Top Ten Tuesday: Auto-Buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Auto-Buy Authors

At first glance, I thought this week's topic would be a breeze. But when I actually started considering my auto-buy authors I had fewer than I thought. There are plenty of authors that I love and consider my favorites and I read *almost* everything they write. But there are often exceptions. Like, I adore Brigid Kemmerer's contemporary novels but I would not automatically buy her fantasy books (I'm not a fantasy reader). Amy Harmon has written a couple books that I consider all-time favorites, but again, I don't have any interest in her fantasy series. For me, an auto-buy author is one who I truly purchase all their books (often pre-ordering) and sometimes don't even read the synopsis because I am so familiar with their style and know that I want to experience more of it. And they tend to consistently 'stay in their lane' with a particular genre. So it took a little more thought and weeding out than I expected, but these are my top auto-buy authors.

Who is your top auto-buy author? 


  1. This is a tough one. I don't have that many authors that I would buy EVERYTHING from, but I'm getting more as I read more, I suppose. :)


    1. There are plenty more authors that I like a lot... but wouldn't necessarily buy everything from. It's these rare few that fall into that category.

  2. I didn’t get my TTT post finished because I’m lazy, but I feel the same way about auto-buy authors. I don’t have any that are truly auto-buy because most of my favorites have written things that don’t interest me at all.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. LOL I love that laziness is your reason, Aj. I so relate. :)

  3. Sarina Bowen is quickly becoming a fave of mine!

    1. Yay! I just love how she writes her characters. I always fall for them. And she is so good at dialogue and good banter.

  4. Replies
    1. I don't care what the three of them write... I'm reading it! :)

  5. Great list! I've seen Taylor Jenkins Reid on so many lists this week that I NEED to give her a try soon - I'm desperate to read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.

    1. Yes, yes, yes! You definitely need to read Evelyn Hugo! I hope you get to it soon. It is ah-mazing.

  6. I agree about the "auto-buy" part. Like I looove a lot of authors and their books but I wouldn't exactly label them as that because of several reasons.

    Emma Scott almost made it to my list but I have yet to read her earlier books because I heard about their strong impact emotionally.

    - Chai @ Like Chai Tea

    1. Everything I've read from Emma Scott has broken me down and made me ugly cry. She puts her characters through the most impossible situations and it always breaks my heart. But I keep coming back for more! :)

  7. Omg, this is such a great list! TJR is also on my auto buy list too! I've only read one Kristin Hannah book, The Nightingale, and it's one of my all time favorites... I can't wait to read more of her stuff :)

    My TTT post

    1. The Nightingale was phenomenal! If you loved that one you would probably also like Kristin Hannah's The Winter Garden.

  8. I totally forgot to check out the prompt for this week, whoops lol!!! I haven't read a lot of these authors so I definitely need to check them out. Great list!!!

    1. I feel like I do that more often than not, Jessica. LOL

  9. I'm impressed you were able to come up with ten authors for this week's list!

    My TTT.

    1. I was too, Lydia! LOL I stretched for these because I really don't have any other auto-buy authors beyond what's here.

  10. Taylor Jenkins-Reid really impressed me with Maybe In Another Life, and I definitely want to try more of her books based on the strength of that one.

  11. I've enjoyed a lot of Sarina Bowen's books. I don't think I have an auto-buy author anymore but I do keep up with most of Annabeth Albert's books.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I've only read two by Annabeth Albert so far but I definitely want to read more. Especially the Out of Uniform series.

  12. Well Tanya Brigid Kemmerer and Amy Harmon are my auto buy as I read fantasy too! A recent one has been Ruta Sepetys. I also love Kate Stewart and Jewel E Ann!

    1. I need to check out Jewel E Ann. I know I've seen her mentioned on your blog before.

  13. So many. Right now I'd say Darynda Jones, Ilona Andrews, Sarah Beth Durst, Jennifer Estep... and so many more not entering my summer brain right now. LOL

    1. I know Ilona Andrews is so popular but I tried listening to one of hers on audio and disliked the narrator so much that she just turned me off the whole series. LOL I do want to try Jennifer Estep at some point, though.

  14. Same with Kemmerer. I am a contemporary reader, and all her contemporaries have been amazing, but me and fantasy - hit or miss. CoHo, Katie McG, Kennedy Ryan, Sarina Bowen are all sure bets for me. Emma Scott to, though she makes me cry a lot.

    1. Emma Scott always, always makes me sob... but apparently I'm a glutton for punishment because I love it and keep coming back for more. :)

  15. I do enjoy Sarina Bowen and CoHo sometimes. My auto-buys are Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Gardner, Tami Hoag, Lisa Kleypas, and Karin Slaughter.

    1. I listened to one by Ilona Andrews on audio and the narrator completely ruined it for me. I feel like Andrews is just totally tainted for me now. LOL I do want to try something by Kleypas at some point, though.

  16. A lot of these are new to me, but I'm surprised Armentrout isn't on more lists today! I know a TON of people obsessed with her books.

    1. She is so popular but I think I only saw her on one other list yesterday. I was surprised at that, too.

  17. Kristin Hannah and Taylor Jenkins Reid made my list this week too. I love their books so much.

  18. This is a deceptively tricky list to compile. For me, an author's auto buy status really depends on my mood and their latest offerings. For years, James Patterson was a must read for me, but I have grown more selective of his works. Stephen King and John Sandford are probably two of my most consistent.

    1. My tastes definitely change over time. There are authors here that I now consider auto-buy authors that I didn't a few years ago. And vice-versa. Stephen King always seems to deliver... but I've never read anything from Sandford.

  19. Jennifer Armentrout used to be an autobuy for me but not she's not. I ultimately end up with almost all her books but I don't jump on them anymore... Don't know why.

    This was definitely hard list!

    1. I'm still hanging in there with JLA. :) I haven't read everything she's written (yet) but I'm still on board with it.

  20. I don't have any TRUE autobuy authors because I don't always buy my books. I do have some auto-read authors, though. Kemmerer definitely counts (I love all of her genres). I think I've only missed one of McGarry's books too. Love her!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Katie McGarry is my everything when it comes to YA contemporary. Something about the kind of stories she tells just does it for me.

  21. Kristin Hannah and Colleen Hoover are definitely auto-buy authors for me too!!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books
