Top Ten Tuesday: Feels Like the First Time

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic:
Books I Wish I Could Read Again for the First Time 

Did anyone else start singing Foreigner's Feels Like the First Time
when they read this week's topic? Tell me it wasn't just me.

Some books are so special, made such an impact on me, and/or were such a unique reading experience, that I would love to be able to rewind and enjoy the feeling of reading them for the first time all over again. Since I don't have a time machine handy, or a forgetful potion (although age is lending a helping hand on that front LOL), I'll have to settle for remembering what made them so special... and maybe even rereading them one of these days. Here are my picks for the books I wish I could read again for the first time.

Have you read any of these books?
What book do you wish you could read again for the first time?


  1. I always forget about Simon until I see it on someone's good-books list, like yours today. I must give it a try.

    1. Simon is one that I actually have reread several times. But nothing will capture that first time. :)

  2. I love that song!! Outlander was so different from anything I'd ever read before, I wish I could experience that again!

    1. Outlander really transported me in a way that few stories have.

  3. I’ve heard great things about All the Ugly and Wonderful Things.

    My post:

  4. Nice. :) Love that song by Foreigner...

    I've never read Outlander but it does seem like the kind of book that would be excellent for rediscovering via time travel or something ha ha! I like that cover on I'll Meet You There as well.

    Happy Tues!!!

    1. I'd love to experience Outlander again, not knowing what I know now.

  5. I looooved HIM! Such a great book and thanks to my pretty awful memory I think I could read it again and it'd feel like... 50% brand new? Haha or maybe 60% brand new. I still want to read the sequel, too but I like their HEA in that one. Great list :)

    1. LOL Well 60% brand new isn't too shabby. :) I've reread Him sooo many times. And Us, too. Never quite like the first read, but I'll never tire of Jamie and Wes. :)

  6. Him and I'll Meet You There! <3 <3
    Both those books were such great 5-stars reads for me. I totally wish I could read them all over again too.

    1. I'll Meet You There about broke me. My husband served in the Navy for 20 years so the aspect of Josh's struggles with PTSD really hit home.

  7. I'd love to be able to read Simon and Him for the first time again too, loved both of those so much!
    A few months ago I did re-read Him and it was a few years since I read it for the first time, so it was still fun reliving all the little things I had forgotten about since :)

    1. I've reread Him (and Us) so many times. I never get tired of visiting Wes and Jamie. :)

  8. Ha ha. One of the good things about aging is that my memory is so bad that I CAN enjoy books again for what feels like the first time :)

    Happy TTT!

  9. I definitely sang that title. LOL! There are a few books here that I haven't read yet, but I definitely agree with several you included. The Bronze Horseman and Outlander both left huge impressions on me the first time I read them.

    1. Yes! Both The Bronze Horseman and Outlander made huge impressions on me. Major book hangovers with both!

  10. Excellent song choice. I will now be singing it all day. I'll Meet You There is one that really left an impression on me. I remember lots of crying during Ugly Love, but it's CoHo, goes with the territory.

    1. I'll Meet You There made such an impact. Josh's story, in particular, really broke my heart. The storyline with his military service hit close to home and made me want to make everything okay for him.

  11. Yes, I did sing that song... I guess I'm aging myself by admitting that! I had Sea of Tranquility on my list today, but for a different reason! I wouldn't mind reading it for the first time again. Same for Him and Ugly Love. I've done rereads of both of those in the past couple of years. I had forgotten enough that it was almost like the first time. ;)

    1. LOL You and me both, Deanna. :) I've reread Him so many times. It never gets old.♥

  12. Great list! I haven't read any of the books here, but I have seen Outlander listed a few other times today.

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop over at my blog and take a read:

  13. I have read I'll Meet you There (thanks to you) and All the Ugly and Beautiful THings. Aaaand that's when you remind me that The Bronze Horseman has been on my TBR for a looooong time!

    1. You need to read The Bronze Horseman and I need to finish the trilogy!

  14. I should have put Simon on my list. I loved that book so much. I want to re-read it at some point but that first time was so special.

    1. That was such an amazing reading experience for me. I just fell in love with that book.

  15. It feels like the first time, Feels like the very first time 🎸 Great list!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

  16. Replies
    1. I've been itching to reread Some Kind of Perfect so that might happen soon. :)

  17. I loved Sea of Tranquility too. I want to read All the Ugly and Wonderful Things after loving That Reckless Oath.

    1. I'd be interested to read your thoughts on All the Ugly and Wonderful Things if/when you get to it. It was so powerful. And reading some interviews with the author really shed more light on her perspective.

  18. Love the song choice! Outlander made my list, as well. I still need to read Ugly Love. I read All the Ugly and Wonderful Things as an ARC. I remember having so many emotions with that book. Great list this week!

    1. All the Ugly and Wonderful Things was such a powerful read - and so thought-provoking.

  19. YES!!! I completely agree with your Outlander choice!

    1. I'd love to be able to experience that one for the first time again!
