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Girl Plus Books: On Hiatus


hiᐧaᐧtus: A temporary gap, pause, break, or absence

Girl Plus Books is going on hiatus. Frankly, I haven't been finding much joy in blogging for a while, so rather than start to view this as a chore, I am going to step away for a bit. 

I want to read for the sheer pleasure of reading, with no strings attached. No taking notes as I read, because I am already mentally crafting a review. No dissecting plots and character motivations. No coming up with new ways to explain why I liked a book. No ARC's and reading on a deadline. 

I want to read at my own pace (no matter how slow that may be 😉), put the book down, then pick up the next book and start reading again. No writing, no reviewing, no explaining or critiquing. That's what I need right now.

At some point I will miss the discourse, and the desire to get chatty about what I'm reading will return. But until then I am taking a break. For now, I'm just going to read.

Until next time, take care and I will see you soon.

Review: Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell

Slow Dance

by Rainbow Rowell
Pub: July 23, 2024
Source: William Morrow and NetGalley
Genre(s): adult fiction, contemporary, romance
4.25 stars

Back in high school, everybody thought Shiloh and Cary would end up together . . . everybody but Shiloh and Cary.

They were just friends. Best friends. Allies. They spent entire summers sitting on Shiloh’s porch steps, dreaming about the future. They were both going to get out of north Omaha—Shiloh would go to college and become an actress, and Cary would join the Navy. They promised each other that their friendship would never change.

Well, Shiloh did go to college, and Cary did join the Navy. And yet, somehow, everything changed.

Now Shiloh’s thirty-three, and it’s been fourteen years since she talked to Cary. She’s been married and divorced. She has two kids. And she’s back living in the same house she grew up in. Her life is nothing like she planned.

When she’s invited to an old friend’s wedding, all Shiloh can think about is whether Cary will be there—and whether she hopes he will be. Would Cary even want to talk to her? After everything?

The answer is yes. And yes. And yes.

Slow Dance is the story of two kids who fell in love before they knew enough about love to recognize it. Two friends who lost everything. Two adults who just feel lost.

It’s the story of Shiloh and Cary, who everyone thought would end up together, trying to find their way back to the start.


Shiloh, Cary and Mikey. They were best friends all through high school and did almost everything together – even as Shiloh and Cary’s bond extended beyond friendship and always felt like more. Post-high school, Mikey went to New York to pursue his art career, Cary joined the Navy, and after college Shiloh returned to Omaha. Fourteen years later Shiloh is divorced, a single mother of two, and back living in her childhood home with her mother. When Mikey returns to Omaha to get married, Shiloh accepts the invitation with one thought in mind: Will Cary be there? What follows is the story of Shiloh and Cary, both then and now, how they got here, and if they can finally get it right.


It's been so long since Rowell released a contemporary novel that I almost forgot why I love her contemporary stories so much. Then I started reading Slow Dance and it was like, oh yeah, this is why. When it comes to snappy, honest, believable dialogue, Rowell just gets it. Her signature funny, clever (without being overly so), realistic banter was in full effect here, right along with deeply flawed characters whose lives were messy and relatable. Shiloh and Cary always had something special, and their reunion showed the spark was still there, but it also proved that their old patterns were alive and well. Cary always gave vague indications of his feelings for Shiloh, while her insecurities ruled her decision-making.


For Cary, Shiloh was always The One. His pining for the girl he’d wanted since they were teenagers was everything. The responsibility he felt for his elderly mother and the ripple effects of trying to improve her living situation was developed so well and I empathized with him deeply. Shiloh was a little trickier with her acerbic personality and I often felt frustrated as she continued to be her own worst enemy. Overall, I just never felt that I understood her.


Slow Dance was a second (or third?) chance romance and it reflected how much more complicated life is at 33 than at 17. There were many obstacles in Shiloh and Cary’s way – some legitimate and some self-created – especially as they both had the tendency to avoid the hard conversations.  


It’s worth mentioning that while the present and past chapters allowed for a fuller, richer story, the fact that past chapters were not chronological often threw me off and I frequently had to reorient myself to what time period we were jumping to.


Ultimately, I enjoyed Slow Dance and its tale of missed opportunities, and what happens when you find your person just a little too early in life.


Review: The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen

The Five Year Lie

by Sarina Bowen
Pub: May 7, 2024
Genre(s): mystery, thriller, romantic suspense, contemporary
4.5 stars

On an ordinary Monday morning, Ariel Cafferty's phone buzzes with a disturbing text message. Something’s happened. I need to see you. Meet me under the candelabra tree ASAP. The words would be jarring from anyone, but the sender is the only man she ever loved. And it's been several years since she learned he died.

Seeing Drew’s name pop up is heart-stopping. Ariel’s gut says it can’t be real. But she goes to the tree anyway. She has to.

Nobody shows. But the text upends everything she thought she knew about the day he left her. The more questions she asks, the more sinister the answers get. Only two things are clear: everything she was told five years ago is wrong, and someone is still lying to her.

The truth has to be out there somewhere. To safeguard herself—and her son—she’ll have to find it before it finds her. And with it, the answer to what became of Drew.

With a heart-stopping romance that only Sarina Bowen can execute, The Five Year Lie is a page-turning, spine-tingling thriller that will have you guessing until the very end.


Ariel and Drew had a brief but intense romance several years ago. It ended abruptly when Drew left without a goodbye. Months later, Ariel learned of his death and while she tried to leave the past behind, she was still plagued with questions surrounding Drew’s sudden departure. Five years later, Ariel is a single mother, works at the same company where she met Drew, and raises her young son Buzz. Her life takes a sudden turn when she receives a cryptic text… from the man who died years ago.

As Ariel begins to question who Drew was and what really happened, truths begin to fray and unravel, and every answer leads to more questions. With help from a co-worker, Ariel begins to uncover disturbing undercurrents within the company founded by her father and uncle, unaware that every new discovery puts her in the crosshairs of someone willing to kill to keep their secrets.

As a longtime fan of Sarina Bowen, I was excited for her first foray into the mystery-thriller genre. Even from the prologue, which provided a tension-filled set-up, I was hooked. The more Ariel dug into her family’s tech company, which focused on doorbell surveillance cameras, the shadier things seemed. I loved Ariel’s determination to find answers and the dual timeline - present chapters from Ariel’s POV, past chapters from Drew’s - was the perfect way to dole out information to the reader. I had a blast developing theories and dismissing red herrings, but at the end of the day I was most invested in what happened to Drew. While the climax was executed faster than I may have liked, Bowen still delivered a thrilling and entertaining ride. The Five Year Lie is an exciting mix of thriller elements with a heavy dose of romantic suspense (and will leave you giving your doorbell camera some serious side-eye).

Have you read The Five Year Lie?

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Reasons Why I Love Wolfsong


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Ten Reasons Why I Love Wolfsong
For a book blog that is largely devoted to contemporary romance, I probably talk about this paranormal/lgbtq/romance a surprising amount. But that fact should only go to show what a remarkable story it is and what an impact it made. Today I'm sharing 10 reasons why Wolfsong is so special and why it's one of my (very rare) 5-star favorites. If you've read Wolfsong, then you know. If you're considering reading Wolfsong, maybe this will help convince you. 😉

Ten Reasons Why I Love Wolfsong
(interspersed with some favorite quotes)

1. Ox
There's no other place to start than with main character Ox. He is one of those too-good-for-this-world characters who has no idea how special he is. From being verbally abused and beaten down by his father, to being accepted and loved for exactly who he was by the Bennett's, it was beyond satisfying to watch Ox find his place in the world.

“It should have been obvious what they were, but then I wasn’t looking for the incredible buried in the ordinary.”

2. All the emotions.
Wolfsong has them all. The span of the story and the character's journeys display the full range of the human experience: isolation, connection, hope, pain, rage, love, joy.

“Please just let me have you. Please. Nothing else matters if I can’t have you.” 

3. Joe
Oh, how I loved Joe. His backstory was heartbreaking but it was Ox who brought him out of the darkness. From a child who was fascinated by Ox and glued to his side, to a man with staggering responsibilities on his shoulders, I loved Joe through it all.

"You gotta smell him and tell me why it’s all candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome!"

4. The world-building.
Klune's creation of Green Creek, the small town in Oregon, and the power it held pulled me in from the very start. The werewolf mythology is viewed through the naïve eyes of Ox, making each revelation about this world that he didn't know existed even more remarkable.

“I’m a witch,” he said.

And I said, “You’re a wizard, Harry,” because I thought there was a very real chance I was caught in a dream.

5. The writing style.
Ox is a bit simple (in the best way possible) and his view of the world around him and the people in his life is wonderfully refreshing. Ox's POV means there is no purple prose, but neither is it overly simplistic. Klune created a vivid world while also making me feel deeply for each character. (For the record, I shed many tears.)

“I need you to know that I meant what I said."

"When you said what?"

"Everything I've ever said to you. Everything, Ox.”

6. Werewolves
I can't say that I am an avid paranormal/fantasy reader so it's not like I'm super familiar with werewolf lore. But I've found that I usually enjoy werewolves in my paranormal fiction over some other magical/mythical creatures (i.e. zombies, angels/demons, wizards, etc.).

“Monsters are real. Magic is real. The world is a dark and frightening place and it’s all real.”

7. Found family
Who doesn't love the found family trope? It was done beautifully in Wolfsong and went far beyond Ox's acceptance into the Bennett family. From Gordo and the guys at the auto shop, to Ox's mom and beyond, the love and acceptance found with those outside the bonds of the traditional family were front and center.

“Am I part of your pack?”

He said, “What do you think pack means?”

“Family,” I said promptly.

Thomas smiled. “Yes, Ox. You are part of my pack.”

8. Every secondary character is unique and necessary.
What a cast of characters! Each one so unique, with their own identifiable voice and purpose. Ox's friend Gordo, alpha Thomas Bennett, Joe's siblings, and all the rest... I adored them all.

“Oh my god, Ox, your life is like those shitty sparkly vampire movies. That I’ve never seen and don’t like at all, shut up.”

9. Perfect blend of character + plot.
I'm 100% a character-driven reader and will always choose character over plot. Wolfsong managed to deliver both and do them equal justice. 

“All I wanted to do was come home, because without you, I don’t have a home.”

10. It's the first book in a series.
That means there's much more to enjoy! I've read Ravensong, the second book, so I still have two more opportunities to revisit the Bennett pack.

Have you read Wolfsong?

The Sunday Post #366 | July 14, 2024


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


I seem to managing a Sunday Post every three weeks these days. I pop in when I have time and feel like I have something to share. Otherwise... 🤷

It was a four day work week for me since I had planned to take Monday off. My husband had an appointment that I wanted to go to with him. All positive news so that made for a great day. There was a major storm on the way home from the appointment (it was about 30-40 minutes away) - thunder, lightning, torrential downpour. On the drive there the temperature was 99℉ (37℃), but once the storm hit the temperature dropped twenty degrees! It didn't last, of course. Once the storm passed the temp climbed right back up almost 100, but it was crazy to see it drop so quickly.

My younger sister had Covid two weeks ago and is still feeling pretty lousy. Yesterday morning I did a quick grocery run, came home and cooked two dinners for her (and her family), packaged it all up and dropped it at her front door. I'd been offering for over a week to bring dinner but she kept saying no. I finally decided to do it anyway and she called me later to say it was just what she needed. Sometimes people need a helping hand no matter how much they protest. 

I was sad to see that Richard Simmons passed away yesterday. I always liked him. He was so upbeat and positive and genuinely wanted to help others. Such a sweet man.

This week's throwback song is Let's Groove (1981) by Earth, Wind & Fire. Makes me want to put on my roller skates again (except I haven't skated in 40+ years and would probably break or sprain my entire body LOL). Enjoy!


Wednesday, July 10

Thursday, July 11




This covers the last three weeks.

Kindle: Forgotten Desires by Corinne Michaels - 4.25★
Audio: Home is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose - 3.5★
Audio: The Never King by Nikki St. Crowe - 3.75★
Audio: The Dark One by Nikki St. Crowe - 3.5★
Kindle: The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon - 5★
Audio: Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams - 3.5★
eARC: Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell - 4.25★



Kindle/Audio: The Feud by Sawyer Bennett
eARC: Five Brothers by Penelope Douglas


Loving this special edition of Obsidian! Hardcover, sprayed edges, and bonus content. 😍