Top Ten Tuesday: All-Time Favorite Indie/Self-Published Books


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
All-Time Favorite Indie/Self-Published Books
I was DMing with Deanna (A Novel Glimpse) yesterday about this week's topic. I was like, what am I supposed to do with a indie/self-pubbed topic when 95% of what I read is indie/self-pubbed? LOL It's not exactly like the topic narrowed anything down for me. :) So in an effort to try to cull just ten books from all the indie/self-published books that I read, I decided to pick ten of my all-time favorites (still no easy task).

All-Time Favorite Indie/Self-Published Books

Note: Over the years, a few of these titles have been picked up by traditional publishers. For example, Krista & Becca Ritchie's Addicted/Calloway series has since been published by Penguin. However, at the time I read each of these, all were either self-published or independently published.

Kulti - Mariana Zapata
Reason to Believe - Rebecca Yarros
Archer's Voice - Mia Sheridan
Cake - J. Bengtsson
Him - Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy
Everything Under the Sun - Jessica Redmerski
Tied - Carian Cole
Still - Kennedy Ryan
Some Kind of Perfect - Krista & Becca Ritchie

Have you read any of these books?


  1. I still need to try so many of these authors!

    1. Angela - Always so many books and so many authors, and never enough time.

  2. haha there you go. I read about 50/50 of indie vs trad published. Although for contemporary I mostly read indie published books. I loved Archer Voice, Tied, and Cake.

    1. Renee - I was so happy when you read Archer's Voice and loved it. :) I adored Tied. And the whole Cake series just owns me. :)

  3. I love what you came up with for this topic! You picked some of my favorite books here. There are also 3 I haven't read that I am going to add to my TBR. I downloaded Scott's and Cole's books and requested that my library by Redmerski's. I haven't read that one of hers.

    1. Thanks Deanna. I figured you would have read a lot of these. :) The one from Emma Scott is the second in a trilogy but I think it would be okay as a standalone. Tied by Cole is also the second in a series but can definitely be a stand alone.

  4. I remember reading Archer's voice a few years back and I loved it too! Nice list.

    1. Thanks Wendy. Archer's Voice made such an impression on me and has stayed with me for years.

  5. Favorites are always a good choice. I wish I read more indie stuff.

    1. Greg - For whatever reason, I find myself more drawn to the stories coming from indie/self-pubbed authors. I still makes exception for some traditionally published favorites, though - like Taylor Jenkins Reid and Lisa Jewell. :)

  6. I have only read two of these books, but I read most of the authors. Look at me! I read more indie/self pub when I was reading a lot of romance. I had KU, free reader group downloads. It was all good. I have had Archer's Voice FOREVER. I am trash for not reading it.

    1. Sam - Color me shocked that you have not read Archer's Voice! I often shy from super-hyped books but I can say that (IMO) it deserves all the hype.

  7. I've not read any of these, but glad you enjoyed them.
    My TTT:

  8. While I've never read any of these, I have heard of a few of the authors.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  9. Ha ha. Sounds like today's topic was difficult for you, too, but for a whole different reason! It does seem like there are a TON of indie romance books out there. I'm glad you've found so many to enjoy.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Thanks Susan. I am definitely more drawn to indie/self-pubbed authors. I like the freedom they have to offer up stories that don't fit the traditional publisher molds.

  10. Lol! Kulti and Archer's Voice are favorites of mine, too! I'll have to look into the others!

    1. Rachel - Both Kulti and Archer's Voice slayed me. Kulti might be my favorite from Zapata but it's hard to chose!

  11. I feel like I should be ashamed of the fact that I have only read one of these. Him is of course awesome. Cake has been on my tbr for way to long. I need to get to it sometime soon.

    1. Carole - Him is one of the very few books I have reread multiple times. I never get tired of Wesmie. :)

  12. What a tough task for you, having to pair down to ten! I haven't read any of these books yet.

    1. Thanks Lucy! It was fun to go through and pick out some favorites. :)

  13. I didn't think about the reverse situation--that someone reads so much indie/self-published it's hard to choose. Makes perfect sense, though. I think you did great with your choices! Kulti is still one of my favorites of Zapata's. And I think almost all of these other authors are on my tbr!

    1. Dedra - As someone who reads indie/self-pubbed authors almost exclusively, it really left the topic wide open for me. :) I have a hard time picking a favorite by Zapata, but Kulti is right up there at the top!

  14. I loved Archer, When you Come Bak to Me and Kulti too!

  15. Gah you have reminded me that I STILL need to read Everything Under the Sun! I have read her books in the past and enjoyed them, and I bought this one when I read how much you loved it but time has not been on my side! I have also enjoyed Krista & Becca Ritchie, too!

    1. Hey Shannon! I think you would enjoy Everything Under the Sun. It's dystopian, even though it may be a bit more romance-heavy that you might prefer. Not sure if you already own it, but Jessica recently updated it with a new ending. The original version was wide open for the sequel but since that never happened, she provided a more complete ending. If purchased now, I'm sure it would have the new ending. :)
