Top Ten Tuesday: Villain Edition

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 

Warner | Shatter Me series
A sadistic baddie who's actually a tortured good guy? What's not to love?

Ty | Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
A kidnapper that actually manages to be a sympathetic character.

Cardan | The Cruel Prince
The jury is still out with this guy but for now I'm loving him.

President Snow | The Hunger Games trilogy
Cruel and manipulative and willing to do anything to retain power... that's Snow.

Amarantha and The King of Hybern | ACOTAR series
Pure evil.

Valentine Morgenstern & Sebastian Morgenstern | The Mortal Instruments series
Is it any wonder that Sebastian turned out as twisted as his father? 

Nancy Husher | The Lux series
A prime example of a villain who firmly believes the end justifies the means.

Julian's uncle | A List of Cages
No words. Just that anything was too good for the man.

Scott Van Wright | Fuel the Fire
Just when I thought he had slunk away, he reappeared to wreak more havoc. Truly loathsome. 

Dolores Umbridge | Harry Potter series
I enjoy hating Umbridge. To me, she's worse than Voldemort. At least Voldemort is straight-up bad. He makes no apologies for it. Umbridge is sadistic under the guise of being in the right. I imagine she'll be on all the lists today and for good reason... she's the worst!

Have you read any of these books?
What villain do you love to hate? 


  1. Omg, i forgot about Dolores! She's a big meanie!

  2. *high five* Team Warner forever!!!! Amarantha made my short list, but I wanted to feature Rhys instead, because, you know, Rhys. Those two Morgensterns were the WORST! Hated them! They ruined everything good in TMI

    1. *high five right back at you* Always Team Warner! :)
      Yeah, I definitely thought about Rhys (because Rhys) but I didn't want the whole list to become not-really villains. LOL

  3. Cardan has me so curious to read The Cruel Prince, and especially since I've seen Jude (the protagonist, I think?) pop up on some lists too!

    1. Yeah, I was a little surprised to see Jude pop up on a couple lists but I guess I can see it. She's definitely flawed and very willing to cross the line for her end game. Cardan is interesting character and I can't wait to learn more.

  4. Cardan was great!!! I hated Umbridge so much. Totally worse for me than Voldemort.

  5. Soooo I agree with Warner, of course! I am only on page 305 of Book 5, but I also hate Umbridge SO much already. Blech. And while I hated Snow, I actually hated Coin MORE- because she was such a wolf in sheep's clothing. But they were both terrible, don't get me wrong haha

    1. Umbridge only gets worse. Grrr.
      Too right about Coin! Wish I would have thought of her.

  6. Oh gosh, you're so right with Umbridge. I hate that she's so evil but tries to pretend she's good. Like you said, Voldemort never pretends to be anything other than what he is.


    1. Oh yeah, I find her way more dangerous/frightening than Voldemort. You know what to expect from him and aren't surprised. She's horrible.

  7. OMG Tanya!!! I am reading your post only now (Wednesday) and I swear we must be soul related because in today's blogoween with books that "crippled me" I am featuring Stolen!!!! I swear I did not see your post before now. Wow!

    1. So crazy that we were both thinking/posting about Stolen! And I swear I haven’t mentioned that book in ages. Book twins! :)

  8. I felt so conflicted about Stolen! I totally sympathized with the kidnapper and his motivations. He went about everything in the worst way possible, and I was kind of hoping for a second book from his perspective.

    I get so angry hating Umbridge. She was the absolute WORST. I wanted worse things to happen to her...

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. And you're reading The Darkest Star!! Is it amazing?? Tell me! <3

    2. What the author managed to do in Stolen was amazing. Making the kidnapper a sympathetic character. Was he truly sympathetic or did she manage to give even the reader Stockholm Syndrome? Crazy. Umbridge deserved even more than she got. Awful!!

      I’m about 60% in to The Darkest Star and enjoying it so much! The only thing that would make it better would be if it was dual POV. Because I would LOVE to have Luc’s POV!

  9. Yes, I love Warner and yep Umbridge is freakin' scary!

    1. Oh my goodness, so much love for Warner! I really need to read Restore Me soon!

  10. I'm personally a big fan of girlplusbooks blog. Thanks for sharing this post.

  11. Great picks Tanya, I'm hoping that we're able to keep loving Cardan!

    1. Yes! I am so excited to see how things unfold in The Wicked King!

  12. Okay, all my yes to Cardan! But seriously I HATE the villains from ACOTAR, which I guess means she wrote them well. XD

    1. Yep, exactly why I had to split my villains into categories. :) Because I really do hate the ACOTAR villains. But while Cardan might appear to be the villain right now, I also kind of love him. LOL

  13. I totally agree about Umbridge. She acts so innocent, but she pure evil inside. The Cruel Prince and A List of Cages are on my TBR list, so I’m glad they have good villains.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Umbridge is the worst!
      I hope you’ll enjoy The Cruel Prince and A List of Cages if/when you get to them. The Cruel Prince was fun, but A List of Cages pretty much broke my heart. :(

  14. Cardan is....complicated lol

    Have you read The Wicked King yet?

    I have A List of Cages but haven't read it yet.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. No, haven't read The Wicked King yet. I decided not to request an ARC (I've basically stopped requesting with very few exceptions) so I'll wait till January for that one.

      A List of Cages really stayed with me. Broke my heart. :(

  15. Oh yes, Dolores Umbridge. What a great pick. Love your choices!

  16. Cardan is a fascinating character either way!

  17. Great list! I agree with you on Cardan since I still have hope for a redemption for him!

    I am not sure if I would say that I love her, but I always enjoyed reading about Queen Levana from The Lunar Chronicles. She was a nice twist on the Evil Queen from Snow White and it was soooo satisfying to root against her.

    Tessa @ Crazy for YA

    1. I’m so excited to see what direction Cardan’s character takes in The Wicked King.

      I’ve yet to start the Lunar Chronicles despite owning the first two books. Too many books and too little time! :)

  18. Yep, Umbridge was vile. I hated her more than anyone (including Voldemort) in the HP series.
    A villain I loved was Hugh D'Ambry in the Kate Daniels series. I adored him from the beginning and a little part of me used to wish for an alternate reality KD series where Curran didn't exist and Hugh and Kate where a thing.

    1. Same here... as much damage as Voldemort did, I hated Umbridge more.

      Oooh, Hugh D’Ambry sounds delicious if you actually wanted him with the main character! I’m intrigued! :) I’ve only read one by Ilona Andrews and it did not work for me *at all.* I went the audio version and thoroughly disliked the narrator so that had a lot to do with it. Maybe I should try the KD series and go the reading route this time.
