The Sunday Post #307 | October 16, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W
It's kind of blowing my mind that it's already mid-October. How did we get here?

I woke up Wednesday with upper back pain and that pretty much ruled the rest of my week. Nothing like back pain to remind you that your back muscles are responsible for virtually every move you make. Motrin, Icy Hot patches, and heating pads were my BFF's for several days.

For you seasonal readers, BookBub shared this list of books about witches. And for the romance readers (raises hand), here are their picks for the best romance releases this fall. My current read is on the list (Before I Let Go).

This week's 80's music fix is... not actually from the 80's. But I love me some Earth, Wind & Fire and September (from 1978) is a song that never fails to put me in a good mood. I saw Earth, Wind & Fire in concert several years ago and they still put on an amazing show. Enjoy!

O N   T H E   B L O G
Tuesday, October 11

Thursday, October 13

W H A T   I   R E A D

Kindle (eARC): A Little Too Close by Rebecca Yarros  - â˜…★★★.25
Audio: When in Rome by Sarah Adams - â˜…★★★
Kindle (eARC): Fractured Sky by Catherine Cowles - â˜…★★★.5
Kindle: Rough & Tumble by Frankie Love - â˜…★.5

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

Kindle (eARC): Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan

N E W   A D D I T I O N S

Kindle: Crash Into You by J.H. Croix

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. I hear you on October. How is it mid month already??? And sorry to hear about the back pain. That's the worst/ Hopefully you are feeling better very soon!

    Thank you by the way for September- one of my favorite songs. Dancing to it now lololo

    1. Oh this is Greg BTW- not sure why it came up ananymous.

    2. Hey Greg - It's almost impossible not to dance to anything by Earth, Wind & Fire. :)

  2. Sorry to hear about your back. Hope it is completely back to normal this week.

  3. Yes, great song, but you know we have to roll that one out in September 😉 Sorry you were in pain.I hope it is easing. It is the worst! I thought When in Rome was cute. I would love all the sisters to get their own books

    1. Sam - Yeah, yeah, I should've shared September a few weeks ago. I'll pretend that it was on purpose and that I'm just a rebel (instead of forgetful LOL).

  4. I know! I can't believe it's already mid October! Sorry to hear about your back pain! Hope it gets better.

    1. Thanks Rachel! It seemed to be getting better over the weekend but sitting at my desk all day yesterday didn't help. Ugh. Ill have to get and move more today.

  5. Its crazy how much time has flown by this month right? I am sorry that you got back pain. Its awful about growing older, is how you never know if you will wake up in back pain or not haha I I am so glad that you loved the Yarros novel. I will try to get to that one this week. I do want to read Catherine Cowles, we need more suspense in the genre and I love that that series is taking the community by storm.

    Hope you have a great reading week!

    1. Renee - I used to have a boss who would say "Gettin' old ain't for sissies." lol And the older I get the more I realize he was right. :) I hope you'll love Catherine Cowles when you get to her. I just love her stories!

  6. I hope your back gets better soon. It's crazy how much it can affect things. I want to read When In Rome. Maybe one day.

    I can't believe it's October already. So crazy!

    Have a good week.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - I hope you'll enjoy When in Rome when you get to it! Such a cute story. :)

  7. I hope you'll feel pain free very soon Tanya! And thanks for sharing Bookbub lists!

    1. Thanks Sophie. Hopefully this week I can kick the back pain to the curb. :)

  8. Ouch! I hope your back is feeling better. I know how awful back pain feels! When in Rome looks cute. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you! Back pain certainly gets your attention, doesn't it?

  9. So sorry to hear about your back pain, I hope you're feeling better. I love the song September! It always lifts my mood. Fractured Sky has been on my list and now I'm eager to check it out! Lovely blog!

    1. Thanks Angela. Fun to hear that September (the song) is a mood lifter for you, too! I hope you'll love Fractured Sky when you get to it!

  10. I could have never survived this age before the invention of things like thermacare heat wraps. Getting older is ROUGH.
    I had a professor who used to play September every September 21st. It was kind of funny!

    1. Angela - Yes! Those heat wraps are the best. Too funny about the professor playing that song. S/he sounds like a good one. :)

  11. I hope your back feels much better soon. I also love Earth Wind and Fire, and I love that song. I graduated High School in 1978 Thanks for sharing.

    1. They had the best name too- Earth Wind and Fire. Love it :)

    2. Thanks Wendy. Earth, Wind and Fire had so many good songs. I love that music.

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your back pain as well! Hoping it improves over the next week!
    I've heard really good things about When in Rome - happy you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy Before I Let Go! It's on my TBR!

    1. Thanks Sara. Hopefully this week will have less back pain. I'm loving Before I Let Go. Kennedy Ryan is such an amazing storyteller.

  13. Back pain is the worst! I hope you're feeling better and hurting less. And your random Fallsummoween totally made me laugh. :D

    1. Thanks Lark! Yeah, that meme is so true. I'm so ready for Fall... but it was over 80 degrees here in FL yesterday. lol

  14. I am really so sorry about your back. I've had my own problems there and have done my twice daily PT for 18 months now. I love Earth, Wind & Fire.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne. I think I need to start some gentle stretches to try and avoid further back issues (if possible). Earth, Wind and Fire... such great music!

  15. Back pain is the WORST! I hope you've moved past it or are close to that. At least you had some great reads to keep you company.

    1. Deanna - Yes! Back pain is the worst! It seemed to be improving over the weekend but yesterday at the office... ugh. Sitting at my desk all day felt like a setback. I was hurting. Lesson learned. I'll be getting up a lot more today!

  16. I can't believe we're already in the middle of October! I wish time would slow down a little. Thanks for that link to books about witches!

  17. I totally feel you with back pain. I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder blade and now my back hurts and the pain is radiating up to my neck and down to my fingers. I hope your pain goes away soon and that you have a better week!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Jenni - That sounds so miserable! I hope you get some relief this week.

  18. Oh no! I hope your back is getting better. Looks like you got a lot of reading done anyway. Have a great week. Here's my SP:

  19. Ugh, I have totally reached that age where you wake up with mystery ailments. Hope you're feeling better this week!

    1. Angela - Yes! lol It's like, how can I wake up with body aches... I was just sleeping! LOL But yeah, it happens. :)

  20. The cover of Rough & Tumble is super cute. I got excited until I saw your star rating. Bummer!

    1. Alison - Oh my goodness, that one was such a dud. The cover sure was misleading. lol

  21. Yikes. I’m so sorry to read about your back pain. I hope it gets better this week. Have a great week Tanya.

    1. Thanks Maureen! My fingers are crossed for it to lessen this week.

  22. Yeah, this year seems to be speeding by. Sorry to hear about your back. Back pain is the worst! I hope that you are feeling better. I have a copy of Before I Let Go that I hope to start soon so I will be eager to see what you think of it. Have a great week!

    1. Carole - it truly is! I don't know where the time goes. I hope we'll both love Before I Let Go. Ryan is a real favorite of mine so I have high hopes.

  23. Sorry about the back pain. As the temps drop, my RA acts up. You've got a great lineup of new reads. When in Rome looks cute.

    1. Thanks Kimberly. It's a shame that the cold brings harder times (physically) for you.

  24. We finally had a real cool front blow in last night. I get to wake up to temps in the 40s! With the cold weather comes the usual bout of seasonal allergies, aches, and pains. I've got early stages of arthritis in my knee that really hurts me in the colder weather. So sorry you've had to deal with the back pain!

    1. Ethan - Sorry to hear about the arthritis. As much as I love cold weather, I might think differently if it meant pain!

  25. Oh yikes. Back pain is awful!!! Hope your kinks are working themselves out. I have to lay flat on my back on the floor to stretch mine out sometimes.

    1. Thanks Jinjer. It's improving, just slowly. Of course, I find that with everything as I get older. :) I really need to start doing some daily stretches.
