The Sunday Post #264 | October 24, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

It was another draining week at the office and I wasn't alone in those feelings. By Friday it seemed as if everyone who came into my office looked drained. The general consensus seemed to be: "I'm doing absolutely nothing this weekend!" I heard that on more than one occasion. LOL

My mom has been sick with cold symptoms for a full week and we finally convinced her to go for a Covid test on Friday. She's fully vaccinated but with all the breakthrough cases you just never know. Results are supposed to be posted sometime today (it's currently Saturday afternoon). That means I haven't seen her in the last week and she's kept to herself at home. She lives alone and I know it's been hard for her, so I'm hopeful we get an all-clear later today. 

Last month The Husband participated in a car show in a small town about an hour from home and won the People's Choice award. One of the prizes was a gift card to a clothing/gift shop in that town. On Saturday we decided to take a drive up there, check out the shop, have some lunch, and just have a little day trip. It was a seriously small town and a shock to my system. I live in a large city (about 900,000 people) and this was practically a blink-and-you-missed-it town. It was a cute shop, though, with lots of specialty items and I used the gift card to buy several Lilly Pulitzer items as Christmas gifts for my mom and sisters.

This week's 80's music fix is Don't Stop Believin' (1981) by Journey. This song takes me right back to junior high. And if you are of a certain age (ahem) you can belt out every lyric. :)

Tuesday, October 19

Thursday, October 21

Friday, October 22


Heard it in a Love Song by Tracey Garvis Graves - ★★★★
Needing Him (Bishop Brothers #2) by Kennedy Fox - ★★★★


Stone Princess (Tin Gypsy/Clifton Forge #3) by Devney Perry

Chasing Him (Bishop Brothers #3) by Kennedy Fox


Getting Real by Emma Chase



  1. Fingers crossed mom's test comes back negative. Every time I cough or sniffle, I think I have Covid. It's the worst! You can never go wrong with Journey. They played at Lolla this year. It's weird to think of them without Perry. And yes! My meal prep is such an effort every week and it's only breakfast and lunch.

    1. Yes! It's like every minor symptom now equates to a death rattle. Ugh.
      Journey just isn't Journey without Steve Perry. So sad.

  2. I hope your mom is okay!

    Also, I feel that any journey song is a trip down memory lane. Singing at the top of your lungs in the car cruising with friends!!

    1. So true, Samantha! Almost any song by Journey is so nostalgic.

  3. I hope your mom is okay! My sister had to get a COVID test yesterday because someone at her job tested positive. We're all trapped in the house until we get the results.

    1. Oh, no. I hope she wasn't exposed, Aj! And I guess we're all used to be trapped in the house at this point!

  4. I hope your mom's results will come back negative! And 900.000 people? We are only 11 Mios in Belgium :-)))))))))))))))))

    1. I've always loved living in a big city. I enjoy reading about small towns, but I wouldn't want to live in one. LOL

  5. Best wishes for your mom! Hoping for a negative test and that she starts feeling better quickly. Meal planning is the worst - my husband is the cook in our house, so I usually leave it up to him, but jeez, it's never-ending!

    1. Nice that your husband is the cook! Color me jealous. :)

  6. I really hope your mother's test results come back negative and that she just has a cold or maybe even just allergies. I really love the cover for Stone Princess. That entire series is just so pretty.

    1. I seriously love the covers for that Devney Perry series! She just rebranded with all new covers so I ordered them all just before the switch. The new ones are okay but a bit bland, and these old covers just fit the series so well.

  7. I really hope your Mom is feeling better. It's nice you got to relax a bit in a small town. Wishing you a more balanced week ahead!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne. My mom's test came back negative for Covid so that was a relief.

  8. I hope your mom is okay! It's so scary waiting for results. All my best wishes. My mom lives alone too and it can be tough.

    Nice music pick this week! Did you ever see Journey? I saw them in Detroit and was so glad I was able to even though my seats were awful (I was miles away lol).

    1. I saw Journey live once but it was after their heyday. Still so much fun to hear all the great music!

  9. Don't Stop Believing sounds like just the song you needed to get through last week and start this one. I'm praying your mom does not have COVID. We've already had a couple of non-COVID colds this fall and it's horrible trying to figure out what you've got.

    1. Crazy how now a simple cold can send you into a panic. Is this it? Is it Covid?? Ugh.

      So right! Don't Stop Believing should be my office anthem lately! LOL

  10. Sorry you've been feeling drained. I'm feeling the same this week. My daughter has Covid and although I've tested negative so far, I have a sore throat and headaches. It could be just a regular cold, because a lot of bugs are going around. I hope your mum's test comes back negative.

    1. Oh no, so sorry to hear your daughter has Covid. I hope you are managing to stay well.

  11. I join you in feeling drained from work. For the past couple of weeks I've done absolutely nothing on my days off. I do have a short vacation coming up on the first weekend of November, so I'm looking forward to just getting away from it all.

    I'm sending healing thoughts to your mother and hope it truly is nothing more than a cold.

    1. Nice on the upcoming vacation! I need to plan a few days off before burnout becomes a very real thing.

  12. I am sorry to hear that work has been so exhausting for you. Now that ppl are returning to work instead of working at home, I think ppl will be feeling the strain for a while until they adapt to it again.

    1. This is always a busy time of year at the office - Oct thru Dec. But even so, I never seem to be prepared for it.

  13. Yes! One of the hardest things that I do every day is figure out what to have for dinner...and then I have to cook it! I hope that your mom's test came back negative! Yay for getting a gift card to spend and visiting a small town. I hope that you got the rest you needed this weekend!

    1. Right? Sometimes I just tell my husband I have no idea what we're eating this week. And he can pick anything he wants. I'm just tired of figuring it out. LOL

  14. I really hope your mom is feeling better and that it's not COVID. Don't Stop Believing brings back a lot of memories from middle school dances, lol.

    1. Right? All those Journey songs from that era take me back instantly. :)

  15. I hope your mom got the all clear Tanya! I feel like all of October has been draining.

    1. October has been draining! I'm ready to wave it goodbye and move on.

  16. I hope your mom is alright, Tanya! Work has been draining for me for the last year and a half, lol! Nice that you took a little daytrip and knocked out some Christmas shopping.

    That random is so true.

    1. The last year and a half has been draining, period! LOL

  17. I'm so sorry to read about your mum not feeling well. I hope the COVID test is negative. And I really hope this week is less draining for you ;)
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Thanks Maureen! Test was negative so that was a huge relief!

  18. Thinking all the happy thoughts for your mom! My boys combined have had 3 colds and 1 flu since the start of school in August. Ugh. Their school is great for having covid tests always available, even for a drive by if your kid is out sick since they'll send the nurse out to your car, and it's just tons of colds since their school hasn't had a positive covid tests for over 7 weeks now. Fingers crossed she has just a cold too! And yessssss, I LOVE Don't Stop Believin'! A cover band of Journey came to our little town a few years ago and my bestie and I were dancing while singing this song at the top of our lungs haha. Hope next week is better work wise, hugs!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Thanks Jen! Oh my, that's a lot of germs being brought home from school. Ugh. Nice that the school is so good about testing, though. What fun to see the Journey cover band! They had so much great music!
