Freebie Friday: Giveaway #01

So while at home recuperating from my recent illness, I had a lot of time to sit and stare at my bookshelves. And I realized that I have quite a few books that I'm never going to read again - or am just never going to read at all. I'm not really interested in going the #booksfortrade route so I figured why not give them away? Hence, Freebie Friday. :)

There's a pic of what I'm giving away as well as a list. The winner will have her choice of any book shown. I'll give away one book a week for as long as there's interest.

Freebie Friday giveaways are only open to U.S. residents, I'm afraid. I checked international postage and it was staggering. But never fear, there's an international giveaway coming soon in conjunction with an upcoming review! :)

Please check the giveaway policy before entering. Thanks!

*All titles link to GoodReads

Beautiful Sacrifice - Jamie McGuire
Blue Notes - Carrie Lofty
Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor (hardcover)
Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor (hardcover)
Delirium - Lauren Oliver (personalized to me)
Delirium Stories: Hana, Annabel and Raven - Lauren Oliver
Divergent - Veronica Roth
Fallen - Lauren Kate
Hush, Hush - Becca Fitzpatrick 
Ink - Amanda Sun
Monument 14 - Emmy Laybourne
Opposition - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Pandemonium - Lauren Oliver 
Paranormalcy - Kiersten White
Rebel Belle - Rachel Hawkins (ARC)
Red Hill - Jamie McGuire
Requiem - Lauren Oliver
Scarlet - Marissa Meyer (hardcover)
Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo (hardcover)
Ten Tiny Breaths - K.A. Tucker (signed by author)
The Crown of Embers - Rae Carson
The Gathering Storm - Robin Bridges
The Girl of Fire and Thorns - Rae Carson
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
The Luxe - Anna Godbersen
The Program - Suzanne Young (hardcover)
The Rock Star in Seat 3A - Jill Kargman
The Sky is Everywhere - Jandy Nelson


  1. It was SO nice of you to send books my way this month Tanya! I can't thank you enough for thinking of me when you did your clear out!
    And that is so generous of you to host a giveaway!! I'm sure everyone really appreciates it! Especially one where they get to pick the books they win!
    I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend! I am headed up north with my relatives (our annual trip) to enjoy some camping (and hopefully lots of reading by the fire:)
    Emily @

    1. Aw, you know you are so welcome! You're one of my favorite people, my friend!

      I hope you're having a fabulous time with your family this weekend... and manage to find some reading time, too. *hugs*

  2. OOOOH! How completely sweet of you! I would love to win a copy of Rae Carson's The Girl of Fire and Storms!

    Thanks so much for the opportunity!

    Aditi @

  3. Thank you so much for being so sweet! I would love to win a copy of Daughter of Smoke and Bone! Thank you again for the chance!


  4. I'd love Siege and Storm! I have the first book but haven't started because I want to own the other books

    1. LOL I do the same thing, Gen. I always want to gather an entire series before I even start the first book. :) Thanks for entering!

  5. Replies
    1. Ah, more Daemon Black... a girl after my own heart. :) Thanks for entering, Eva!

  6. Ten Tiny Breaths.. your review alone made me want to read it.. just haven't got to do that yet. What a fun thing for you to do. Thank you!

    1. Love the Ten Tiny Breaths series! Each book can totally be read as a stand alone, and Ten Tiny Breaths is my favorite, but I loved the whole series. Thanks for entering, Michelle! :)

  7. OMG!!
    I would love to have a copy of Daughter Of Smoke and Bone!!!
    Kindly add me to your giveaway too ;_;

