Review: Anticipating Spring by Lora Richardson (#YA #NewRelease)

Lora Richardson
Publication date: March 23, 2020
Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Format: eARC
Source: Author
4 Stars


Note: At the time of this post, Anticipating Spring is free on Kindle Unlimited or available for purchase for just $0.99! Grab your copy now and experience this heartwarming story for yourself!


Joe Hudson broke my heart. The last thing I want is to be trapped with him at basketball camp.

Coaching a skills camp for little kids was supposed to be a fun way to say goodbye to my high school basketball career. A bridge between my old life and new beginnings. But coaching with the guy who broke my heart last summer?

That was not the plan.

But there he is, across the gym. He hasn't even said anything yet, and already I’m remembering the way my name sounds on his lips. As he comes closer, old feelings are stirred up and all I can think of is the way he used to hold me.


Joe is my past—a very painful and heart-wrenching past. He will never be allowed to hold my heart again. But we’ll be stuck together day after day, so we have to figure out a way to play nice. And I have to figure out a way to keep him from getting under my skin.

M Y   T H O U G H T S

Anticipating Spring is the fourth and final book in Richardson’s Unexpected Love series and it was bittersweet to say goodbye to all the characters I’ve come to know and love. Here, the focus is on Maggie and Joe. Readers already familiar with the series know Joe as Greta’s older brother, and Maggie was mentioned several times in the first book, particularly after their break-up. Their relationship was sometimes hinted at so I was excited to finally get their story.

"I've missed you, Maggie. You were good for me, even if I wasn't good for you."
I pressed a hand to my chest, trying to contain the ache. "You were good for me, Joe. I mean it. We were good for each other, even if things didn't work out."

Maggie and Joe met at a time when he was vulnerable and struggling. Over the years they connected here and there, slowly forming a friendship of sorts, before finally starting a relationship. When the story begins it’s been about a year since their break-up and now Maggie finds that she and Joe will be coaching a summer basketball camp together. She’s determined to make the most of it but the truth is she still has feelings for Joe and so much about their relationship and break-up feels unresolved. At the same time, Maggie is also dealing with feelings of uncertainty about leaving for college at the end of summer as well as the declining health of her beloved grandmother who lives with her family.

Maggie was such a truly likable character. She was family-focused, a good daughter and a good friend. I loved her openness and her willingness to share what was on her mind and really give of herself. Unfortunately, it was her total openness and Joe’s emotional distance that eventually drove a wedge between them. I loved watching as they tiptoed around each other and finally talked about their break-up. It opened the door to a renewed friendship… and maybe more.

"Maggie? I hope you don't have any regrets about us."
"Joe, I have a million regrets about us."
He blinked, taken aback. "But it's me who messed up. You were perfect."

Anticipating Spring was told almost completely from Maggie’s point of view but there were short chapters from Joe’s perspective. I adored those. Being in Joe’s head, understanding his thought process, and realizing how he really felt about Maggie was priceless. Lora Richardson has created another sweet, heartwarming, small town romance that gave me all the good feelings (the road trip was the best!) and left me with a smile on my face. I may be saying goodbye to these characters and this series, but I’m already looking forward to what Richardson delivers next.

Note: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. This does not impact my opinion of the book or the content of this review. I received no compensation and my review is voluntary.



As a child, Lora lived on a pig farm. She spent time swimming in the creek with snakes, playing in the hayloft, and tapping out stories on her mother's typewriter. These days she lives in a small city in Indiana with her high-school-sweetheart-husband and their two children. She spends her time reading, writing, and hanging out with her people. She still has pigs, though now they are of the guinea variety.

You can find Lora here: * FACEBOOK * TWITTER * GOODREADS * INSTAGRAM *


  1. I'm not familiar with this series, but Maggie and Joe's story sounds wonderful. I'm a sucker for a good second chance romance and I like the sports camp backdrop too.

    1. Same here with the second chance romance, Suzanne. And it was great getting their back story, too.

  2. I'm going to read this series. It's long overdue that I got my moneys worth out of KU! :)

  3. I love when a series is able to wrap up in a way that does justice to the characters you've spent so much time with. It is definitely bittersweet!

    1. It is hard to say goodbye to characters you've come to love.

  4. Camp setting and a second chance at love. Two things I like very much

    1. It was a day camp at a community center, not like a sleep-away camp, but it was still a fun forced togetherness aspect. And the second chance thing had me all kinds of happy.

  5. I really have to read her books Tanya as you always rave about them!

    1. I read everything from Lora Richardson and she's amazing!

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much. I haven't heard about this series before. But I'm definitely curious now!

    1. If you ever read contemporary young adult, I definitely recommend this series. :)

  7. I haven't read this author before but this book sounds really good. I always enjoy seeing two povs in romances.

  8. I love when an ending to a series turns out to be as good as I hoped! Maggie does sound like a wonderful character.

    1. Same here, Tracy. Series enders can be tricky but I was so happy with how this ended.

  9. I hadn't heard of the series before but I'm glad it ended on a high note for you.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Thanks Karen. YA just doesn't really interest me any more, but Lora Richardson is one I make an exception for.

  10. It's been a long time since I've read a book by this author. It sounds like her writing has continued to grow and improve. I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much.

    1. It really has, Deanna. Although I loved her Juniper series every bit as much as this one. :)

  11. Great review!! Hopefully I'll get mine posted soon. I had a lot of the same thoughts you did! I really loved how she wasn't scared to share her feelings/thoughts with Joe or with her family.

    1. Same here, Alison. Despite all her uncertainty, Maggie was so willing to just say what was in her heart. I loved that about her.
