The Sunday Post #265 | October 31, 2021

 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W 
We're finally experiencing some fall weather! It's been in the 70's all week (and the low 70's this weekend!) making me a very happy girl. 

Monday marked my 30 year anniversary at my company. In a way it seems like I've been there forever (uh, because I have?) and in another I feel like how in the world can it have been 30 years?! I've held several different positions over the years: receptionist, HR, Contracts, and for the past 15 years have been the Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors. My bosses (the Board) had flowers delivered and it was a special day with lots of congratulations and well wishes.

Interesting fact: I had my first date with The Husband and my first day at my company in the same week, way back in 1991. Here we are 30 years later and I still have both. :) 

Thanks for all the concern last week for my mom. So many of you left the kindest comments hoping for the best. I'm happy to say her Covid test was negative! Apparently it is/was a bad head cold and one that lingered for a long time. She's not 100% but is feeling much better.

I took the day off on Friday and ran several errands in preparation for a family dinner on Friday night. There were nine of us in total and it was just a casual get-together at home. Cost of admission: be fully vaccinated. :) I've missed those gatherings and it was great to see everyone.

This week's 80's music fix is I Got You (1980) by Split Enz. I always liked this one and remember it being one of the earliest videos I saw on MTV. Enjoy!

O N   T H E   B L O G
Tuesday, October 26

Friday, October 29
Short Take Reviews:

W H A T   I   R E A D

Chasing Him (Bishop Brothers #3) by Kennedy Fox - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stone Princess (Tin Gypsy/Clifton Forge #3) by Devney Perry - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

Keeping Him (Bishop Brothers #4) by Kennedy Fox
My Twist of Fortune (The Greene Family #0.5) by Piper Rayne

N E W   A D D I T I O N S


Christmas in Rose Bend by Naima Simone

I was very much in the mood for some holiday reads this week and ordered these two on a whim. They are both new-to-me authors so I'm hopeful I will enjoy them.


Main Street Dealmaker by Brighton Walsh

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. Congrats on 30 years. Sadly we are in the 30s and 40s here. 70 is more our Spring. I am loving your book haul!

  2. Glad to hear the Covid didn't get your mom. Every time I have a headache, I think it's Covid. (Paranoid much?) I like this song! I cannot remember the last time I heard it. Wow! Thirty years at the same company. That's quite a feat. The kids these days job switch like mad. Funny you mentioned the cost of admission. My daughter said she wasn't going to Thanksgiving if all my sister's family wasn't vaxxed. (I know my niece FINALLY did it, but not sure about her boyfriend)

    1. I'm the same, Sam. Last week I had a stuffy nose... convinced it was Covid. Last night my face felt hot and I was convinced it was a fever... and Covid. It's exhausting. Kids now do seem to job-hop like crazy! A year here, a year there. I agree with Kiersten... I refuse to take chances by spending time with people I know are unvaxxed. Plus, they obviously have zero regard for my health (or anyone else's).

  3. Wow, congrats on 30 years! And that's very cool that it's also the dating anniversary with your husband.

    1. Yes! That week in 1991 was pretty life changing for me!

  4. Congrats on 30 years with your company. That is an accomplishment for sure. And it was nice of the board to give you flowers. I'm glad your mom is better too! You had a great week!

  5. Yay for the nice weather. We are dipping into the 60s even. Wow 30 years it's fun that you met your husband the same week. I hoe your mom will feel even better this week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yes, last week 30 years ago was quite the life changing week!:)

  6. Congratulations!! And fun fact: I also met my husband the same week that I began working for my current company and we are still together and me at the same company for 27 years now! Also what a relief for your mom!

    1. What a coincidence, Sophie! Apparently we both know a good thing and hold on to them! :)

  7. Its really tough with Covid around, because this is the time of year for many colds and flu's to happen. There are still other sicknesses we have to deal with that can be concerning. I am looking forward to that Naima Simone.

  8. Wow! 30 years at one company is very impressive! So is 30 years with your man! I'm heading to 21 with mine and it seems both a long and a short span of time. What great anniversaries to celebrate!

    1. I know what you mean, Deanna. It's feels like it's passed in a flash, but has also been a lifetime. :)

  9. You met your husband the year my Fiancé was born. I find that so cool! I'm so glad to hear your mum didn't have covid!!! I hope she continues to get better!

  10. Congratulations! That's awesome. :) 30 years is quite the milestone! And that's excellent news about your mom! Yay for no Covid!

    Nice that you were able to get together. Being vaccinated is such a peace of mind, I agree.

    I love that cover of Stone Princess!

  11. Congrats on 30 years! That's really impressive, especially considering how people seem to job hop so much these days. I'm also glad to hear that your mom is feeling better. It seems like head colds, sinus infections, etc. have been pretty severe this year. That's so great you were able to have a big family get together. We're already debating what to do about Thanksgiving this year since we still have a few unvaxxed holdouts in the family. I like your "cost of admission" and might have to adopt that as well to keep everyone safe.

    1. It does seem like colds, etc are bad this year. Maybe our immune systems have suffered after quarantining? Yeah, the cost of admission thing sounds lighthearted, but I'm serious about it. Not vaxxed, not invited.

  12. Yay for the cooler fall weather! 70s is about norm for Southern California fall too. I'm so happy to hear your mom is getting better, and that you get to enjoy a nice family dinner. Happy 30th with your company and your hubby! Those flowers are gorgeous!

    1. I am loving the cooler temps! It's hovering close to 80 most of this week but come Friday the high is 66. Bring it on! :)

  13. Congrats on 30 years at your job! that's fantastic. I'm really glad that your mom is doing okay - Covid scares are not fun.


    1. Thanks Lauren! And yes, we are all so relieved that Mom's test was negative!

  14. Oh I'm very behind on comments so I didn't know about your mom but glad to hear it wasn't COVID and she's on the mend.

    And whoop! to 30 years for work & your hubby!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Thanks Karen! Apparently when I find something I like, I keep it! :)

  15. So much good news! Congrats on your anniversary, and I'm happy to hear your mom was Covid-free, too. And I absolutely rip off my mask when coming out of the store like I just finished surgery. Haha!

  16. Wow.. 30 years!! Amazing. It sounds like that year was magical for you ;)
    I glad you mom tested negative on the Covid test. I've been having this cold for weeks now. And I've been tested several times.. still negative. Seems like there is a very bad cold going around too.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. So true, Maureen! October 1991 was a big year for me! :) Sorry to hear that cold is lingering... I hope you feel better soon!

  17. 30 years at one job is amazing, Tanya! I won't be able to come close to that achievement. I am so glad that your mom's test was negative and that you were able to have a nice meal with family. I hope that you have a great week!

    1. Thanks Carole. I've moved around over the years but all within the company. It's been great!

  18. Happy work anniversary! (And 30 years with your husband.) :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  19. Congratulations on 30 years! And that's so amazing you met your husband and starting working your job all in the same week ♥. I can't wait to see what you think about those Christmas books, I'm always looking too add more from that genre to my tbr.
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Thanks Jen! 1991 was quite the year for me, apparently. I've kept the job and the man all this time. LOL
