The Sunday Post #199

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • Like everyone else, I suppose, life seems to be consumed with coronavirus/COVID-19. Whether it's seeing the news reports online, hearing the talk (and the off-the-wall conspiracy theories) at the office, or just staying up-to-date with the latest CDC announcements, there's really no escaping it. There are confirmed cases in my city. Schools here are all closed for at least the rest of the month, all concerts and events are cancelled, the libraries are closed. And, naturally, grocery store shelves are empty because people do enjoy a good panic. It's all very surreal.
  • This Tuesday (the 17th) is when my area votes in the presidential primary so I'm curious to see how that process will be affected. Hopefully I can get in and out without too much of a delay.
  • Friday was my mom's birthday so The Husband and I took her out to dinner (nothing new since we have a standing Friday night dinner date with her every week). And yesterday my two sisters and I took Mom out to lunch at Chicken Salad Chick (love that place). 
  • The Husband is working from home for the next two weeks and I'm actually a bit envious. My office hasn't taken that step (yet?) but I'm still daydreaming about working from home in yoga pants and a tee shirt. :)
  • For this week's 80's music fix: It's Hold Me Now by the Thompson Twins. Who were actually a trio. Don't question it... it was the 80's. :)


I always get excited for every new release from Lora Richardson. This one releases on March 25 and I plan on diving into it today. Can't wait!

I will never, ever get tired of this one. On Friday I was craving more Simon in my life so I started a re-listen of the audio version (which is absolute perfection). Between the book and the audio this is probably my 8th or 9th re-read and it never gets old. ♥



How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I've been wondering about states that have their primary votes coming up. No matter how it's handled, it's gonna hurt that it's in the midst of this covid situation.

    I think I must be a weirdo but I'm really hoping they don't tell me to work from home. I like going to work. But I hope you get too 😛

    Have a good week!

    1. Too right, Berls. This will definitely have an impact on the primaries.

      I think it's great that you love going to work! What a switch, right? I actually don't mind going at all... but I also wouldn't be mad about working from home. LOL

  2. I LOVE that song, so thank you for that! We have one confirmed case so far in my town - schools, libraries, even parks are closed. My company also has no plans for working from home!

    1. I could do some of my job from home but not at all. We have a COVID action/response team that is meeting daily at the office and making adjustments to our plans as needed. So anything could change day to day, really.

      I loved the Thompson Twins. I think this song was popular during my sophomore year of high school and I thought it was the best song ever. :)

  3. I loved the Thompson Twins, and that is a great song. I always get dressed when I am home, but I would love to get those 4+ hours of commuting per day back by finding a telecommuting job. Alas, I cannot do my job remotely, though many other parts of the business will be working from home. --sigh--I think they are going to postpone the primaries. I heard they might change the tax deadline too. I guess it's all just wait and see at this point

    1. I'm always taken aback that your daily commute is 4+ hours. It sounds pretty miserable. The Husband's is probably an hour daily and mine is about 30 minutes. Your commute would be a total shock to my system. I haven't heard anything locally about changing the voting on Tuesday but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.

  4. Well Tanya I hope you'll be able to work in your T shirt next week because ...stay safe! And it's the same with us, even more extreme I'd say. Now that you are mentioning the elections I hope it won't indeed be a problem! Despite all this, have a good week!

    1. LOL You and me both, Sophie. I guess I'll wait and see how things progress here.

  5. I already work from home one day a week, so that's a plus, but the rest of the time, we're being told to come in. I work at a college so students are all online, but the campus has to be open so they can use computers if need be and I'm sure some people can't really do their job from home. We'll see how things go. So much is shut down around me too, so it's definitely weird. A lot of events cancelled, etc. Hopefully we'll all stay healthy though!


    1. It really is really odd with everything cancelled and places closing... I get why it's necessary but it also kind of adds to the ominous feeling.

  6. Surreal sums it all up in a single word! I'm so tired of it all already and it's only really just beginning here... :/

    The Lora Richardson books are available on KU and I keep thinking I need to pick them up everytime I see you mention them. Maybe with possible home time on the horizon, I'll get the chance!

    1. Ditto, Nicci. Already tired of it and yet I think we have a long way to go.

      If you're in the mood for some lighter YA contemporary, you know I love Lora Richardson. It's weird because I just don't ever go for the "clean YA" (I prefer something grittier if I'm going to read YA) bur something about Lora's stories just do it for me. I adore her books.

  7. I've got a picture... Great song choice.

    I'm vacillating between moments of calm and moments of freaking out. Since we're in the Puget Sound Seattle/Tacoma area getting the virus almost feels inevitable. We're staying home as much as possible. My husband's working from home when he can. I get you spend the next 6 weeks (maybe more?) Being my daughter's "teacher". It's all very overwhelming. Thank goodness for great books!

    1. It really is overwhelming. And there's only so much input (constant news, on everyone's feeds. etc) I can take before I need a break. And you're right... thank goodness we can escape with a book when we need to!

  8. I found out this morning that we are definitely moving to work from home at some point this week, they are still coordinating, so we don't know when my specific team will make the switch. I am looking forward to working in pajama pants and not having the long commute. My mom is in an at risk group, so I've been limiting my time in public as much as possible to try to avoid bringing it home, but I work with over 500 people in close quarters, so it's a relief to know I'll be less exposed soon.

    1. Sounds like working from home will be a good benefit to you in more ways than one. That has to be a relief.

  9. I remember that song. I always wondered about their band name though. I would love to work from home. Working in my comfy clothes sounds like the way to go but I will be heading into the office like you. I am glad you were able to celebrate with your Mom this week. Good luck voting! Have a great week!

    1. Working from home temporarily sounds dreamy but I’ll have to wait and see how things play out this week. I hope you have a great week, Carole!

  10. When I voted I didn't have to worry much as it's a small town and there was only one other family there when I went into vote. Hope it doesn't effect things to much as I sort of think that is what some people actually want with this panic. That and a run on Toilet Paper! ;)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

    1. Wow, only one other family there when you went to vote? I cant imagine. Here there are often long lines at all the polling stations and people have to wait. Hopefully it won’t be an issue on Tuesday. Oh my gosh, the toilet paper holding... isn’t it crazy?!

  11. I love being able to stay home and think it would be great for a time, not forever. I have the Honey Don't List on audio for review coming up. I'm glad you felt comfortable going out to celebrate. We aren't going out anymore. I just think it's better for awhile.

    Stay safe and healthy and enjoy your new books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I definitely have no issue staying home. Social distancing actually sounds like a gift not a punishment. :)

  12. I just read somewhere that a couple of states are delaying their primaries so I'm curious to see how all of that plays out. I'm hoping my office will go the telework route too but so far, nothing.

    1. I just checked this morning and as of now our voting is still scheduled for tomorrow. I'm surprised (I mean, depending on the polling location that could definitely be a big gathering of people) but I guess I'll wait and see if that changes throughout the day today.

  13. It was the 80's! Good song too. :)

    I agree everything is so surreal. I was in the store yesterday and it was so picked over. It just seemed very tense too. I hope it doesn't get worse although I'm expecting it too, sadly. I just wish people would go get what they need to prepare in a reasonable way without thinking they need to hoard 1,630 rolls of toilet paper??!?

    Anyway haha stay safe and have a good week! Chicken Salad Chick- that just sounds like a good place. :)

    1. I agree, Greg. I definitely think it's going to get worse before it gets better.

  14. I have to go in to work as well. I do echocardiograms on patients and there's no way to do that at home. I just got an email about screening everyone coming into the hospital, which makes me happy as it lowers the chances of accidental exposure.

    The grocery stores are picked over everywhere from what I hear. It's insane and troubling. I think stocking up is one way people feel safer, I just wish there weren't people out there buying up stuff when they don't need it. They've started limiting how many you can buy per family of some items, which is smart. Stay safe, Tanya! :)

    1. Ah, not exactly something you can do from home. :) At least they are being better about screening.

      The panic buying is so annoying. As if there aren't going to be more deliveries. I get that it's a scary time but the hording is just crazy.

  15. Chicken Salad Chick just opened near me! I'd never heard of it before so I'm glad to hear you enjoy it! Ohio schools are closed until April 3rd so I will be teaching from home for 3 weeks.

    1. We have three locations here but weirdly they're all kind of grouped together on one side of the city. Not near me. So I don't go as often as I would like but I still love it. :)

  16. Last week was weird. The schools are closed, and the grocery stores are empty. Hopefully this gets better quickly. I don’t like driving all over to find the one kind of dog food my dog won’t barf on the rug. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I hope it passes quickly, too, but I have a feeling it's going to be a while.

  17. I've been wondering how the elections are going to turn out too. It seems crazy that they're still happening at this point considering that everything else is closed.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I agree, Nicole. I was checking this morning and apparently our primary voting is still taking place tomorrow. I'm shocked but I guess I'll be going.

  18. Yes, surreal is definitely the word for life at the moment. But I'm glad you are still doing well.
    Here they made the decision to close schools, restaurants etc. yesterday evening. Since then my mailbox has been getting filled with these SOS mail from restaurants. It's so sad really.
    Stay safe and happy reading.

    1. Restaurants here are still open... but honestly I don't know for how much longer. I can see that changing at any times. Challenging times!

  19. We're so behind compared to the rest of the world in terms of putting restrictions in place, our schools are still open, they've only just put travel restrictions in place after our happy clapper prime minster allowed all the Hillsong church people into the country for a festival. The worst part here is that everyone is not only panic buying but there's nothing left in supermarkets. Rice, flour, pasta, soap, handwash, sanitiser, bread, frozen food. Toiler rolls. There's limits on everything now and there's no meat anywhere. Even the butchers are cleared out and this has been going on for three weeks. With the bushfires and now the country needing to close down, I don't know how Australia is going to pull through this.

    1. It's interesting to see the different reactions and steps being taken across the world. Some acting quickly and taking strong measures (San Francisco has basically closed down the entire city) and other places it seems like business as usual. The panic buying is off the charts. Scary times.

  20. LOL on the passive aggressive sign! Happy belated bday to your mom. Glad y'all were still able to enjoy going out to eat! Corona has hit here, too. Since I homeschool my kids, it's business as usual for me, but I have moved my Thr classes where I teach other kids online for now. My hubby still has to go into work but his hours have been shortened. My mom that lives on our property is a nurse, though. My kids sleep over at her house more than they do at mine, so we're watching things closely. So far they have all of the patients quarantined to the floors above and below hers at the hospital.

    1. You're probably one of the few who doesn't feel like your day to day schedule has done a complete 180. :) Thank goodness for people like your mom who are on the front lines, so to speak. I hope she's doing well.

  21. I'll cross my fingers that you'll get to work from home soon! My daughter is offof school until August 6th, but our governor is warning that it might now end up being to the end of the school year. My daughter is in 6th grade, and I was looking forward to her little graduation, but I'm not sure that it's going to happen anymore. LOL with the passive aggressive quote sign :) Take Care Tanya.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thanks Lindy. I actually started working from home yesterday. Such a relief. I know the school closings are necessary but it's also throwing a wrench in the lives of parents who both work. Crazy times.
