Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Novellas


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Favorite Novellas
Today's topic is actually quick reads, or books to read when you're short on time. I'm going to simplify that title and just call it what it is: my favorite novellas. I know some people don't care for novellas and avoid them, even when they're part of a series. Not me. I love a good novella, especially when it's tied to a favorite series. Here are some of my favorites.

Forever Wild by K. A. Tucker (Wild #2.5)
I loved this visit with Calla and Jonah.
That One Night by Emily Rath (Jacksonville Rays #0.5)
The prequel novella that started my obsession with the series.
Timeless by Devney Perry (Lark Cove #5)
A perfect end to the series.
Evidence of the Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid
TJR packed a punch in just 88 pages.
Point of Origin by Rebecca Yarros (Legacy #0.5)
Loved this prequel novella - so emotional.
Pucking Ever After: Volume 1 by Emily Rath (Jacksonville Rays #1.5)
Six chapters spanning four years - this novella delivered everything I wanted.
Epic by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy (Him #2.5)
I will forever and always read anything about Wesmie.
Come With Me by Brooke Montgomery (Sugarland Creek #0)
The prequel novella was a perfect introduction to the series. Loved it.
Ignite by Rebecca Yarros (Legacy #0.75)
While not as emotional as Point of Origin, I still loved being in the Legacy world.
Coming Home by Kennedy Ryan
This audio-only novella was quintessential Kennedy Ryan.

Do you have a favorite novella?


  1. I had Evidence of the Affair on my list, too. That double meaning!!!

    1. Sam - Yes! The title definitely took on more than one meaning.

  2. Looks like a good list! I really liked Evidence of the Affair too.

    My TTT.

  3. Evidence of the Affair was fantastic and really cemented my view that TJR can do no wrong!

  4. Adding to my list. Love novellas. Thank you.

  5. Coming Home has such a cute cover.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


    1. Lydia - I'm not usually a fan of illustrated covers, but that one fit so well.

  6. Omg, I can't believe Evidence of the Affair didn't show up on my novellas list. I remember loving that! Point of Origin was also great. I see a few on here that I haven't heard of before but they look good so on the TBR they go 😍 Great list!

    1. Dini - Point of Origin was so good! I really hope Yarros will continue the Legacy series at some point.

  7. I don't tend to read many novellas but I'm glad to hear you enjoyed these so much.

  8. I loved Coming Home! It is the book that got me into Kennedy Ryan and she is now one of my favourite authors.

    1. Kristin - That's so great! Kennedy Ryan is such an amazing storyteller.

  9. I don't know that I have a favorite novella, but there are ton of good ones out there. I loved Forever Wild, Timeless, Point of Origin, Epic, and Ignite from your list.

    1. Deanna - I'd love to get more in the Legacy series. Although, with the way Fourth Wing has exploded I imagine it's far, far down the line.

  10. I really need to read more novellas. I can't even think of the last one I read so I'm going to have to check out the ones you mentioned!

    1. Katherine - I don't really seek out novella but when one is connected to a series I'm reading I'm all over it. :)

  11. I love Forever Wild and that series overall, so happy to see it on your list. Happy reading. My TTT

  12. I don't actively avoid novellas; I just don't actively search them out. LOL! But if they're part of a series I enjoy, I'll read them.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam - Ha! I get it. I don't really seek them out either, but when there's a novella connected to a series I've enjoyed I will definitely read it. :)

  13. I like novellas too, even short stories, so much

  14. I need to read that Devney Perry novella and series!

  15. This is an excellent list. I am just now discovering novellas. Thank you for sharing a little about these with us.

  16. I’d forgotten about Point of Origin and Ignite! I read those last year and enjoyed them. I agree, Point of Origin was better though it just had more to it.

    1. Becky - I hope at some point we get more of the Legacy series. I loved both novellas and the novel.

  17. I'm impressed that you have so many favorite novellas. I didn't even attempt this TTT because I couldn't think of any novellas. ;D

    1. Lark - I was surprised at how many I had read and enjoyed.

  18. I do love a good novella. I still need to read Epic!

    Lauren @

  19. Some of these are some of my favorite novellas as well. I can't count the times I have read Epic though haha I just can't get enough of it.

  20. Someday I'll get to the rest of The Simple Wild series! I didn't realize Timeless was a novella. I think I have it. Great list, Tanya!

    1. Rachel - Timeless was kind of in between. Long for a novella, short for a novel. :) I think it's just under 200 pages.

  21. Oh I agree! I love when a novella gives us a peek back at our favorite characters. I adored Forever Wild!

  22. I don't read a lot of novellas but most authors here are big favorites!

  23. I don't read many novellas but I really enjoyed the novella collections from Denise Williams and Ali Hazelwood.
