The Sunday Post #305 | October 2, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W
This past past has revolved around Hurricane Ian: the preparation before, the during, and the after. We fared well, thankfully. A lot of rain and very strong winds, but no flooding in my area. We lost power briefly but not for long. We were very, very lucky. Of course, the same was not true for southwest Florida. Ian was one of the strongest hurricanes to ever make landfall in the U.S. So many cities in its path were totally devastated and the damage is unfathomable. The loss of lives, the loss of people's homes and their every belonging... it's heartbreaking.

I was home for much of the week as I worked from home on Wednesday (in order to be at home for last minute preparations) and my company was shut down for the storm on Thursday and Friday. It was a bit of a relief to get out of the house on Saturday to run a few errands. The temps have been much cooler and it was actually nice to be outside (something I rarely say). Today will only be 82 degrees (28 C), which is positively fall-like for Florida. 😊

My nephew turned 24 on Friday and it's a little mind-boggling that he is an adult, a college graduate, and working and living on his own. Um, how did that happen? 😲

I'll be getting ready today to return to the office tomorrow (doing laundry, packing up my laptop, etc), but I'll make time this afternoon for the Jacksonville Jaguars game. They were among the worst (if not the worst) team in the league last season and now... it's like a whole new team! The old coach was fired, and what a difference the new coach has made for the team. They're at the top of their division so far so I'll be cheering them on as they play Philadelphia today. Go Jags! :) 

This week's 80's music fix is Burning Flame (1984) by Vitamin Z. It was never much of a hit (it never even made the top 50 in the U.S. charts), but it became an instant favorite of mine. I still have the whole album on my phone and listen to it often.

O N   T H E   B L O G
Tuesday, September 27

Wednesday, September 28

W H A T   I   R E A D

Audio: A Little Too Late by Sarina Bowen - â˜…★★★
Review to come on Tuesday.

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

Kindle (eARC): One Last Gift by Emily Stone

I'm on the struggle bus with this one. 😣 I loved Stone's Always in December last year, but I am just not connecting with this one. I started it over a week ago and I only just reached the 50% mark. It's slow going, obviously. *sigh*

N E W   A D D I T I O N S

Give Me Love - Corinne Michaels



Coen - Sawyer Bennett
Reckless Refuge - Catherine Cowles

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. Glad your area was spared the worst of Ian. We had to cancel next week's trip to St. Augustine as I'm sure the flood damage would remain for a while.

    1. Thanks Harvee. I hope you're able to reschedule your trip to St Augustine.

  2. I was happy to hear Jax did ok with the hurricane. We were getting updates on our group chat until my co-worker lost power. At least it wasn't for long (I went 8 days when Sandy hit NJ. I love heat, hot water and electricity too much for that life). Vitamin Z is new to me. You like a lot of those English pop (nu-wave?) groups. I was into the "modern rock" (also out of the UK)

    1. Sam - Eight days without power is horrible. We were certainly lucky this time. And yep, I was always big into the British new wave music over the rock stuff. :)

  3. So glad you made it through Ian okay. I am a Bengals fan so I know exactly what you mean about theJags. Two years ago, we were 2-14. Last year we were in the Super Bowl. I knew the Jags would get better after they got rid of Meyer. He turned out to be a fraud, didn't he?

    1. Thanks Bonnie! Ugh, Meyer was such a huge mistake - and ended up being even worse that I anticipated. Good riddance to him.

  4. Glad to hear your safe after the hurricane.

  5. I am so happy that you were mostly spared by Ian, Tanya! It's heartbreaking what happened to other people! And yes kids grow too fast!

    1. Thanks Sophie. The footage from south Florida is devastating. :(

  6. I was really worried about you this week so I am glad you guys are safe and made it through good. Hurricanes is the ones thing that keeps me from living in Florida, but crazy about all the devastation. My heart just breaks for those in that part of Florida that was decimated. I hope you have a good week!

    1. Aw, thanks for that Renee! You are too kind. I feel awful for those who lost so much, too. :(

  7. Glad to hear you're not in the disaster left by Ian! And I just love your quote - gave me a chuckle this morning. :) Hope you have a great week and time to enjoy a good book.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  8. Glad the hurricane spared you! Your meme reminded me of that quote from 10 Things I hate about you where she asks if you can "just be whelmed"!!

    1. Samantha - Right?! That's exactly what I thought of, too! :)

  9. I'm glad things were not too bad where you are. We got rain and flooding but nothing compared to SW Florida of course. We didn't even get 4 days of rain in a row which was forecast. I was glad to have some breaks for Lulu to go out which weren't windy rain. I know what you mean about the slow books, but it isn't always their fault. Sometimes I am so tired I read only 2% or 4% but once I get into the story it goes better.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks so much, Anne. It sounds like we were both very fortunate with Ian.

  10. Love that whelmed quote! Totally made me laugh. :D

  11. I just saw pictures of Sanibel and... wow. Glad you guys came through it okay. And 82- that DOES sound downright mild for you guys. Enjoy!

    That 80's song is new t ome- I don't know that one! :)

    1. Thanks Greg. The footage from Sanibel is heartbreaking. The island was totally devastated.

  12. Happy to hear that you’re doing ok! The weather conditionals have been horrible.
    Enjoy your books! Your current read looks awesome.

  13. I'm glad to hear you were okay! The hurricane was on the news here and I genuinely worried about how you'd fare! The images have been insane. :(

    1. Thank you so much, Nicci! The footage is heartbreaking but I was so lucky in my area.

  14. I just finished One Last Gift, and I can agree it was a bit slow in the middle, but it gets better! I did think the author took too long to get us to the romance.

  15. You were in my thoughts when I heard about the hurricane being so deadly so I'm so happy to hear you weren't affected as much as the southwest! What a storm!

    Sorry to hear you're not loving One Last Gift. Hope it picks up for you.

  16. I'm so glad you made it through the hurricane okay!

  17. I'm glad a little loss of power was all that hit you with Ian. It looks so devastating on the news. :(

    1. Thanks Deanna - Yeah, our power loss was nothing compared to what happened in south Florida. :(

  18. I'm happy you didn't get hit too hard. The damage I've seen is devastating. Also laughing at your 82 degrees. Our high is 60 today.

  19. I'm so glad you made it through the storm! It looks like South Texas is going to not see any hurricanes this year, and I'm so thankful. The lead up to these storms and the simply not knowing what exactly will happen is so stressful.

    1. Thanks Ethan. I hope that trend continues for south Texas and there are no storms this season!

  20. I'm actually jealous of your weather, it's still in the 90's here in Texas! I love the "Why is no one ever the right amount of whelmed" and now I'm just adding that to my list of quotes I randomly... quote.
    Hope you have a great week!

    Ash @ Essentially Ash

    1. Ash - I guess I should be happy our temps are 80's instead of 90's! :)

  21. I am so glad to hear that you are okay after the hurricane. The photos and news out of Florida are heartbreaking. I also read A Little Too Late this week and enjoyed it. I hope that you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Carole. So glad you enjoyed A Little Too Late, too! :)

  22. I'm so glad you fared well in the midst of Hurricane Ian. Like you said, the loss of lives, homes, everything is just devastating. I wish there were better ways to prepare and deal with hurricanes.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Jenni. Thankfully with hurricanes there is plenty of time to prepare or evacuate, but even so, not much can withstand that kind of power of nature. :(

  23. Happy to hear you made it through the Hurricane Ian with little trouble. The pics of the devastation are quite overwhelming. I hope One Last Gift got better for you. It's next up for me!

    1. Thanks Dedra. It's so sad to see the damage in south Florida. :(

  24. Glad to hear you made it through Ian okay! It is devastating to hear what it did. Hope you'll have a good week!

  25. Glad y'all made out okay. My aunt and uncle had major flooding while my cousin who lives a bit south of them, didn't have any. They had a bit of damage to things outside, but fortunately none indoors.

    1. Thanks Alison. I'm so sorry to hear about all the flooding your aunt and uncle had. :(

  26. I'm glad you made it through Ian ok. Most of my friends did too and they were in Tampa/St Pete. Close call.

    82??!!! That's what it is here. We're 15 degrees above normal :-( I'm glad it's cooler for you though. That's excellent weather for October in FL.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  27. Glad to hear you were spared the brunt of Ian. We were glued to the TV watching the storm coverage because my sister-in-law lives in Tampa. They fared much better than I thought they would, which was a relief. I hadn't heard that Vitamin Z song before. For some reason, it reminds me of Tears for Fears. No clue why, lol.

    1. Thanks Suzanne - I'm so glad your sister-in-law did okay! Parts of Tamps were hit pretty hard. Sounds like they dodged a bullet.
