The Sunday Post #255 | July 25, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
So 40% of all new COVID cases are coming from three states: Florida (my state), Missouri, Texas. And Florida alone accounts for 20% of all new cases nationwide. And yet our moronic governor is loudly proclaiming that it's just a "seasonal thing" (what?), there will be no lockdowns in Florida, and that children in Florida schools will not be "muzzled" (aka be required to wear a mask). It's hard to even understand someone who rejects science, facts - and even common sense - with everything he does. It boggles the mind.

We've had two new COVID cases at the office. Neither are in my building but it's still concerning. Someone made the decision to come to work sick. And - surprise - they tested positive so now everyone they had contact with has to quarantine. The company is now offering $$ to those who get vaccinated. I guess if that's what it takes, so be it. But why can't people just do the right thing to keep themselves and everyone else safe and end this thing? *beats head against wall*

We had an intense storm come through Thursday night. Booming thunder and more lightning than I've seen in a long time. The Husband was attending an event at the baseball park downtown and they finally covered the field and called off the game after several delays. He ran into the storm on the way home and several areas were without power (businesses dark and traffic lights were out). Thankfully we never lost power but that was one wild storm.

This week's 80's music fix is An American Dream by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Anyone remember this one? :) It might have been released in late 1979 but I think it hit the charts in 1980 so it's just squeaking in there as one of my 80's picks. I forgot that it had a bit of a country sound for a pop song.

Tuesday, July 20

Thursday, July 22




I'm so excited to read this one. Travis wasn't such a great guy in Archer's Voice and I love when an author can make me change my mind about a character.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I remember this song! I didn't know the name, but can't forget that chorus. My company is giving us $200 if we are vaccination by the end of the summer. I had already been vaxxed before that announcement, but they are doing a hard push. We got multiple communications this year regarding getting vaccinated and the differences for vaxxed vs unvaxxed people in the office. I got a widget for Always in December, but I have not decided if I will download or not. I am being really picky because I don't want to over commit myself. I am waiting to see more feedback on it.

    1. I have exactly *one* outstanding arc so I didn't feel bad about clicking. Plus, it sounds like one I would have looked at anyway. Fingers crossed it's a good one!

  2. Ow boy.. It baffles me how many stupid people are out there?! How can you think COVID is just seasonal? Haven’t we been living in this crazy world for over a year now? Sigh.. I’m so sorry you have to life with that kind of governor.
    Here things haven’t been much better unfortunately.
    That Emily Stone book looks great!
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Exactly! After almost a year and a half, the Florida governor continues to downplay the virus, make false claims, and put people at risk. I just don't understand it.

  3. Oof, the governor sounds a bit misinformed! It's also frustrating that people would still go to work sick after all this.

    1. Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the governor from the start, but since Covid... ugh. He's only got worse.

  4. The COVID thing is so frustrating! Why do people have to be morons? Just get your vaccine so we can all go back to normal. I wish my job would pay us to get vaccinated. I think all of us are already vaxxed, but it would be awesome to get more money.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Right? It's like, just do the right thing for everyone and we can all get past this. Gah!

  5. Ugh I wish everyone who can would get vaccinated. This pandemic is gonna go on forever if we don't get more people vaccinated.

  6. And my state, Missouri, is one of the top states you listed. I don't understand why people won't just get vaccinated! If they're worried it got approved without enough testing, my friend pointed out this week that now that so many people have been vaccinated, it's had more "testing" than it would have going through all the "proper" and "usual" trials. So they should feel safe now taking it. Oh well. I'm not looking forward to probably having to wear masks again to school, but I have a feeling it is coming. I'll be reading Fresh in the next week or two myself! Hope you enjoyed it.
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Exactly, Lisa! With so many vaccinated, consider "testing" complete. Geez! It's disheartening with numbers going back up and knowing that if everyone had got vaccinated as soon as they could we likely would not be in this situation.

      I really enjoyed Fresh... so funny. I hope you will, too!

  7. UGH people are stupid and in this case, it's killing them and others. If COVID has any seasonality it would be less in summer when we are outdoors more and more when we are all together inside. I worry about the children because they can't get vaccinated and lax adults can be infecting them. I am glad my daughter decided to stay with online college classes this fall.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Bingo. Those who choose not to get vaccinated are putting so many others at risk - not just themselves. It's so frustrating.

  8. The governor there sounds like a moron. I worry about the kids under 12 who can't get the vaccine and are at risk because people are misinformed. I do love a good storm with lightening and thunder, but maybe that's because we rarely get storms like that out here.

    1. Yep, moron pretty much sums up the FL governor. *rolling my eyes*

  9. I had heard that about the three states. It boggles my mind too. DeSantis is something else. such ignorance in our country in some quarters. Of course in Michigan we have our share of loonies too.

    I do NOT get anyone who'd come to work sick, in this environment. ESPECIALLY if they know they have Covid! Crazy...

    Nitty Gritty!! :):)

    Worcestershire sauce lol. SO TRUE.

    1. Right? We have signs posted *everywhere* about not coming to the office if you have anything resembling Covid symptoms. It's on the company home page. It's announced all the time, and in every company-wide email. And yet someone still decided to come to work sick. It's like, if they don't grasp it by now, what will it take?

  10. I really wish we took a more aggressive stance with vaccines at the start - with requiring them and/or incentives. The damage has been done.

    I have a friend in FL who is immune compromised and they want her to start coming in to work 3-4 days a week starting in August.
    I say Worcestershire sauce as wooshtasheashire sauce - I saw it (jokingly) said like that on a cooking show and it stuck.

    I also pronounce the weimaraner dog as ween-o-rama lol

    1. I agree, Karen. I would totally back vaccines being mandatory. How else is this pandemic going to end? And people have certainly proven they cannot be counted on to do the right thing.

      LOL about wooshtasheashire and ween-o-rama! :)

  11. I totally agree with you Tanya: getting vaccinated is thinking about others too! And you'll see that we got storms in Belgium too! Have a great week.

    1. The footage of the flooding is so shocking! I hope you're not being effected, Sophie!

  12. I saw that FL had a huge rise in cases. :( It's going up pretty much everywhere. It's so frustrating! Especially when people do like those people on your staff did.

    1. Yep! And it's not like they don't know better. We're almost a year and a half into this mess. They know good and well they shouldn't be coming into work sick. Ugh!

  13. It really is crazy how completely irresponsible Florida's governor is. People like him are just keeping the pandemic going.

    1. Exactly, Suzanne. He is actively setting us back and refusing to cooperate with CDC guidelines. He came right out and said there will be no more Covid mandates in FL. It's mind-boggling.

  14. I live in OKC and around here it's even worse. We never even had a full mask mandate state wide, only locally. Our cases are going up but people just laugh at me for wearing my mask indoors.

    1. Ugh, sounds as bad as here, Carrie. And now the CDC is going to recommend masks even for vaccinated people... but I know our governor will mock that and refuse to uphold it.

  15. I still really need to read Archer's Voice. I love Mia Sheridan, but I have yet to work my way through all of her books yet. Definitely looking forward to Travis!

    1. Mia Sheridan's books can sometimes rip my heart out, but I always love them. :)

  16. Wow that storm sounds intense! My fully vaxxed cousin loves in MO and he got COVID pretty bad. I'm not looking forward to the next few months.

    1. Yikes, hope your cousin is okay now! I feel like we're taking giant steps backward with COVID.

  17. I completely understand what you said about Covid. I'm in California, and it's pretty split here. Some are being smart, and others are not. My daughter starts school in a couple weeks, and I'm glad she has to wear her mask, but I'm still so worried about her getting Covid since she's too young to be vaccinated.

    1. That's why it's so crazy to me that our governor refuses to enforce mask mandates and is taking a strong stand against kids wearing masks in schools. The young ones are too young to be vaccinated so they need some protection!

  18. Hugs, I'm so sorry with what's going on in your office and state! One of my friends that I was supposed to see next week, we talked this morning and her nurse is sooo sick with COVID. She's a doctor at a hospital and her nurse and her are both vaccinated. She said at their meeting this morning they were reading cases, studies etc about how breakthrough is so much higher then they anticipated. She's terrified now to bring it home to her littles even being vaccinated and wearing her N95 while at work. I just want us all to be in a safe bubble *cries*.
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. It's so scary, isn't it? A local official just announced today that city-wide we have 851 COVID patients hospitalized. And 849 of those are unvaccinated. What more do you need to hear? Ugh. I feel so bad about your friend and the nurse. Thank goodness for what they do, but I can't imagine how worried they must be.

  19. I do not understand Florida, and Texas, and apparently Missouri too. Sigh. I'm vaccinated but I would still really like to not get Covid again since I've already had lung issues before Covid, so you might affect me different even with the vaccine. Who knows? At any rate, it would be great if people would listen to science and get their shots and just help out the people around them!! Sigh. It seems like so little to ask for, but I'm afraid cases will just keep rising.


    1. I know, I don't understand it either, Lauren. People could so easily protect others by just getting vaccinated. Instead, you still have large groups who still want to debate that the virus is a hoax! Unbelievable.

  20. Ugh I feel your pain - Texas here 😢. I'm so frustrated. I work at a hospital and last week we had to close down one of our Med Surg units to convert it back to a covid unit. Just as we were starting to get back to normal operations. And 99% of our patients are unvaccinated. So irritating to be in a 100% avoidable situation! And schools aren't allowed to mandate masks... When kids under 12 don't even have access to a vaccine! How does that make sense?!

    *sigh* stay healthy and safe!

    1. Oh no, that's terrible, Berls. Seems we're taking giant steps backwards, aren't we? All because people won't do the decent thing and get vaccinated. I mean, when 99% of COVID patients are unvaccinated... hello? What more do you need to be told? Ugh.
