Top Ten Tuesday: Going Solo (Books with Single-Word Titles)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Books with Single-Word Titles

Sometimes less is more. With that in mind, this week's topic is focusing on books with single-word titles. I was actually surprised by how many I've read with just one word titles. Loads! 

Here are my picks...

Have you read any of these books?


  1. Great list! I've seen Autoboyography on a few lists this week, I'll have to check it out.

  2. Autoboyography is one of my favorites and I love the creativity of the title. Hopeless was well name. You know Hope was missing, Hopeless. I loved that book too!

    1. I absolutely loved Autoboyography. I think it's still my favorite from CLo. (Well, that and Love and Other Words.) And I'd love to do a reread of Hopeless. It's been so long since I read it.

  3. I can't believe it, but I haven't read any of these. They all look good.

  4. I'm surprised at how many one-word titles they are! I like them because they are easy to remember! I see lots of books that I enjoyed in your list! :)

    1. I'm impressed that authors can even come up with just one word to represent their book!

  5. I will have to check some of these out. I'm very intrigued by the Fumbled cover.

    Here is my TTT:

  6. Verity made my list today too! That book was amazing and I'm so glad Goodreads reminded me that it was a one word title 😂 I haven't heard of many of these titles but I've heard of the authors and can't wait to check some of them out. Great list, Tanya :)

    1. I saw Verity on your list! :) That one was one wild ride!

  7. Replies
    1. Verity was so different from anything else Colleen has written... and I loved it!

  8. Wow, the cover for Verity is gorgeous!

    Thanks for stopping by my site earlier today.

  9. I need to read Verity and Epic, and Autoboyography - but I own that one!


  10. So many great titles there! I really need to read Autoboyography.

    1. Autoboyography was my first by Christina Lauren and still my favorite (along with Love and Other Words). I just adored Tanner and Sebastian's story.

  11. Fantastic list and yep, I have read quite a few single word titles.

    1. I was surprised at how many books with one word titles I've read!

  12. I haven't read any of these, but I have a copy of Verity I need to get to!

  13. I love a good one word title. :) I like autoboyography a lot, and Trust. Sometimes one word can really set a tone?

    1. I'm impressed with an author that can represent their book with just one word!

  14. Such a good list Tanya! I loved Scorched, Hopeless, and Obsidian, and I want to read Verity, especially after hearing that it has a crazy twist!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Verity was just... different. Wow. And when I finished I just sat there thinking "what did I just read?" LOL

  15. Hopeless and Obsidian were such great reads! I never knew there were so many one word titles out there!

    1. Obsidian (and the whole Lux series) is one of my all-time favorites. And Hopeless was so good. I kind of want to do a reread of that one.

  16. Three! Not doing too badly. I absolutely loved Hopeless, that book broke me like no other. I love Colleen Hoover's young adult novels, I wish she'd release more. Trust was my first Kylie Scott book and really enjoyed it. I need to pick up a few of her other titles, I'm planning on reading more of my own books this year and less of everything else. Great choices Tanya!

    1. Have you read Hoover's latest. Kelly? Regretting You is told from mother and daughter perspectives so it's partly YA. You might like it!

      I really loved Trust. That one just clicked with me.

  17. SO many great books on here! I loved seeing Epic on here and Still and... well, basically all of them!

    1. It makes me sad that Sarina & Elle don't have any plans to write more about Jamie and Wes. Maybe one day, though!

  18. And that's when you remind me that I meant to read Scorched and never got to it!

    1. I'm always a sucker for Armentrout's new adult romances. :)

  19. I've always loved the title Autoboyography. I still need to actually read the book though. Can't believe I haven't yet!

  20. My first plan for this week's topic was to post series with single-word titles for each installment and I couldn't think of 10 series I've read. And thanks to your list that now I remember that the Lux series has single-word titles. I just know Daemon and Katy are judging me for forgetting their books.

    1. LOL Katy would totally forgive you and give you a hug. Daemon would roll his eyes and ask you could possibly forget his awesomeness. :)

  21. So many on this list I haven't read yet! Most of them are on my TBR though, I just need to make them a priority {like all of the Colleen Hoover ones}

  22. Hopeless (and Losing Hope) are the only two CoHo books I've read and the reasons I haven't read any more! I loved them but I'm now too scared to read anything else because the feels are too much, lol.

    Obsidian is one I could really go a re-read of at the moment... Hmmm. I could actually re-read that entire series. It's a definite mood. I may have to obey. :)

    1. Oh yeah, those were killers. Total tearjerkers. But they're not all like that. (Well, a lot of them are... but not all. LOL)

      I have so much love for the Lux series. I've reread the whole series a few times and it never gets old. :)
