The Sunday Post #257 | August 8, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 

The headline this week: 😟

My brother-in-law had his second hip replacement surgery on Thursday and it seemed to go well (of course, that's what we thought when they did the first surgery several weeks ago). I spent the day with my niece since she couldn't be at the hospital. We finished up her back-to-school shopping (which involved trips to two different Target stores), grabbed some take-out from Chick-fil-A, and had a good day together.

Friday morning I had a couple dizzy spells (so weird) and didn't feel comfortable driving so I worked from home. The dizziness seemed to pass by lunchtime so that was a relief.

Yesterday I saw my older sister for the first time since April. She came over and we spent the day together, just hanging out here at the house. It was so fun to just sit and talk about everything and nothing. I miss the days of getting together without a thought. Now it seems like something that has to be carefully considered. 

This week's 80's music fix is Head Over Heels (1985) by Tears For Fears. Enjoy! 

Thursday, August 5






How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Fingers crossed for a good result for your BIL's surgery! That's nice that you got to spend some quality time with your niece and sister. We've been keeping an eye on the situation in Florida, especially as cases go up again here in NJ.

    1. It's so depressing, Angela. The governor could be doing so much good but is actively making one horrible decision after another. The lack of leadership is shocking.

  2. Let's hope this second surgery is the last for you BIL. Look at you being the fun aunt too. I could totally be won over with some CFA chicken strips. I have a special place in my heart for Tears for Fears. They were my first live show ever attended.

    1. I would have loved to have seen TFF live. So much great music!

  3. That sounds like a nice day with your niece. I hope your BIL has a speedy recovery!

  4. I saw the headlines about Florida and COVID yesterday and thought of you. I hope you and your family continue to be safe from it. I also hope your brother-in-law's surgery has gone well this time and that he'll be fully recovered soon. Your music pick for this week brings back lots of high school memories. Seems like Tears for Fears' songs were a backdrop for almost every good thing I remember from those days, lol.

    1. Yes, the news continues to be grim down here. The lack of common sense leadership is shocking.

      I love how music can bring back such good memories. :)

  5. Sorry to hear things are bad in Florida. That sucks! But I'm glad you got to spend time with your niece and sister! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Samantha! It was fun to spend the day with my niece. :)

  6. Replies
    1. I can relate! I always try to proof but my sister NEVER proofs so deciphering her texts is always fun. LOL

  7. The covid/mask/vaccine situation in your state is crazy! Hope your BIL's recovers quickly. Nice that you got to spend the day with your niece. Can you believe I've never eaten at Chick Fil-A? Love that song from Tears for Fears, but I think my favorite is Pale Shelter.

    1. It really is, Rachel. The governor dug his heels in ages ago and is now making decisions that are increasingly disturbing. He's putting all of us at risk.

  8. Bwahahah that quote about autocorrect!!! And yes I wonder when we'll be back to spontaneity in our social meetings! I am glad the the surgerys went well. Stay safe Tanya!

    1. At this point it's hard to imagine a day when we'll be able to get together and gather without planning it and considering if it's safe.

  9. I hope they got the surgery right this time!!!

    Ugh...dizzy spells. Hate them. Glad yours passed.

    Arkansas is just as stupid as Florida when it comes to the whole COVID/Mask situation. Sigh. I forget how many doses of vaccine they said expires this week because no one wants it. 80,000? Some crazy number.

    1. Oh my goodness, that's crazy, Jinjer! All that going to waste... when almost 100,000 more people could be protected - and those around them. It just doesn't make sense.

  10. So glad you got to see your sister. It's weird now, isn't it, the things we took for granted now seem so momentous with Covid and all that. Sorry to hear about the FL numbers too. So much cluelessness out there not helping things.

    I hate auto correct SO MUCH.

    I love that song- one of my favorites from the 80's.

    1. Yep, there was a lot I took for granted. What a wake-up call this has been.

  11. I'm glad you were able to get some family time. With the latest COVID stuff I feel like I will be pulling back again, although we always wore masks.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Same here, Anne. I feel like becoming a hermit again is the only answer to protect myself. So many others seem determined to continue to ask irresponsibly because it's their "right." :(

  12. Well, I hope that your brother in law's surgery went WAY better this time. That's good your dizziness went away - not fun.

    That's horrible about the Covid hospitalizations. It just makes me so frustarted.


    1. Me too, Lauren. It's so disheartening when you realize there is no end in sight.

  13. Oof that Florida headline is rough. I don't understand people at all. So sick of it.
    I'm glad your dizzy spell passed quickly. That must have been so uncomfortable. I'm so glad you had a nice time with your sister. I haven't seen mine in 2 years and would love to meet up with her but her borders are closed in Australia.
    I hope you have a lovely week ahead, Tanya, and stay safe! <3

    1. I don't understand either, Nick. People could bring this thing to a halt by getting vaccinated. But they'd rather believe absurd conspiracy theories that scientific facts.

      I'm so sorry it's been so long since you've seen your sister. :(

  14. How are you liking Grace & Glory?! I need to make time for it.
    Please stay safe! It's crazy and sad how this all keeps happening. I'm glad you spend time with your niece!

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I'm loving Grace and Glory, Gen! I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to read it. :)

  15. Oh I am curious to see what you think of Grace & Glory? oh no at feeling so dizzy, hope you continue to be safe when driving. And you know that whole auto correct random pic is so TRUE!! haha Now it all makes sense.

    1. I'm loving Grace and Glory, Renee. I have about 100 pages left and I don't want it to end. Yeah, the dizzy spell was weird but thankfully it was short-lived.

  16. I think about you every time I hear about the cases in FL skyrocketing. I'm glad you're still able to spend some time with family. I just saw one of my oldest and dearest friends for the first time since last September and it was so emotionally rewarding. Our cases our going up as well, and it's so scary.

    1. I was happy to see my sister and my niece this past week, but I'm also on the verge of going back to being a hermit. :(

  17. Glad you had some fun with your niece and your sister! Family time is the best. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks Cheryl! It was especially great to see my sister after so long.

  18. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about the situation in Florida. Hearing about the rising cases globally it's so hard to have a positive outlook about things but it does make you really appreciative of all the small things like meeting up with family/friends after ages. I hope that you and your continue to stay safe and healthy and that you have a good week ahead :)

    1. Well said, Dini. Getting to see family has taken on a whole new meaning over the last 18 months or so.

  19. Oh, I hope that you don't have any more dizzy spells. That can be very scary. I am glad that you were able to spend some time with family. I hope that your brother in law's surgery has a good result this time. I remember that my sister played Tears for Fears repeatedly for a short time in the 80s. I hope that you have a great week!

    1. LOL I had a sister who used to play Oh Sheila NONSTOP. Remember that one? It drove us all insane. :)

  20. I hope the surgery proves to be a success this time! Glad you got time with your niece and your older sister. I hope the dizzy spells stay away, though!

    1. Thanks Alison! I think his recovery is a bit tougher this time - after going through it all just weeks ago. But he's doing pretty well.

  21. I could've swore I commented... oh well! I'm so glad you got to see your sister and hang out with her! I know that's got to be so nice. I hope you're enjoying Grace and Glory!

    1. Loved Grace and Glory! I wasn't ready to say goodbye. Now I need to get a review written before it all becomes foggy. :)

  22. The autofill pic made me laugh. :)
    Hope things are all going ok with your brother and you've had no more dizzy spells!
