Review: Autoboyography by Christina Lauren

Autoboyography by Christina Lauren

Series: No

Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ (M/M)

Release Date: September 12, 2017

Format: Hardcover

Source: Purchased

Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon

Three years ago, Tanner Scott’s family relocated from California to Utah, a move that nudged the bisexual teen temporarily back into the closet. Now, with one semester of high school to go, and no obstacles between him and out-of-state college freedom, Tanner plans to coast through his remaining classes and clear out of Utah.

But when his best friend Autumn dares him to take Provo High’s prestigious Seminar—where honor roll students diligently toil to draft a book in a semester—Tanner can’t resist going against his better judgment and having a go, if only to prove to Autumn how silly the whole thing is. Writing a book in four months sounds simple. Four months is an eternity.

It turns out, Tanner is only partly right: four months is a long time. After all, it takes only one second for him to notice Sebastian Brother, the Mormon prodigy who sold his own Seminar novel the year before and who now mentors the class. And it takes less than a month for Tanner to fall completely in love with him.

Where to start? Maybe with an apology in case this turns into less a review and more an absolute, over the top, gushing love-fest.

Autoboyography delivered in a big way. It delivered a story I was totally invested in. It delivered characters that captured my heart. And it certainly delivered All The Feels.

I loved Tanner from the very start. He was funny and intelligent and self-aware and just so totally likable that I was immediately on board. His friendship with Autumn was priceless and I loved how it was handled from start to finish. And his parents! Can we just clone them, please? Open, loving, supportive. So supportive, in fact, that according to Tanner: “My parents have made our home into a gay, gay den of pride.” LOL

Since the family moved to Provo, Utah, Tanner is back in the closet after being openly bisexual in California. His mother, who was raised in the Mormon religion before leaving the church (and her family), understands the conservative culture in Provo better than anyone. Keeping his secret hasn’t been too much of a struggle for Tanner – until he lays eyes on Sebastian.

Oh, Sebastian. The genuine, kind-hearted, devout young man that catches Tanner’s eye… and heart. Sebastian, who is devoted to his family and his church. Sebastian, who is a master at burying his true feelings and wearing a mask that hides his inner conflict. I was intrigued by Sebastian, then frustrated by Sebastian, and then my heart absolutely broke (and tears were shed) for Sebastian. He was so genuine in his convictions, so resolute in his relationship with God, and so totally conflicted as to how those things meshed with his own sexuality. The fact that he stood to lose so much by simply being honest about who he was made my heart ache for him. 

Together, Tanner and Sebastian were absolute perfection and I was overcome with all the giddiness (and uncertainty) of first love. The thrill of the initial attraction, the newness of getting to know one another, the excitement every time they managed to spend time together and be themselves, the heartache of a seemingly impossible situation. It was all there, served up with such humor and heart and emotion that I just soaked it all up and loved every minute.

Autoboyography is a love story and then some. It’s about being yourself – and the consequences that often come with that, taking chances – even when you know the odds are against you, understanding that love doesn’t solve all problems or make everything okay, and a reminder that the unconditional love and support of family is truly priceless.


Have you read Autoboyography?


  1. YES!!! Loved this one too and so much gushing. Glad you loved it too. Great review!

    1. Thanks Grace! I can totally see this one making an appearance in my 2018 favorites at the end of the year.

  2. I CAN'T WAIT to read this one!!! I've been trying to get caught up on all my review books so I can dive in.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I hope you're able to get to it soon, Karen! I loved every minute of it.

  3. I knew nothing about Mormon culture before reading this one and it was certainly interesting. It's good to hear that it was accurate. I would have loved to have got more of Sebastian's POV, too! I've requested their newest and have my fingers crossed that I get approved. :)

  4. This review!!! It is so wonderful and has me reliving my own experience with this book (which was nothing short of ah-mazing!). Your collage is so on point. I love the quotes and pictures you picked. I am jealous of how good you are at those things.

    1. Sam, I have to tell you, this really made my day when I read your comment of Friday. I even shared it with my husband because it made me feel so good. :) Thanks for saying what you did. I appreciate it. {{hugs}}

  5. Heidi, I agree. I learned so much about LDS and also appreciated their fair treatment of the church.

  6. Hehe it's totally okay to gush. For some reason I'm so glad that the character had a great family support system. :) Great review.

  7. The title of this book is way too cute, and now I NEEEED this book! It's been a while since I read an lgbt read, and hello, give it to me please. T_T I love the sound of the two MCs--one witty, and one devout. Awesome review, Tanya!! <3

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I love the title, I love the cover, and I certainly love the story. :)
      I really hope you'll love it just as much!

  8. What a great review, Tanya! I'm not usually invested in the YA romance genre, but this has a different spin on it: M/M, and also dealing with conflicts with your religious beliefs. I feel for young people who realize that they might be "different" and have to make a stand for their own happiness. You made me want to pick this one up and read it too!
    {just what I need... more books to put on my huge tbr!} :)

    1. This one really tackled some interesting topics, Kari, and did it with such heart and such respect. I won't be sorry if this one gets added to your TBR! LOL

  9. I've been hearing such great things about this book. Your review has me adding it to my to-buy list! ♡

    1. Thanks Kassidy! I very rarely reread but I have a feeling I'll be picking this one up again at some point just to revisit these characters. I hope you'll love it, too, if/when you read it. :)

  10. I haven't read this...YET! But I absolutely will be. It sounds incredible, Tanya, and I know it's going to break my heart but still be worth having read. I can tell this from your gushy love-fest of a review. LOL It's great though. I love it when a book moves us this much. :)

    1. I love those rare books that just "click with you and become instant favorites. This was definitely one of those for me. I hope you'll love this one, too, if you pick it up, Brandee!

  11. I need this book in my life!! I'm so glad to hear that you loved it though. Both Tanner and Sebastian sound amazing, and just...give it to me!!! lol


    1. You definitely do, Lauren! I think you would love it!

  12. Oh, wow. I've seen this book get lots of love, but for some reason I never sat down and read a review until now, so I didn't realize fully what it was about. Now I know I NEED this book in my life!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. You totally need this book in your life, Nicole! It's *that* good.

  13. oh ok. JUST your gifs want me want to run and get this book NOW. LOL And you know I rarely read romance! I think I have only read a M/M romance which was Aristotle and Dante. I guess Simon will be my second if I manage to finish it this time. Maybe I should try this one next!

    1. If I was there with you I would start physically twisting your arm to read this one, D! LOL Well, maybe Simon first and then this one. :)

  14. Why did they move to a less-safe place for their son though? Was it really important? Did they ask him first? Cos that's a big freaking decision, especially for someone whose parents are apparently so supportive and open!

    (Spread the Love February link-up <3 )

    1. It wasn't an easy decision for the family to make and it was definitely addressed in the book. :)
