough, right?), but I'm extending that number to twelve and sharing my favorite books of 2022 by month. Seems to sum up the year nicely. 😊

Have you read any of these books?


  1. I like how you were able to pick a book for each month!

  2. Sorting it monthly is actually such a great idea! I used to do a monthly post where I also choose my favorite for the month, but I've lost track of that. Don't know why!

    Carrie Soto and The Belle of Belgrave Square are still on my TBR. Perhaps they will make my favorites for 2023.

    Happy New Year!

    Elza Reads

    1. Thanks Mareli! I hope you'll love both of those if/when you get to them!

  3. Was the Titians series your first Bennett books? I love how much you enjoyed them, and that series is excellent.

    1. Sam - Yep, Bennett had been on my radar for years but I'd never read anything by her until the Titans series. It's been a big hit for me!

  4. I’ve heard good things about Before I Let Go. Glad you liked it so much. I may have to try it. :)

    Thanks for stopping by earlier.


  5. I read Tattered Stars and Reasons to Believe and really enjoyed them as well! Both were new-to-me authors last year and I'm definitely looking forward to reading more by them :) I hope you have an amazing 2023, Tanya!

    1. Thanks Dini! Yarros is an author I've read and loved for years, but Cowles was new to me in 2022. I'm excited to read more from her!

  6. I still need to read Carrie Soto - not sure why it's taking me so long!

  7. I’m impressed you were able to pick a book for each month. My reading habits were not that steady. Haha.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier!


    1. Thanks Lydia. Some months were a stretch but I still managed to pick a favorite. lol

  8. You read some great books this year! I also had Carrie Soto and Reason to Believe on my list as well. I loved those MZ books when I read them. I still need to read that Bennett series. I hope 2023 is just as good for you.

    1. Thanks Deanna. :) The Pittsburgh Titan series is my introduction to Sawyer Bennett and I've really loved the series.

  9. Mimi Matthews :D i love her books. Carrie Soto is in my january tbr, cant wait

  10. I love seeing your top lists here! Yeah it was really difficult to narrow down my favorites as I had so many good ones I read. Love your list. I really adored Catherine Cowles, its definitely worth the hype for that series. Kulti is also an amazing read.

    1. Thanks Renee! Cowles became a new favorite in 2022 and I devoured each book as it released. Excited to read more from her!

  11. Well Before I Let Go is on my TBR this month because of you Tanya!

  12. I love that you went with 12 for each month in the year. :D Also, so many of these are on my TBR. I'm glad you enjoyed them so much.

    1. Thanks Jenni - it was fun to look thru the year and pick my favorites.

  13. I've read The Wall of Winnipeg and Me this year as well and really loved it! Kulti is a Mariana Zapata book I still need to read.

    1. Lindsey - I swore I couldn't love one as much as I loved The Wall of Winnipeg and Me, but Kulti is just as good. I can't pick a favorite between them.

  14. Carrie Soto is the only I've read from your list, and I loved it too :)

  15. Nice list. I should have added The Belle of Belgrave Square to my list, it's such a good book!

    1. Wendy - The Belle of Belgrave Square was a surprise hit for me!

  16. I haven't read any of these but I very much want to read the Catherine Cowles' book and Carrie Soto is Back. Great list! :D

  17. It looks like you had a great reading year! I hope it continues into 2023.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  18. I love how you did this! I see a lot of books on my tbr that made your list while I only actually read 2. I have some work to do!

    1. Thanks Carole! Never enough time to read all the books, is there? :)

  19. The Belles of London series looks really cute!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - It's the only book I've read by Matthews but hopefully I'll get to the rest of the series soon.

  20. I've not read any of these, but glad to see you enjoyed them.
    My TTT:

  21. Carrie Soto sure made a lot of lists this year. And it looks like a great list of books though I haven't read any of these. Not surprising I guess with the volume of books in the world. :) Hope 2023 brings you lots of good reading.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - I saw Carrie Soto on a lot of lists, too, and wasn't surprised. Reid is such an amazing storyteller.

  22. Before I Let Go was so good! Definitely a Top Five for me.

  23. I always enjoy a Mariana Zapata book and Kulti is one of my favourites, as is The Wall of Winnipeg and Me. Her books are long for romance novels but they just work for me.

    1. Zapata's books are definitely big chunky ones, but I don't mind. I love the way she slowly develops relationships.

  24. Yay for The Belle of Belgrave Square making your list! I loved Kulti and The Wall of Winipeg and me as well! I need to set aside some time to read some of her newer titles I've already purchased.

    1. Rachel - There are a few by Zapata that I'll probably skip - just based on the synopsis and reviews. But there are more that I'm dying to get to. I just love the way she builds relationships.

  25. I really want to read Mimi Matthews' series. I read a short story of hers awhile ago and loved it. I am really curious about Kennedy Ryan's book and will have to check that one out. This is a great list, Tanya! I hope you have a Happy New Year!

    1. Wendy - The Belle of Belgrave Square was my first by Mimi Matthews but I definitely will seek out more from her. Happy new year to you! :)

  26. I went about this the same way, but I just dropped the two months with my least favorites. LOL! You have a good mix here of books I've loved and books I really want to read.

  27. What a great list. As you have seen, I have 'Tattered Stars' on my list as well. And I'm doing a buddy read of 'Before I Let Go' this month. I can't wait to check out some of the other books you've put on your list.

  28. Carrie Soto made my list this week too. Such a great read.

  29. Carrie Soto is on so many lists this week. That probably means I should read it. :)

  30. Yay for Mariana Zapata! I also read Wall of Winnipeg and Kulti this year, but From Lukov With Love eeked out ahead of the rest. Probably just because I read it first. ;) Congrats on a great reading year!

    1. Dedra - Zapata has made quite an impression on me over the last year! I hope to read Lukov very soon.
