Review: Kill Devil Hills by Sarah Darlington

I am *so* glad I read Kill Devil Hills! I was in the mood for a quick new adult/contemporary romance and this was a perfect pick.

Georgie has just returned home from a four month stay at a recovery facility after a suicide attempt. And she's still not sure if she regrets her actions.

Maybe holding everything in is part of the reason 
you feel so much pain. 

Noah cannot forget the night he found Georgie near death on the bathroom floor. The experience took her from his best friend's younger sister to someone he can't sop thinking about and has a fierce need to protect.

Maybe she'd always been this fucking adorable, and I'd just been 
the jackass who never bothered to notice. 

What I loved most about Kill Devil Hills is that both Georgie and Noah were such truly likable characters. Yes, they both had issues, but there was no melodrama. And Noah may have had the outward appearance of a bad boy, but there was no bad attitude to go with it. He was sweet and compassionate and protective and loving. Go ahead and swoon... I did.

"Of course I want you like that. But I'm trying to be a gentleman."

"Maybe I don't want you to be a gentleman," she whispered, 
so low I almost missed it." 

While the relationship did develop quickly, it still felt completely realistic. I loved that while there was some hesitation it wasn't long and drawn out. There was no angst here, just two people who found exactly what they needed in each other. Each accepted the other completely and built each other up. I loved that they each made such a positive impact on the others life.

He'd fought for me. 
We barely knew each other and he'd fought for me. 

Georgie didn't return home to a perfect life. She was still dealing with loss and grief and I liked how the author showed that Georgie continued to work on her mental well-being, using what she'd learned at the recovery facility. She also had a best friend and a boyfriend who had never once contacted her during her four month absence. She was forced to face the fact that neither relationship was what it once was or what she even wanted. This was very much a new beginning for Georgie.

Noah had spent so long living by his self-imposed rules of maintaining control and not letting anyone get too close. His past had shaped how was living today but with Georgie he found himself not only able to open up to her, but wanting to let down his walls and share his life with her. I loved that Noah was not the typical angry at the world bad boy, but instead was actually a sensitive man who had done his best to overcome his difficult childhood. I found myself wishing for a little more insight into his childhood/background. Vague references were made early on and he did finally share a little more information, but I still would have liked more.

I thoroughly enjoyed all the secondary characters. None felt cliched or cookie cutter and that was refreshing. I'm already looking forward to reading more about Ellie in the next Kill Devil Hills novel.

There were a few instance when the dialogue didn't quite ring true for me. But overall I loved the ease of the narrative and the way it flowed. And the dual POV was perfect. Being privy to Noah's thoughts as well as Georgie's was priceless.

My only complaint: at just barely 200 pages I was left wanting more of Georgie and Noah and their story.

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