Reading Firsts Book Tag | 2024


I saw Alison at Ali's Books share this tag this week and it looked like
a fun one. So let's jump right in...

First Book Read in 2024

What a way to kick off the year!

First Review of 2024

A great addition to the series.

First Debut Read in 2024

I don't keep track of debut books/authors and seriously doubt
I've read any this year, so we're moving on.

First "New to Me" Author in 2024

Not my usual kind of read - a lot more sweet than angsty - but I wouldn't
hesitate to read more from Bastone in the future.

First Book of 2024 That Slayed Me

Oddly enough, it was a novella (#2.5 in the Jacksonville Rays series) that
did it for me. The seven bonus chapters were packed with All The Feelings.

First Book of 2024 That I Wish I Could
Get Back the Time I Spent Reading It

Oof. This one did not work for me. At all.

First Five Star Book of 2024

Starting and ending with the same book.
This will likely be my favorite of the year, and if not my favorite, 
at least among the best of the year.

Have you read any of these books?


  1. I haven't read any of these books, but I've heard great things about The Women.
    And I might have to do this tag myself.

    1. Alicia - The Women was incredible but I expected no less from Kristin Hannah. I hope you'll do the tag, too. I'd love to see your answers. :)

  2. I did read two of these, both earned high ratings (from me)

    1. Sam - I'm betting those two were Ready or Not and Expirations Dates. :) Glad they were both winners for you!

  3. That's awesome that your first book was a 5-star read!

  4. Fun post! I haven't read any of these...but I do have The Women and The Lily of Ludgate Hill on my TBR list. I'm hoping to read both of them this summer. :D

    1. Lark - I hope you'll love them both when you get to them. Those will make for some great summer reading. :)

  5. I still need to read Pucking Ever After Vol. 1&2!! I forgot that I still needed to read those and hopefully before the next book comes out in June. Thanks for the shout out!!

    1. Alison - PEA I and 2 were so, so good! Both of them delivered all the feels!

  6. What a fun tag! I've read such great reviews for The Women. Definiely a great book to start the year with!

    1. Katherine - It was pretty awesome to start the year with a 5 star read! :)

  7. Oh, I can't wait to read The Women! This is a really fun tag.

  8. This is a fun reading tag! Maybe I'll do one up. I loved The Lily of Ludgate Hill as well. And I remember your review of Expiration Dates and know it wouldn't be for me either.

    1. Rachel - I'd love to see your answers if you decide to do the tag. :)

  9. WELL I guess I need to read The Women, eh? I was on the fence about it but it sounds like I should not be anymore! Sad about Expiration Dates too, that one sounded good.

    1. Shannon - I would say it's just a me thing with Expiration Dates but the GR reviews are pretty mixed, too. I think it's one of those love it or hate it reads.
