Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant to Read in 2023


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Books I Meant to Read in 2023
It's the age old problem: too many books and too little time. Despite the fact that there
are only two adults in my home (no kids to be a total time suck), and that I rarely ever 
watch TV, there's still never enough time to read all the books I want to read. I mean, 
there's that pesky job, and y'know... life. So here are just a few (well, ten) of the books 
I meant to read in 2023. I'm hoping to get to all of these sooner rather than later.

What book did you not get to in 2023?


  1. Looks like this list is stacked with authors you like to read. I hope these are all hits for you

  2. Ravensong sounds good.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  3. Too many to count! I hope you love all of these!

  4. Iron Flame has been a popular pick this week.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


  5. Ravensong is amazing! I've only read the two books in the series but definitely my favourite so far. 😍 I hope you enjoy it (and all these other books) whenever you pick them up!

  6. I have one of Klune's other books on my list for this week, but I need to catch up with that series too... aaah, so many books. XD

    Hope you enjoy all these when you get to them!

  7. I put FOURTH WING on hold at my library at the beginning of January. I've heard such great things about it. I'm glad to see its sequel on your list. I hope you're able to get to these this year.

  8. I hope you get to all these books this year!

  9. Letters to Molly. That might be my favorite Perry book. If it's not it is second behind The Birthday List. I can't wait for you to read it. I'm also looking forward to your thoughts on Mile High, Iron Flame, and In the Likely Event. Hopefully you can fit them in soon.

  10. Fourth Wing made my list this week! I really need to finally read a Klune book this year, too!

    My TTT

  11. Great list. I hope you get a chance to read some of them. My TTT post is here.

  12. I loved Iron Flame, Mile High and Ravensong. Hope you'll love all of these!

  13. Its so annoying that we have to have life stuff to keep us from books HAHAHA I am just grateful I can listen to books while working. I finally got copies of the last Hades Hangmen series so I want to finish that up. I adored that Amy Harmon and Tomforde! You will love those! I can't wait to see your thoughts on this.

    1. Renee - How awesome that you found the Hades Hangmen copies! I haven't been so lucky yet. :(

  14. Looks like you have quite a few great books to look forward to from your 2023 backlog. I hope you find time to read these this year.

  15. I hope you can read these books soon and that they are all that you wish they would be.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  16. Replies
    1. Greg - I'm excited for that one. Sheridan's last thriller was excellent!

  17. Noticing a couple of sequels here, I am terrible about loving the first book in a series and then not continuing until the whole series is out at which point I've forgotten everything that happened. I also realised I haven't thought about Tillie Cole as an author in forever so didn't realise there was another book in the Hades Hangmen series.

    1. Becky - Sadly, Tillie Cole has pulled the Hades Hangmen series from amazon (and I assume other platforms). She was subjected to the most vile bullying last year - likely by people who never even read one of her books. I hope at some point she releases them again.

  18. Hope you can get to all of these soon. I definitely have a long, long list of books I still need to read.

    Lauren @

    1. Lauren - There will always be too many books and not enough time, right? :)

  19. I don't even have a job to distract me from reading! No matter how much I read, though, I know I'll never have enough time in my days to read everything I want to. I try my best, however :) I hope you enjoy all these when you get to them.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Susan - It was a sad day when I realized I will never, ever be able to read all the books I want to read.

  20. The books I didn't get to in 2023 are way too many to list here...mostly because my TBR list grows faster than I can read. ;D

  21. Yes, like Lark said, there are too many to list! It is an age old problem! I enjoyed Iron Flame, though.

    1. Rachel - As soon as I get some ARC's out of the way I am diving into Iron Flame. :)

  22. I am very curious about Ravensong, of course, and Iron Flame also looks promising.

  23. Alison @ Ali's BooksJanuary 25, 2024 at 2:01 PM

    Do you have a copy of Beauty Found? I wanted to cry when she pulled the series without any warning while I'm in the middle of it.

    1. Alison - Sadly, I don't! I wish I could find one. Or that she would make the series available again.

  24. I always seem to want to read more than I can. The only one from this list that I have read is Iron Flame, which I loved!

    1. Carole - I so agree! Too bad life gets in the way of reading.

  25. Yeah... life just needs to leave us alone sometimes so we can read! ;) I hope you can pick some of these up soon!

    1. Dedra - If only we could find a way to get paid to read. LOL
