The Sunday Post #198

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • It felt like all I heard about all week was Coronavirus. It even eclipsed election news which is saying something.
  • The Husband surprised me with AirPods recently. I'd been wanting them but, in typical fashion, wouldn't spend the money and instead bought a cheap (like $20 cheap) imitation. At Home Depot of all places. LOL They worked about as well as you would expect for $20. But now I am loving my AirPods so... thank you, Robert! ♥ 
  • We went to see comedian John Caparulo last night and had a great time. My mom, my younger sister and her husband went, too, so that made it more fun. This clip is an old one but it has some of my favorite bits in it.
  • Hopefully everyone remembered to turn their clocks forward last night/this morning. I am so not a fan of Daylight Savings Time. First, it's just not supposed to be daylight at 9 PM. That's just wrong. And secondly, why do we even have DST anymore? I mean, really, what's the point? Can't we just ditch it? I know there's been talk for years about doing away with it but it never seems to go anywhere. I'd be all for it. 



How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Yeah, the corona virus is going CRAZY. It's been in The Netherlands since last week and one of the provinces is shut down and people are told to stay inside when they have a cold.
    I'm curious to see when they'll shut down all the schools...

    1. It's crazy how contagious it apparently is. But people also are panicking which doesn't help matters. Hopefully they won't have to close the schools.

    2. I totally agree. We're not allowed now to shake hands, so I do a foot-five instead of a high-five with the students when they enter my classroom. It's all they're talking about...

  2. I see airpods, and think about how I would immediately lose them. I have PowerBeats wireless earphones, which I love. They go over the ear, which I prefer, and are attached to each other. I can never go back to wired headphones now that I have tasted this freedom. I am with you! Let's ditch DST. It's served its purpose and now we don't need it. Let's move on.

    1. I've never tried the over the ear kind but it's cool that they attach in the back. A lot harder to lose that way!

      Exactly. DST had its use generations ago but now? Ugh, just ditch it.

  3. I have no idea what an airpod is! Haha! Does that make me old? Am I officially out of the loop? No cool mom points for me? ;) I have noticed that there's more and more lingo being used that confuses me, because what??? I feel like kids today just make up words.

    The virus has me worried, but I'm trying not to stress over what I can't control. My oldest has been sick this week, and it's just been a nightmare. He's feeling better now, but everyone hears a cough and immediately thinks the worst.

    I'll be starting The Honey-Don't List soon!! I hope you're loving it! <3 It feels so good to be settled and getting back into a blogging routine. I've missed everyone!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. AirPods are just the Apple version of in-ear Bluetooth earphones. And you can't be old because that would make me positively ancient and we can't have that. LOL

      People are panicking over the virus thing which is so not helpful. It's like, whatever happened to common sense? *sigh* I hope your little guy is feeling better soon.

      I hope you'll love The Honey-Don't List! I'm about 70% and really enjoying it.

  4. I don't have AirPods but what I think is the equivalent : Sony cancelling noises headphone. It's bliss to listen to audiobooks! And thanks for mentioning the changing hour because we won't change before March 28th and I know that I have to be aware for PR posting! Have a great Sunday Tanya!

    1. Sony is a great name so I'm sure theirs are excellent, too. I actually haven't listened to an audiobook with them yet but I was listening to some ASMR videos and it was fabulous.

  5. All the apple headphones hurt my ears. I have never been able to use a pair of them. But, I have a GREAT pair of Bose noise canceling headphones that I love.
    Every year when DST comes around there is talk of ditching it. Then it dies down until it comes back. Ugh. Stop messing with my already inaccurate internal clock!

    1. My husband has some Bose headphones (the over the ear kind) and the quality is amazing. So far I'm loving the AirPods and I'm not having any issues with the fit.

  6. I just got Air Pods for Christmas and have become pretty obsessed with them, especially as someone who would constantly accidentally yank my corded ones right out of my ears if I moved around too much while wearing them. I don't get the need for DST either. It's really messing with me today too. It's noon and I can't seem to get going to save my life, lol.

    1. Glad you're enjoying yours, Suzanne! I was worried that I wouldn't use them enough to justify the purchase but that doesn't seem to be the case.

  7. Airpods sound super fantastic, so that's awesome you got a pair. What a great husband.
    Glad you had fun at the comedy show. I love seeing comedians live.


    1. I love seeing live comedy, too, Lauren. It had been a while since anyone we wanted to see was here so I was excited when John Caparulo showed up on the schedule.

  8. I'm glad you are enjoying your Airpods. I have also been hearing a lot about the coronavirus. I requested the Honey Don't List on audio so I won't get it until later as that is how that publisher works.

    I checked my spam this morning and a few of your comments on my blog had gone to spam so I marked them as Not spam and approved them. Hopefully that will solve it for a bit. I have to check spam every so often.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I'll be interested to find out what you think of the audio version of The Honey-Don't List. And I'm curious to see who the narrators will be.

      Oh wow, I'm glad you found my comments! I wonder why they ended up as spam. How rude. LOL

  9. I have kind of decided that the people on the news must get paid a certain amount of money for every time they say the words "coronavirus" because it is everywhere all the time. What a nice hubby to get you the airpods! I have some expensive over the ear headphones and they make a huge difference. I hope you have a great week despite the time change!

    1. It sure seems that way, Carole!
      My husband has some Bose over the ear headphones that are awesome. I love the quality and they're great for at home... just not so much for on the go. :)

  10. I was completely resistant to getting some bluetooth ear pods to connect to my phone but my father-in-law got me some for Christmas and I quickly decided they're the business! I'm just stubborn and resistant to change, lol. It was a timely gift too as my new phone doesn't even have an earphone jack! Glad you're loving the new AirPods.

    The media need to have a good long talk with themselves over the coronavirus coverage. They're not helping, all they do is spread panic! It's getting on my nerves something fierce.

    We don't switch to BST until the end of the month but I hate it too. It's so bloody stupid! I REALLY wish they'd can it and just stay on GMT. They've been talking about it forever here too... I guess that's all politicians ever do: Talk.

    1. So that was a gift you didn't even know you needed. LOL Crazy that your phone doesn't even have an earphone jack. I guess those are going the way of cigarette lighters in cars. Obsolete!

  11. I don't use Apple phones, but love wireless headphones, buds and headbands for listening to audiobooks. We went to the store for our regular bi-monthly trip...could not get toilet paper, any cleaning products or KETCHUP! I kid you not. It was crazy.

    1. No kidding! I hadn't heard of runs on products like that. Geez, way to panic, people. Cleaning products I can understand... but ketchup? LOL

  12. I love good comedy! That one looks great- I'll be watching the whole thing a little later. :)

    I'm with you on DST. So over it. Just ban that sh^t already lol. And the Coronavirus thing- so true. It's like taken over the world. I just hope it doesn't get too bad, but all these quarantines and alerts make people terrified. So much craziness right now.

    "Park somewher else" haha that made me smile. :)

    1. Apparently John Caparulo is doing a residency in Las Vegas right now which I didn't know about. He's on a break and is spending the time touring.

      Right? Enough with DST. Actually, enough with Coronavirus, too. They can both get lost.

  13. i don't even watch the news and it's all corona virus lol We live near the WA outbreak (sort of) & it's effecting my husband's job and they're always sending alerts sooo...

    I'm all with that park somewhere else! My car supposedly can parallel park on it's own O_O but that kind of freaks me out so I haven't tried it.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Well, it's hit Florida now. Two confirmed deaths so far. Ugh. I'm sure people locally will start to panic now. Because that's always helpful. LOL

  14. That T.M. Frazier cover...I can't decide if I love it or am a little bit afraid of it! LOL

    Yes. The Coronavirus does seem to be taking over the news these days.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. I feel the same about the cover of Nine, Angie! 😆

  15. I’m contemplating whether I want to get the Airpods or settle for another brand again.. my ears have been used to the shape/form of Apple’s earphones and earbuds over the years and it feels so different and weird when I use ones that have pointy(?) tips that need to be fit into your ears’ holes... if that makes sense lol (just search up for SONY earbuds to visualize it because that’s what I’m currently using).

    Stay safe, Tanya. The coronavirus is a big talk and problem here in my country too. It’s always good to be alert.

    1. I have a bad habit of never really buying the one I want but instead buying a lesser imitation. So I was super excited with the husband surprised me with the AirPods. I’ll have to look up the Sony ones because I can’t envision pointy ones right now. LOL

  16. I feel you on the news. I was trying to find out information about the huge tornado strike in Tennessee and while normally this would have been a top story, between the coronavirus and the election, there was barely a blip about it on any newscast.

    I stick with the regular earbuds that attach to the phone via a cord, I'm so old school lol.

    1. Isn't that crazy? A tragedy like that barely gets mentioned just so the media can whip everyone into a frenzy over the virus. Ugh!

      LOL I'm usually pretty old school, too, but I admit I love the AirPods. :)

  17. How do you like the air pods? Are the comfortable? I've been listening to a lot of audiobooks lately and need some headphones. We're struggling with the time change. It's going to be an exhausting week while we try to adjust to waking up and hour earlier. People are going crazy in stores. I told my husband maybe we need to stock up-not because of the virus, but because people are buying everything out. I've been hearing speculation that prices will probably go up as the demand for certain things go up.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I'm enjoying the AirPods and haven't found them to be uncomfortable at all. I kind of like my husband's Bose over the ear headphones for when I'm at home, but for on the go, the in-ear AirPods are awesome.

      I've been hearing about shortages of certain items. It's unfortunate that the knee-jerk reaction for so many people is to panic.

  18. I'm with on you ending DST. And the coronavirus. I'm so over it. As soon as we got our first case here in Louisiana this past week the shelves started emptying. I enjoyed Perfect Love Story. It was my first book by her, so I'm looking forward to reading more of her books. Hope you like it, too!

    1. The COVID-19 stuff is just scarier. I understand the caution in the travel bans and events being cancelled but it also feels so bizarre.

      I'm looking forward to Perfect Love Story.

  19. Coronavirus has taken over my life; just 6 more days of quarantine left!

    That's so nice of hubby to buy you airpods, I usually just stick with the headphones that come with my phone (android user), so I feel you on keeping it cheap!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

    1. I didn't know you were quarantined!?? I'm not panicked over it but I'm definitely concerned. I find myself thinking about everything I touch. And not wanting to be around people if not necessary.

      Yeah, if left to me own devices, I'm totally cheap. If it wasn't for Robert I'd have the cheap version of everything. LOL
