Review: Next In Line by J. Bengtsson #NewRelease #ReleaseBlitz

Learning that Jill Bengtsson was continuing the Cake series with Quinn's story made me ecstatic. This series quickly became one of my favorite contemporary series and each book only leaves me wanting more of the remarkable McKallister family. And I'm here to tell you, Quinn's story is one of the best yet!

Just six years old when my brother was snatched off the street, I grew up in the aftermath of tragedy. While other kids were happily playing in the sandbox, I was hiding under press conference podiums listening to my parents beg for Jake’s safe return.

People ask if I’m screwed up after what happened, and I never know how to respond. Life after the kidnapping is all I’ve ever known. Well, that and being the youngest brother to a rock star. Jake was the ultimate survivor. The prodigal son. My king.

But I’m not that worshipful kid anymore, and I’m tired of walking a step behind. I’ve got the talent. I’ve got the drive. And now I’m coming for Jake’s throne.

What to do with a runaway rock star in my passenger seat?

Jess of yore would’ve jumped at the chance. Hell, she’d already be in his lap by now. She was fearless and fun and sexy. She lived like there was no tomorrow… until tomorrow came calling and delivered her an ultimatum: repent or risk losing it all.

And so responsible Jess was born, the good girl who paid her rent and watered her plants and put others before herself. The new, improved version of myself represented stability and a roof overhead. Yet sometimes… sometimes I missed that reckless girl. Wild Jess. God, she’d been so fun.

And now Quinn was here, built like a god and asking me to play. One mindless afternoon of fun. Surely I could spare that for a future rock legend. I could bring old Jess back for just one day.

What could possibly go wrong? 

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As the next to youngest McKallister, Quinn had no memories of before. Before his brother Jake was abducted and returned home broken and forever changed. All he remembers are the dark days when Jake was gone and Quinn seemed to fall through the cracks of his fractured family. And he remembers after, when he continued to feel unseen, and as if he had to be extraordinary to get their attention. A gifted musician in his own right, he is still living in the shadow of Jake's incredible stardom, and struggling to forge his own path.

My siblings and me all adapted to our new normal in our own unique ways. Jake screamed. Keith lost himself in drugs. Kyle got friendly with knives. Grace morphed into Pollyanna. And Emma just folded in on herself. My method of coping had always been to silently seethe.

Enter Jess, a woman who knows something about feeling invisible within her own family. Never put first by her parents (or anyone in her family), Jess still holds fast to those she loves, even when they might not deserve it. The reformed wild child now plays by the rules and knows all too well that actions can have long-lasting consequences. But one encounter with Quinn McKallister has her wanting to take a chance on a guy that is obviously destined for the spotlight.

Quinn, despite the outward appearance of having an easy life handed to him on a silver platter, is determined to break free from the shadow of his brother Jake and make a name for himself in the music business. But being a success isn't enough - he has to eclipse Jake's mega stardom. But so far his rise to the top has been marred by one disappointment after another. It's at a pivotal moment in his career when he has a chance meeting with Jess and they spend the day together. Then, just like Cinderella, she's gone in a flash and he has no way to find her. But once he does... look out. Because despite her best intentions, and her better judgment, Jess can't resist and these two turn their instant connection into something even more.

Something I love about Bengtsson's storytelling is that while the lives her characters lead may sometimes be extraordinary, they never feel elevated or untouchable. They are ordinary people with pasts that have shaped them, with frailties and insecurities, with flaws and hopes and dreams - and that's what makes them feel so utterly real and relatable. Quinn's struggle to find his footing - in life and within his family - was heartbreaking; and his anger and resentment of Jake was hard to watch when it could not be contained. The scenes between Quinn and Jake were my favorite moments in the book and the ones that had me sniffling back tears. Another highlight was Quinn's relationship with his sister Grace, the youngest of the McKallister's. The close bond they shared was so touching and was shown to perfection throughout the story.

I realize I'm not saying much about Jess but I don't want to give too much about her story away. This girl was no shrinking violet and I loved her quick mind and even quicker wit. She was strong and independent and resourceful, and determined to do right by those she loved. And the banter between she and Quinn did so much to bring them to life. These were two people who just got each other. It was apparent from their first meeting, and the way they joked and teased helped form a closeness that they both needed in their lives.

Jess's sparkle caught me totally off-guard. She was beautiful in that way people who truly knew themselves were. She was confident and guarded, but also relaxed and upbeat. It was an interesting mix of personality traits, yet somehow they all worked together to create Jess, the world's most perfect getaway girl.

As with the other books in the series, Bengtsson delivered twists that I never saw coming and one in particular made my heart drop. That event felt timely and, sadly, all too realistic and gave the latter part of the story a gravity that was sobering. 

Lastly, getting to visit again with the entire (and ever-growing!) McKallister clan was an absolute treat. The siblings and their spouses and kids, the McKallister parents... they were all here and I loved every moment with them. If you haven't yet met the McKallister's, what are you waiting for? And if you've already read the Cake series, Quinn's story will not disappoint. This guy has shot up to my favorite McKallister, right next to Jake. And after reading his story, I think Quinn would be just fine with that.
4.5 Stars


J. (Jill) Bengtsson is the bestselling author of the Cake Series. She writes contemporary novels focused on love, humor, passion, and family. Her heroines are strong, nurturing, and quirky while her heroes are what dreams are made of - gorgeous, committed, and in need of a little saving. A native Californian, Jill's novels are set under the glittering lights of the West Coast entertainment industry.
They are for the dreamer in all of us. 
Jill resides in Ventura County, California. She's married to the Swedish boy she met as an exchange student her junior year in college and they have three children, a golden retriever, and two ragdoll cats. 


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  1. I has to double take. I thought that guy was Zac Efron. Anyhow, sounds really emotional. No doubt, I would be crying.

    1. He does have that Zac Efron look. :) And there were several scenes in this one that definitely really got to me.

  2. I'm not really into musicians in romance novels, but this sounds like an emotional read and I for sure like that. I feel for these characters already and I think i'd like them a lot!

    1. This definitely isn't a "typical" musician romance. Her characters are dealing with a lot and the focus is on that. These are *not* manwhore rock stars. LOL

  3. Ugh. I really need to get to this one and SOON!

    1. Yes!!! I'm dying to know what you'll think of Quinn's story.

  4. OMG.. You definitely hooked me on this series after the first book. And now you're telling me Quinn's is right their next to Jake's? Can't wait to read this!
    Great review!

    1. I've seriously loved every book, Maureen! The first, Cake, is still my favorite but this one is definitely a close second!

  5. Quinn's backstory sounds so emotional! I love that there are twists and turns to kind of mix up the romance vibe.

    1. It really was... the whole family has been through a lot!

  6. You so have me wanting to get back to this series!!

    1. I am so hooked on the series! And Quinn's story was amazing!

    2. I read the first book forever ago. I think I'll have to reread it before finishing the series to refresh myself. :) Glad you're loving it!!

  7. I just bought the first book in this series after reading all of your glowing reviews. I'm glad to hear you're still enjoying it so many books in. :)

  8. I do love it when a characters feel real and relatable. I'll have to give this author a try sometime!

    1. I'm just in awe of the characters Bengtsson has created and all the complicated familial relationships.

  9. Ohhh this does sound good! I haven't heard of this series, but I may have to give it a try. I've been reading more romance this year!

    1. I am so glad I happened upon the series last year. I hope you'll enjoy it if you decide to give it a try!

  10. I love books that make me cry, and this sounds like a tearjerker! Plus, it has some twists?? Oh yes, please! I need to read this series!

  11. This sounds like another great book in a series that I have got to start reading soon!

  12. You really make me want to read that series Tanya!
