The Sunday Post #347 | August 27, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


My city is in the national news for a terrible reason. There was a racially motivated shooting here yesterday that left three people dead (four including the shooter who took his own life). It's a horrible thing. I don't even know what to say.

In better news, I had my first pumpkin drink of the season this week. Starbucks has an iced pumpkin cream chai tea latte this year. I do not drink coffee (ever) but chai tea lattes are my go-to, so this was right up my alley. Did it matter that it was 95 degrees as I sipped the pumpkin goodness? No, no it did not. 

I also nabbed some of the frozen cotton candy grapes from Aldi and they are so delish. Perfect summertime snack. If you have an Aldi near you, run don't walk to get those frozen grapes. 😉

This week's throwback song is Lean On Me (1980) by Club Nouveau. Enjoy!


Tuesday, August 22

Thursday, August 24



Kindle: Glimmers of You by Catherine Cowles - 4.25★
Audio/Kindle: Tragic by Devney Perry - 4★


Trade Paperback: Forbidden Hearts by Corinne Michaels


Not a thing.       




  1. I am so sorry to hear that. I saw the news on Twitter. Just mind blowing and crazy.

    My daughter works at Starbucks, I'll have to ask her about the latest pumpkin specials. Im ready for pumpkin spice lattes...

    Someone on X (okay Twitter ha ha ) was extolling the virtues of Aldi's as well. I need to try that store, we have one just around the corner.

    1. Greg - It certainly doesn't feel like fall down here, but I'm willing to pretend so I can start enjoying pumpkin everything. lol

      I don't go to Aldi often but it's super handy for when I just need an item or two. I can practically walk there from my house.

  2. Pumpkin cream chai tea latte sounds so good, I've never really liked the pumpkin spice latte, so I definitely want to try this.

    So sorry to hear what happened. It's awful.

    1. Alicia - I thought the pumpkin cream chai tea latte had a really mild pumpkin flavor. Not at all overbearing. I hope you'll like it if you try it!

  3. Hahaha I had to laugh at the random sign, really didn't expect the second half xD And I saw the news about what happened and there really isn't a lot you can say when people commit crimes like these. My thoughts are with you and your town! I hope you have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. Thanks Juli. It's mindboggling that there are still (apparently) so many people who are so hateful and bigoted. Obviously this guy was unhinged and there was more going on than prejudice (he'd been Baked Acted a few years ago) but still. It's a terrible thing to happen. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I heard about the shooting in the news this morning Tanya. That's so sad!

    1. Sophie - It really is. As more information comes out, it's obvious the shooter was like a timebomb waiting to go off. So horrible that it couldn't be prevented.

  5. We had planned to visit Jacksonville, just before the hurricane hit. Too bad about the racial situation there. Very sad.

    1. Harvee - We haven't had a direct hit (hurricane) in many years but there are always a few that seem to skirt by us with a lot of wind and rain.

  6. I like pumpkin as a fall thing, and it's close enough. I used to love my pumpkin spice K cups, then they made them available all year long, and it dulled the joy for me. I still look forward to other pumpkin stuff. I plan on trying the pumpkin spice frosty for sure

    1. Sam - I feel the same. If something is available to me anytime, it ceases to be a special treat. Pumpkin frosty you say? I'll be trying that!

  7. I just watched that on our local news this morning, that is terrible. I only have french vanilla cappuccino in my coffee, I must be boring, lol! Have a wonderful week, Tanya

    1. Jody - It's such a senseless thing to have happened. My heart hurts for those families. French vanilla is delish - definitely not boring. :)

  8. I worked all day yesterday so I didn't see this news. I don't understand how these things continue to happen. I don't drink coffee either but I know the Starbucks in our B&N was very busy yesterday. Have a great week!

    1. Carole - Do people act shocked when you say you don't drink coffee? I always get that reaction - as if I admitted to something truly unthinkable. lol

  9. I made my first iced pumpkin chai tea latte of the season just last night! It made me sooo happy. I made another one this morning lol.

  10. Ooh, I saw that Starbucks had released their fall flavors already! They sound good!

  11. Aldi is one of our go-to shopping places. I even got some of those grapes this week. September later this week and hopefully some more autumnal weather soon. Of course, fall weather here is like Minnesota summer with less humidity. Perfect really.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  12. The Aldi's near us sucks and they never have anything. What happened in Jacksonville is so awful.

  13. That pumpkin chai tea latte sounds yummy. So do the grapes. I'm sorry your city made the news for something so horrible.

  14. So terrible about the shooting! It's awful that it's become a common occurrence. I wish we had an Aldi around us. Those grapes sound really good! I haven't tried the pumpkin drink, but it does sound delicious! I read and loved Tragic!

  15. I've never been a person who loved pumpkin spice, but for some reason I want to try it more this year, and your drink sounds delicious! I'm not a coffee drinker, so always like to try drinks that are not coffee. I saw the sad news. It's sad that those kind of things are still happening. I hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  16. I'm so sorry about the shooting in your area. It's a shame that there are still hate crimes going on in this country.

    As for pumpkin spice, I never drink pumpkin spice before, but it sounds delicious!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  17. I was absolutely stunned to see an article that says the United States has already surpassed 400 mass shootings as of July 2023. Such tragedy on an unimaginable scale.

    We have Aldi here but not frozen cotton candy grapes, are they a variety of grape or a candy?

    Wishing you a happy reading week

  18. I can't imagine what it's like living in a place that has a shooting. Its so heartbreaking that there is so much hate, mental illness and need for attention to a point where it costs so many innocent lives. We definitely need to get to the root of the issue and get help to those that need it so these tragedy's stop happening. I love chai tea though. They are so yummy. I am not sure if you have Jamba Juice (its a smoothie place) but they make the best pumpkin smoothie ever. Its literally like pumpkin pie in a smoothie haha and that is what I am the most excited for and can you believe we are in pumpkin season already?? Bananas.

  19. I feel like I'm so far behind on your life, since our summer was just go, go, go and soooo much play. School just started up last week so I can start catching up on the bookish world ♥. But I'm not a coffee person either, unless I have a child who is sick and I desperately need help staying awake. So I'm ecstatic to hear something with pumpkin that isn't coffee, I just wrote myself a note in my phone for what you called it. Thank you so much *hugs*!

  20. I'm so sorry to hear that this horrific tragedy hits so close to home!

    I officially completed my 52nd book of the year, so I'm a bit at a loss with myself. There's still so many days left in the year, and I've never finished this early before. While I won't set another goal, I'm eager to see how many more titles I can read.

    I also had my first Pumpkin drink of the year during a balmy 106 degree day. I don't know if I felt a chill in the air, or if it was just wishful thinking hahaha.

  21. It's been so hot this last week that I'm not quite ready for fall flavors but soon! I've had cotton candy grapes but never frozen ones. That sounds amazing! I will have to try mailbox lasagna. I should be able to use this heat for something! Have a great week!

  22. Was that the shooting in North Carolina, Jacksonville, or Louisville?

  23. Ow no! That's horrible! I'm so sorry to hear about the shooting!

    And yummmm.. I love those kinds of drinks. I've been ordering some fall decorations! I'm done with Summer! LOL!

  24. I'm sorry to hear about that shooting, that's such sad news!
    On the bright side, I am also glad pumpkin season is upon us :)

  25. So many shootings. They just never stop. That new pumpkin drink sounds really good.
