The Sunday Post #309 | October 30, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W

Last Sunday took a turn when my younger sister had to be hospitalized for pneumonia. She was able to go home on Tuesday but it was pretty scary as she was having trouble breathing. :(  She's doing better now but still taking it easy and recuperating.

The weather has been all over the place here. Mid-week it was back up to 85 degrees (ugh) but yesterday it hovered just below 70 all day. Today? Back up to 80. Crazy.

Yesterday ended up being filled with errands. I had to actually go into a library branch to renew my library card. Not sure why that couldn't be done online since nothing had changed but whatever. It worked out well since The Husband was able to take advantage of early voting as the library is a voting site. (I've already voted by mail.) Then to Costco for gas, to the grocery store for a few items... and on it went. I'd love to get all these done during the week so I could relax on the weekend, but that pesky job gets in the way.

This week's 80's music fix is Wild Wild West (1988) from Escape Club. Fun fact: my younger sister met the band at the mall when they were in town for a show (in 1988). Her brush with fame. LOL

O N   T H E   B L O G
Wednesday, October 26

Thursday, October 27

W H A T   I   R E A D

Kindle: Kissing the Cowboy by Kennedy Fox - â˜…★★★
Audio: Faking It With #41 by Piper Rayne - â˜…★★★

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

Kindle: My Brother's Forbidden Friend - Piper Rayne

N E W   A D D I T I O N S
Not a thing.

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. Oh no! I hope your sister is feeling better soon! How scary.

    That's a fun fact. Reminds me of high school when Rick Springfield came and played a concert at our school. Yes, honestly!

    1. Thanks Greg. She's doing better. How cool that Rick Springfield came to your school. He was huge back in the day.

  2. Glad you sister is recuperating - and fall in the NW is also pretty changeable. Usually it's much rainier than it has been this year so I'm actually enjoying the weather. Hope you have a terrific week and have time to enjoy a good book.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Thanks Terrie. I'd love to experience fall in the NW. Hope you have a great week, too!

  3. I hope your sister is doing well. *good vibes* Don't even get me started about the library card. My aunt, who was in treatment for cancer and enjoyed her digital loans, was made to go physically to the library in 2020. I was so mad! The worst part about the library card renewal is that I never know until it's time to take my hold out from the eLibrary and then I lose my place.

    1. Thanks Sam. Yes! I ran into the same thing. I only realized I had to renew my card when I couldn't place a hold. Then I had to wait until the weekend to go in and renew. And when I placed my hold last night... I'm now #64. Gah!

  4. OMG that must have been scary for your sister! I hope she'll be back to 100% soon Tanya! Also our weather is crazy right now as it will be November and we should have freezing temperature but instead have something akin to end of spring/begin of summer temperatures!

    1. Thanks Sophie. It was very scary. Her husband had to call for an ambulance because her breathing was so labored. My 14 year old niece called me in hysterics thinking her mom was dying. Very stressful night! Much better now, thankfully.

  5. I'm glad your sister is feeling better. I remember that Wild, Wild West song! I loved the 80s! Here's my SP:

    1. Thanks so much, Bonnie. She's starting to feel better. The 80's were definitely my era. I miss that decade! :)

  6. Hope your sister is getting better.

    Our library cards have to be renewed every two years. No idea why. It caused some problems over lockdown! I was speaking online to someone in another country trying to sort it out. They were very good and it was resolved until a few months after lockdown and it wanted renewing again!

    Have a good week ahead.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Thanks Emily. I appreciate that. I think our library cards are good for three years in my city. With only two years, I can definitely see how that would cause issues during the lockdown!

  7. Yeah I don't understand library renewals and why you have to go in for it, they really should set up a online verification system right? I mean I love my library, its a beautiful mansion building, but its not close to where I live. I love seeing Piper Rayne on your list though, which book should I begin first with her?

    1. Renee - Right? I never go into the library for anything. All my activity is digital. So having to go in just for a card renewal is a pain. I have two recs for starting with Piper Rayne. If you're in the mood for small town romance (low angst, low drama) I'd say start with the Greene Family series. If you're in the mood for hockey romance, start with the Hockey Hotties series. Both series are great! :)

  8. I'm glad your sister is doing better-- that must have been very scary! My library card expired but my library just extended everyone's cards so people don't have to get it renewed in person. Which is nice

    1. Thanks so much, Victoria. And it sounds like your library does it right and makes it easy!

  9. I'm glad your sister is okay! I hate running errands on the weekends as well. Its just so time consuming then when work rolls around on Monday I feel like I never got a break!

    1. Thanks Samantha. Yep, sometimes the weekend is so filled with errands and housework that I feel like I don't get a break.

  10. I hope you sister feels better soon, that is so scary. I enjoyed the music today!

  11. Hope your sister gets to feeling better! I came down with a bit of a cough and sore throat this weekend and it's not Covid, so hoping it isn't something like pneumonia. Love that song, a funny note is that I worked at Showbiz Pizza/Chuck E. Cheese when I was in high school and they had the characters on stage sing that song, lol. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - I sure you start feeling better instead of worse! OMG, I worked at Showbiz Pizza my senior year of high school and just after. Too funny! That was in the mid-80's though, and before this song came out. Our characters never sang current songs anyway. All oldies. LOL

  12. Pneumonia can be terrifying. I'm glad your sister is doing better and was able to come home.

    I had to renew my library card this week, too, but I knew I had to go in, because as a non-resident, I had to pay the yearly fee. It's very reasonable, and the library system covers 3 counties plus the nearest small city, so it's a lot better and bigger than my little county's one library... which makes paying the fee for the bigger library totally worth it.

    1. Lark - Thanks. She's doing much better but it was definitely scary.

      Sounds like paying the library fee is well worth it for you!

  13. Best wishes for your sister. Every library seems to be different. My brother has to go in person to renew his in Tampa also. I never have to do that in MN or NC. I try to pack all my errands in one day because I prefer to be at home.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne. My sister is doing much better. That's great that you don't have to go in person to renew your library card. It just makes sense in this day. I'm with you, I try to stack all my errands so I came be at home as much as possible. :)

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your younger sister! I'm glad she's doing better and I hope she makes a full recovery soon!

    My Post

    1. Thanks Jenni! She's doing much better now but she sure gave us a scare!

  15. I’m glad your sister is feeling better!

  16. I am sorry to hear that your sister was ill and in the hospital. I hope she is feeling better. I hate running errands but it has to be done. Wild Wild West was such a fun song!

    1. Thanks Carole. So true about the errands. I always joke with my boss that I need a wife to handle all the errands while I work all day.

  17. I hope your sister makes a full recovery!
    Thank you for the reminder, I need to update my library card.

    1. Thanks Alicia! She's doing much better this week, thank goodness.

  18. I used to love that Wild Wild West song as a kid! I can remember roller skating to it with my friends. Ah, the memories!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she's on the mend now. My library card doesn't have to be renewed as long as I keep using it. I think it's only if I went a long period of time that I would have to renew it.

    1. Deanna - That's awesome that your card doesn't even have to be renewed. Makes sense as long as it's being used!

  19. Oh, I hope your sister continues her recovery! That is scary.

  20. That's so scary about your sister. I'm glad she's home and hopefully feeling better!

    Lauren @

  21. Your poor sister! I'm happy she's on the mend. Pneumonia can really knock you out. My manager came down with it and she also had to be hospitalized. She's been really sick since and won't be back to work until the end of November! I hate running errands! It just consumes so much time. I'm not sure why they make you renew your library card in person either. I've had to do that in the past as well. :/

  22. I'm so glad to hear your sister is on the mend! This weekend kicked off the first of five weddings I have to attend over the next several months. I have another on Saturday. I'm happy for the family that is getting married, but all this celebrating has me exhausted haha.

  23. Glad to hear your sister is doing better, definitely sounds like it was quite the scare!
    Errands can be so frustrating, I totally get wanting to do them during the week but then the job is in the way haha. Hope you're having a great week!

  24. Glad your sister is mending. There were some patients in the ER with pneumonia here when I was with my mom at the hospital. It seems to be on the rise at the moment along with a ton of other things going around.

  25. I'm so glad your sister is getting better! That must've been scary.

    Interesting that you have to get your library cards renewed. I'd be in quite a pickle if my Los Angeles library card had to be renewed in person since I'm here in Arkansas. I have an Arkansas library card too and the local branch doesn't require you to live here in order to get a card!
