Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Books of Summer 2022


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
My Favorite Reads of Summer 2022
This week's topic is actually books I read on vacation, but I have no idea which books I read on past vacations and couldn't be bothered to try and figure it out. So I'm going rogue (yes, again) and sharing my favorite reads of this summer. Much easier to figure out since a quick Google search tells me that summer was June 21 thru September 22. Hello, Goodreads? What books did I read between those dates? Easy peasy. A couple of these books I have reviewed but most I have not. My review game has been weak this year. *shrugs* 

I've had just two five star reads this year and it was no surprise to me that one of them came courtesy of Taylor Jenkins Reid.

This forbidden, age gap romance was right up my alley. Skylar and Jude's journey was an emotional rollercoaster that I loved.

Kulti - Mariana Zapata  4.5 ★
It took me a while to warm to Reiner Kulti, but when I did I was all in. The super slow burn between he and Sal gave me all the feelings.

Sarina Bowen never disappoints and returning to her Brooklyn series was like reuniting with old friends. 

The delicious slow burn, the feelings kept under wraps, the things left unsaid... Zapata is the master of it all and I was there for it.

Gage - Sawyer Bennett  4.25 ★
Bennett's Pittsburgh Titans series took me completely by surprise with its emotional stories. Gage proved to be an unforgettable hero.

Knotted - Pam Godwin  4.5 ★
Knotted surprised me in the best of ways with (questionably) good characters doing some really bad things. It was dark and twisted and I loved it.

Catherine Cowles is a new favorite in 2022 and her Tattered & Torn series hooked me from the start. Shattered Sea delivered the perfect mix of romance and suspense.

Leave it to Rebecca Yarros to be one of the few authors who can bring me to tears (not choked up, but actual tears). I adored this story and didn't want it to end.

I very rarely delve into mystery/suspense/thrillers, but when I do it's usually because Lisa Jewell has a new release. The Family Remains was a stunning, page-turning follow up to The Family Upstairs. 

Have you read any of these books?


  1. It sounds like you had a great summer of reading!

    My post:

  2. I really need to hurry up and read Carrie Soto!

  3. Nice mix! I actually did have a vacation where I read a ton this year, but that's not typically the case. LOL

    Lauren @

    1. Thanks Lauren. :) A beach vacation seems perfect for reading.

  4. The last time I went on vacation was three years ago so I honestly wouldn't be able to remember that one haha These all seem like great books to read while on one though right?!!! I really got to get to that Catherine Cowles and soon.

    1. Renee - My fingers are crossed that you'll love Catherine Cowles!

  5. Wow that's a lot of highly rated reads! I just can't bring myself to read a Taylor Jenkins book. The plots don't totally grab me, but the hype really kills them for me. Maybe when I haven't heard the name for two months I'll try one haha.
    Here's my list for the week!

    1. Jennifer - I get it. I tend to shy away from hyped books, too. But for me, Reid is one that always deserves the hype. :)

  6. You read some wonderful books over the summer. I just loved Carrie Soto.

  7. Oh, two Mariana Zapata books! I haven't read either of them yet, but I'm definitely making my way through her backlist :)

    1. Lindsey - Same here. I want to read ALL the books by Zapata.

  8. This looks like an awesome list - I'm glad that you had such a great summer for books! Here's my own twist for this week's topic:

  9. Going rogue is always fun! There are several of your summer reads that have made it onto my TBR list. Thanks for the recommendations! :D

  10. I want to get back to reading Lisa Jewell.

    1. Greg - I've really been impressed with her latest releases.

  11. I read Kulti a few years ago (Zapata is just not for me), and you know I loved Carrie Soto. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who does not keep track of what books I read on vacation

    1. Sam - Yeah, not at all. And it seemed like a lot of trouble to try and figure it out. :)

  12. It looks like you enjoyed them all! You made good choices as to what to read on vacation. Here's my TTT:

  13. I read Carrie Soto and Love Lessons from your list. I liked Carrie Soto but loved Love Lessons.

  14. So excited the Mariana Zapata books are on your list! Loved both Kulti and Under Locke!

  15. Same! I've written comparatively few reviews this year, especially in the past few months. Moving and remodeling have sucked up my energy. I'm still reading constantly, but I'm waaayyyy behind on reviews, except on Goodreads. Oh well!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - Same here. A lot of reading but very little reviewing.

  16. Carrie Soto was my favorite reads of the summer too! :)

  17. I'm happy to see how much you enjoyed Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid!

  18. I've read 4 of these -- Yarros, Bowen, TJR, and Zapata. I read the first 3 this summer, too. They would be on my summer favorites list as well.

    1. Deanna - It was fun to see how many really great reads I'd had this summer.

  19. Looks like you had some great reads this summer. I read a few of these, and some other I’d love to read. Great list 😉

  20. Yay for enjoying Reason to Believe so much! Right?! That book made me have tears falling down my face. Now off to go read your review ♥!

    1. Thanks Jen! I can definitely see Reason to Believe being among my favorites of the year!

  21. Carrie Soto was also a big highlight of my summer Tanya!

    1. Sophie - Carrie Soto will likely top my list at the end of the year!

  22. Despite the fact that I've read almost all of these authors (if not all - I'd have to double check 2 of them), I have not read a single one of these books yet.

    1. Alison - It's always the same problem - too many book not enough time!
