Series: Wait For You #1
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 3, 2013 by William Morrow
Format: Trade Paperback
Source: Purchased
Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon

Some things are worth waiting for.
Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago--an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe--please God--make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn't need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she's building for herself.
Some things are worth experiencing.
Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that's just so... so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.
Some things should never be kept quiet.
But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she's has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?
And some things are worth fighting for.
My Thoughts
Avery is 19 and has moved across the country for college to escape not only her parents but her past. She's determined to start over where no one knows her. She quickly makes new friends, Brit and Jacob, and on the first day of classes runs right into Cameron.
Cam and Avery are paired together in class and develop a friendship that Avery comes to depend on. Cam asks her often almost daily but she always turns him down, not willing to open herself to a relationship. But Cam isn't so easily dissuaded and he continues to pursue Avery, while maintaining their friendship. Avery is terrified that Cam will learn about her past and she can't afford to lose him, too. Everyone else has judged her, abandoned her, but she can't afford to lose Cam. So Avery continues to keep her secrets and hide her past. But Cam has secrets, too, and just maybe he can help Avery look forward to the future.
I just didn’t know how much of this I was capable of. How far this— whatever it was— would actually go before old fears overshadowed the warmth.
I *loved* watching the relationship between Avery and Cam develop. There was no insta-love here. They had such a strong friendship and I had a smile on my face every scene they were together. Their banter was priceless. Cam was cocky and and funny and so full of himself and Avery had no problem taking him down a peg or two. Cam proved himself again and again to be such a stand-up kind of guy. Even when their relationship hit a snag, he was always there for Avery. Time and time again he showed his kindness and compassion. And come on, who can resist a guy who bakes cookies and comes over every Sunday morning to cook you breakfast?
“I don’t want to go out on a date with you.”
Cam didn’t look surprised by my response or daunted. “I figured you’d say that.”
“Then why did you ask?” …
“Because I wanted to.”
“Oh. Well. Okay. Glad you got it out of your system.”
His brows knitted. “I haven’t gotten it out of my system.”
Oh no. “You haven’t?”
“Nope” He flashed a charming grin. “There’s always tomorrow.”
Avery was a protagonist that was so likable. Even when I was frustrated with some of her actions and decisions, I understand her motivations. This was a young woman who had endured a lot and was so in need of a support system and people who genuinely cared. I loved seeing her slowly open up around Cam and her friends and take a chance that they were people she could trust.
There was just something about Cam that sort of made me forget everything except what was happening that very moment.
Avery and Cam were so wonderfully adorable together. Their banter was fantastic and I had several laugh out moments. Avery's reserve mixed with Cam's outgoing and cocky nature was such a perfect blend. Add in a fun cast of secondary characters (including Raphael the turtle!), an emotional story line, plenty of steamy romance, and Wait For You was one not to be missed.
I'm excited to continue with the series and can only hope that Avery and Cam will make appearances in future books. This is New Adult done right.
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