The Sunday Post #308 | October 23, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W

Six months ago (or more) we bough a new light fixture for the hall/foyer. And the box has been sitting in the garage ever since. The ceiling in the hall is so high that I didn't want The Husband on a ladder that high. We finally hired the same contractor that has done several other jobs for us and he installed it on Tuesday. It looks great - and, no, I have no idea why it took us half a year to take care of it. 😐

It (briefly) turned cooler here! Wednesday it stayed in the 60's all day and it dropped into the 40's (barely) a few nights in a row. It was short-lived - it's back to almost 80 today - but I enjoyed it while it lasted. 

How about a feel-good story? The video is sweet but it's worth reading the full story. It shares such a powerful message.

This week's 80's music fix is from a man with a voice like velvet. Smokey Robinson's heyday may have been back in the 60's, but he was still getting it done in the 80's. Here's One Heartbeat (1987).

O N   T H E   B L O G
Wednesday, October 19

Thursday, October 20

W H A T   I   R E A D

Kindle (eARC): Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan - ★★★★.5
Audio: A Little Too Wild by Devney Perry - ★★★★

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

Nothing at the moment. I *just* finished both Before I Let Go 
and A Little Too Wild and haven't picked my next read yet.

N E W   A D D I T I O N S

Physical copy: It Starts With Us - Colleen Hoover

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. The light fixture looks great Tanya! And we still have to paint a hall and yet we've been in the house for many years now LOL Also, how is your mom feeling?

    1. Thanks Sophie! It's crazy how easy it is to procrastinate those home projects. My mom is doing much better! Thanks so much for asking. :)

  2. The lights in your hallway look gorg! And that Disney video <3 Omg makes me miss my granny so much. That's such a sweet thing to do!

    I used to take her everywhere ^^

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Esther! What great memories you must have of your grandmother. :)

  3. The light looks great. Hey, all good things come to those who wait, right? I saw that reel of the vet. My heart! I live for stuff like that. Guess what? It's going to be like 70 here when the rain arrives, and yesterday it 37 in the morning. Yo-yo weather!

    1. Thanks Sam. I'm so happy to finally have it done. lol So jealous of your cooler temps!

  4. I totally understand how it is with home improvement projects. We started painting a little over a year ago and have just a litte bit left to do and just haven't done it. I love your totally random this week! Have a great week!

    1. Carole - It's so easy to procrastinate on those home projects, right?!

  5. The light looks great - sometimes these things take time!!

    Have a great week next week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  6. The light looks great! I don't know why but I always end up putting off small tasks like that. I think they're just easy to push to the back burner. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks, BookBabe. It's so easy to procrastinate, isn't it! But I'm happy to finally have the light installed. :)

  7. The light looks great! We got colder here this week, but today its suppose to be 78. I'm over it.

    1. Samantha - I'm with you - enough with the 70's and 80's. I want some real fall weather!

  8. I love the light fixture, great choice!
    Lol I hear you on those plastic produce bags, I really need to buy a net bag.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - Thanks! And those plastic bags are the worst. They drive my husband crazy. lol

  9. I love how the new light fixture looks and I don't know why sometimes it takes us 6 months to take care of something simple, like calling a contractor to come do something. The ceiling fan / light fixture over my Mom's bed hasn't worked in at least that long but have I called a guy to come fix / replace it? No. Sigh... Luckily she hates an overhead light and hates a ceiling fan so she hasn't wanted it to be fixed.

    1. Jinjer - Right? It's like, stuff can be taken care of with a few phone calls usually, but no... we let it slide for months. Crazy.

  10. Your new light fixture looks really nice! :D I totally get not getting things done for half a year, lol. I think it's just human nature.

    My Post

    1. Thanks Jenni! I think you're right... procrastination seems to be a default. lol

  11. I love that light fixture! Why is it that we take months to get things done sometimes? I'm guilty of that too occasionally ha ha.

    Great music pic this week Tanya!

    1. Thanks Greg! I swear I can understand putting off the big jobs, but installing a light fixture? *shaking my head at myself* lol

  12. I watched that video of the guy going to Disney and it warmed my heart.
    I'm glad you finally got your fixture taken care of. That stuff happens all the time around my house.
    Was the Perry book good?

    1. Deanna - That video really got me. I hope that old man has some good people in his life to look after him.

      I enjoyed the Perry book. I'd say it was tied with the first book (Bowen's). The Yarros entry ended up being my favorite. :)

  13. I showed my sister that quote about the plastic bags in the grocery store and she totally laughed; she can never get those open either. And I love your new light fixture!

    1. Thanks Lark! I got such a laugh from the meme about the plastic bags. Haha!

  14. That hall light is gorgeous!! We have a few similar projects in the garage, waiting for someone to get around to it. Smokey Robinson is so good. I haven't heard that song ins a long time!

    1. Thanks Wendy! Sometimes finding the time (and inclination) for those small projects seems impossible.

  15. Your foyer is gorgeous! It looks perfect with your new light!

  16. The light looks gorgeous! My husband would be able to do it himself since he is an electrician, but it still would take us weeks I think. LOL!! Some things just always take a lot of time to do because they aren’t fun to do I guess! But the result is great! 😉 Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Maureen! I was going to say that I bet stuff like that gets done fast at your house since your husband is an electrician, but maybe not. Haha!

  17. I need to install a light fixture and get an outdoor outlet working. The neighborhood guy who is highly recommended has no openings until January. Sigh. Yay for some cooler weather.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - Wow, that guy is in high demand. Good for him, but bad for you. It's in the 80's all week so maybe next week will bring me some cooler weather.

  18. Love the new fixture! LOL, we routinely have projects that sit around for months at a time before we finally get to them.

  19. There's something about those little house projects that I always find a way to procrastinate on. It is funny how we can put things off like that for so long only to really appreciate them once they are finished. We had similar weather this week, but we are back to the heat again. It did inspire me to sweep the chimney. I'm hopeful this will bring cooler weather and a chance to use the fireplace!

    1. Ethan - Yes! It's so easy to just put the little things off. Only to be so happy when they're done. Makes no sense. Go you for cleaning the chimney! Maybe that will make the cooler weather feel welcome? :)

  20. Love the lights! And I'm the same with most projects - they just take way longer than they should! LOL Oh well, it's done now and it looks amazing.

    Lauren @

    1. Thanks Lauren! Maybe next time I'll get it done before half a year passes. lol

  21. The light fixture looks beautiful and yay for some cooler, fall weather! I really should read that Hoover series. Everyone seems to love it. That random is sooo true, lol!

    1. Thanks Rachel. :) I still haven't started the new CoHo book. I'm enjoying the anticipation too much.

  22. The lights look fantastic and your foyer is so pretty! And don't feel too bad. Hubby and I bought two outdoor light fixtures pre-Covid and just installed them last weekend, lol.

    1. Thanks Suzanne! And knowing you had some lighting hanging around for two years makes me feel better. LOL

  23. The lights in your foyer look great! I saw that video online a few days ago and it made me tear up. And that meme at the end of your post is suuuper relatable haha :)

    1. Thanks Lindsey. That video really made my day. So touching!

  24. LOL about the fixture. We bought one we've been looking at because it was the last one but it's been sitting in our garage for the same reason. It will go in our stairway, which has a very high ceiling and my husband had just sprained his ankle so no stairs/climbing/balancing.

    Take the cooler weather when you can get it in FL lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Karen - Ha! I don't feel so bad know we're not the only ones. :) I'd be nervous with stairway lighting. Hello, Mr. Handyman!

  25. Oh my gosh. I just cracked up at that meme. I had to share it with my daughter. I always make her open them for me. She says she needs to start classes showing people how to open them. LOL!
    Love the new lights!!

    1. Alison - Yes! Your daughter needs to give lessons on those stupid produce bags! LOL
