The Sunday Post #306 | October 9, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W

Monday started in the Mondayist of ways. The spring on the garage door broke which meant the garage door would not open. And since it's made of steel, it's way too heavy to open manually. I was able to take The Husband's truck to the office (it had already been moved to the driveway) and he waited at home until the repairman arrived. A few hours (and $400) later it was fixed. Sometimes adulting is no fun, amiright? 

Tuesday I worked from home in the morning and was off in the afternoon for an appointment (yearly mammogram). Again... adulting... no fun. 😉

The rest of the week was busy but uneventful. Yesterday's big outing was a trip to Walgreens for our flu vaccines.

I don't usually share animal content because I was born without the gene that makes me ooh and ahh over animals and babies. (If you do have that gene I hope you visit Sam's Sunday Posts because she almost always has a cute animal video to share.) But anyway, this one touched even my cold heart. lol The crying baby sloth was reunited with its mother. They were separated after being evacuated from a wildfire. 😭😭

This week's 80's music fix Life in a Northern Town (1985) from The Dream Academy. Love this one. I always thought it had a kind of Beatles-esque sound. Enjoy!

O N   T H E   B L O G
Tuesday, October 4

Thursday, October 6

W H A T   I   R E A D

eARC: One Last Gift by Emily Stone - â˜…★★
Audio: Dirty Secret (Slayers Hockey #1) by Mira Lynn Kelly - â˜…★★★

I thoroughly enjoyed Stone's Always in December last year and was excited for One Last Gift. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. The pacing was incredibly slow, too little happened, and when something did finally happen it felt like too little, too late. It took me a week and a half to read this one and I just wanted to finish it and move on. (Kudos to Sam who told me: "You should have just DNF'd it." You're right, you're right... ) Anyway, I probably will not review it. Suffice it to say, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

When looking for something light and easy to listen to, I naturally gravitated to a hockey romance. Dirty Secret was my first by Mira Lyn Kelly and it was an entertaining read. There was one character I truly did not like (the female MC's brother was insufferable) but otherwise it was fun and I'll continue the series here and there.

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

eARC: A Little Too Close - Rebecca Yarros
Audio: When in Rome - Sarah Adams

N E W   A D D I T I O N S


Kindle: A Little Too Late - Sarina Bowen
I forgot to cancel my pre-order after I received an arc. No harm done. :)

Kindle: My Brother's Forbidden Friend - Piper Rayne
Another pre-order - and the final book in the series.



eARC: A Little Too Close - Rebecca Yarros
ALC: Fractured Sky - Catherine Cowles


I was happy to learn that I won Rachel's (Waves of Fiction) giveaway and she
sent me this copy of Love on the Brain. I'm so excited to read this one.
Thank you again, Rachel! :)

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M


  1. That Sloth video will be perfect for Sam Tanya! And I am one of these who "ooh " and "aaah" and cry at animal videos LOL

    1. Sophie - So you cry at the animal videos, huh? For me, it's military homecomings. Gets me every time. :)

  2. Congrats on winning Love on the brain!

  3. Be still my heart! The sloth video was super sweet. Hearing Life in a Northern Town makes me think of the opening scene of Sixteen Candles. Great song! The garage fiasco was a terrible start to the week, but yeah for the book win. Three stars isn't a total bomb, just lower than you expected. I actually went 4.5 on it. I was touched. You know I am a huge sap, and it spoke to my heart.

    1. Sam - Okay now you have me wanting to rewatch Sixteen Candles because I don't remember this song in the movie at all. I feel like it was a Paul Young song... Love of the Common People? But now I'm questioning that. lol

  4. Yeah Adulting is NEVER fun at all!! I hope this week is uneventful and relaxing for you. That quote at the bottom is brilliant! lol I do need to read Catherine Cowles and planning on that new Sarina Bowen this week.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Renee - Can't wait to see what you think of A Little Too Late! I loved Ava and Reed. :)

  5. I have a book I really need to DNF myself. I just can't get through it. Life is short and the TBR is long. Here's my SP:

    1. Bonnie - Life is short and the TBR is long... I feel like this should be posted on all of our blog headers! lol

  6. Aww that's cute. and I love animals but maybe I'm missing that gene too lol, because people are always showing me stuff on Pinterest or Facebook with cute animal stuff and I'm like *yawn* Oh look the kitty sat down with the doggie. Yeah yeah ha ha

    Now THAT is a deep cut (your song). Great pick!

  7. I think I got double the dose of that gene... Well, on the animal front at least! Babies are 100% hit or miss for me, lol.

    Your week definitely sounds like a week of adulting sadness... But fingers cross this coming week is a better week!

    I loved Love on The Brain. Ali Hazelwood has been a unequivocal hit for me from The Love Hypothesis, through her novella series to this one. I just want more!
    I hope you enjoy it when you get to it.

    1. Nicci - Maybe you got your dose *and* mine when it comes to the cute animal gene. lol I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed Love on the Brain so much. It makes me even more excited to start it!

  8. I enjoyed One Last Gift a bit more than you did, but I'll agree it's a bit slow. That's so cool that you won a copy of Love on the Brain. I hope you enjoy When In Rome.

    1. Wendy - When in Rome has been such a treat. Nonstop cuteness. :)

  9. So annoying about the garage door!

    Awww that sloth video was too precious!

    1. Jinjer - The garage door issue was annoying but I tried to remind myself that it was easily fixed and not so major in the scheme of things. I loved that sloth video. :)

  10. When in Rome is on my TBR, can't wait for that one! I'm currently listening to Love on the Brain and really enjoying it! I've got several things I need to get done around my house and my stepdad is not able to come help me much anymore, so I've got to find like a handy-man service I guess, worried about a garage door issue myself at some point. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - When in Rome isn't really my usual type of read (I don't usually go for anything so cute/sweet lol) but I am enjoying it so much. I hope you will, too, when you get to it! I hope you're able to find a reliable (and reasonably priced!) handyman.

  11. I've been listening to Americanah and have thought a couple times I should just DNF, but keep pushing on. This post just encouraged me. Why am I forcing it? Time to try something new. I guess when there's so much hype and everyone else in the world loves it, I feel like I'm missing something. But, I've apparently missed it, because it's just not for me.
    We're dealing with car issues so I get the feeling of adulting being such a bother. I want some magical fairy to just take care of all that stuff!
    Hope you have a terrific week and find time to curl up with one of those good books.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - Well, I hope you were inspired to DNF Americanah! Honestly, had One Last Gift not been a review book, I would have DNF'd it. But I felt compelled to stick with it since it was. Car issues are such a pain. I hope it's a fairly easy (and not too expensive!) fix.

  12. I tell all my students that adulting is a scam and it isn't as awesome as they think it will be! They never believe me until years later when they are trying to buy a car/house/etc and its so overwhelming. Good luck!!

    1. Samantha - How right you are! But it's always looks like a great gig when you're still a teenager.

  13. Your two current reads are amazing reads, so hopefully they make for all the adulting you had to do this week.

    1. Deanna - LOL Books always help make up for having to deal with real life. :)

  14. You are exactly right, adulting can be no fun. My money seems to be gone before I even get my hands on it anymore. I will be looking forward to your thoughts on A Little Too Close.

    1. Carole - I can relate! Part of our problem is the constant eating out. I need to do better at that.

  15. Yay for winning a copy of Love on the Brain! I just checked a copy of that one out of the library to read. I'm excited; it looks like fun. I got my flu shot this past week, too. And you're right, adulting is never any fun.

  16. Yeah it was a big week on the adulting front here as well. You seem to have handled it with skill. I've experienced the garage door issue. I hope you enjoy Love on the Brain; I did.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - The Husband is handy with most things but garage door springs are best left to professionals. So I didn't really mind paying for that one. I'm looking forward to Love on the Brain.

  17. Oh goodness, I haven't heard Life in a Northern Town in ages. I always loved that song. Adulting is definitely no fun. I have to adult this morning and head out to an early dentist appointment and I'm just like Noooooo. Ugh, sorry to hear that the Emily Stone book didn't work for you. I'm starting my Christmas ARCs this week and that one's on my list.

    1. Suzanne - I swear, I'd rather go for another mammogram than go to the dentist. I'm a bit behind because I wasn't comfortable going during the worst of Covid (not exactly like I can wear a mask while there lol). I need to make an appointment. I hope you'll enjoy Stone's book!

  18. Ugh, adulting! Why does it cost so much money? LOL. And you reminded me I need to schedule a mammogram, so thank you!

    1. Angela - Right? No matter what breaks, it's never a cheap fix. *sigh* Now go schedule that mammogram. :)

  19. Yay! I hope you enjoy the story!

    Adulting does suck. Especially when it's an unexpected repair/cost. I need to schedule my mammogram, too. Since moving I haven't registered with a new doc yet and I need to get on that.

    Sorry to hear about the Stone book. I hear you on not wanting to review it. It's a drag writing a review on a book you didn't love. I usually just write up something short and stick it on Goodreads so I have a link for Netgalley to get it off my shelf.

    1. Rachel - That's what I should have done. Done a super short write-up on Goodreads so I would have a link for Netgalley. Instead I chose the "I won't be reviewing" option. I'll have to remember that for next time.

  20. I missed the gene to ooh and aah over babies and animals (with the exception of my own). I have had women look at me like I was crazy because I didn't gush over babies or want to hold them. Glad I'm not the only one.

  21. I definitely have the gene. I am a complete animal lover. for I find people too distrusting.
    Have a great week.

    My Sunday Post:

  22. There's nothing worse than a garage door that doesn't work. I had a bolt in my tire recently that made me late to work and have to get a patch. I kept thinking about where I could have gotten a bolt like that from. When I got home, the garage door opened and then suddenly crashed down. It turns out the bolt was the only thing holding my door to the motor mechanism that opens it! It was quite the eventful day filled with a few choice words at the situation haha.

    1. Ethan - Oh wow, what a thing to have happen! Hope the door didn't crash down on your car! That sounds worthy of more than a few choice words. Ha!

  23. HAH, I love the Totally Random. So true. And I definitely ooh and aww over animals - not as much over human babies. ;)

    Lauren @

    1. Lauren - I'm definitely in the minority with my lack of animal love. LOL

  24. Adulting is so totally not fun indeed haha :) Love that quote at the bottom, it'll totally be what I'll be thinking next time!

    1. Lindsey - If only being an adult didn't come with all the adulting stuff. LOL

  25. That video oh my gosh, love it! And thank you so much for the reminder for a mammogram. I should have had mine a couple of months ago but life has been so consuming and I forgot. Thank you *hugs*.

    1. Jen - Glad that served as a reminder. Those mammograms are never fun but so important. Hope you got yours scheduled!
