Ranty Review: Blood to Dust by L.J. Shen

I don't often go all ranty in my reviews. In fact, when I really didn't enjoy a book I often don't bother reviewing it on the blog. I'll add a few lines on Goodreads and move on. But I got kind of carried away with this one and I figured why not just go ahead and share it. 

So, L.J. Shen is one of the authors I've seen around for a long time and kept meaning to try. I know her Sinners of Saint series is popular (I see Vicious talked about a lot) so maybe I just started with the wrong book. Or not. Because even though Blood to Dust has a high average rating on Goodreads (3.93) it just was not for me. I spent most of the book in various states of: 

And when I'd finished the whole cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs book and went to Goodreads, to find others to vent with and talk about the level of crazy, all I found was one five star review after another. And all I could think was:

So allow me to get all ranty and share my rather disjointed thoughts on Blood to Dust. And, uh... enjoy.

by L.J. Shen
Published: July 17, 2016
Genres: Dark Romance, Contemporary

His name is Beat, and I should hate him.

Bound, blindfolded and bruised, I'm tied in his basement, waiting for the men who stripped me from clothes and humanity to collect his debt to them. Me.

His name is Nate and I should hate him, but I don't.

I'm not supposed to know his real name, even worse, I'm not supposed to care. He is nothing to me but means to an end. The plan is simple: break free, collect the pieces of my broken soul, kill the bastards and run away.

His name is Nathaniel Thomas Vela, and I've never seen his face, though I hear that it's beautiful.

Behind the rugged and handsome exterior, there's a quiet murderer, a killer who thinks guns are for pussies and ends people with his bare hands.

His name doesn't matter, neither does his face, but what does matter is my heart. And right now, sadly, it's his. 

M Y   T H O U G H T S

As soon as I finished this one I logged on to Goodreads to find some reviews that mirrored my thoughts. Some others who spent much of the book rolling their eyes and thinking, "You've got to be kidding me." So color me surprised when instead I found one five-star review after another filled with heaps of praise. Uh, okay, I guess it's just me?

This was my first by Shen so maybe this kind of over-the-top, check the believability at the door is just her style. But it apparently isn't mine because I couldn't get past all the inconsistencies and wtf-ness of it all.

The female main character came from an upper-class, wealthy family and was now a badass, drug dealing, in your face, killer. Uh, how did that happen exactly? How did she learn the drug trade and become versed in weaponry, street smarts, and strategy? Was there an online course she took that wasn't mentioned?

All I really knew about the male main character was that he was from the wrong side of the tracks and wasn't long out of prison. For protecting his mother from the abusive father, of course. Oh, and he was totally not interested in women since he got out of prison... until he meets up with our girl, Prescott, of course. Not that he ever called her Prescott. These two had more nicknames for each other than I could keep track of. I should have turned it into a drinking game: Another nickname? Take a shot!

The bad guys were almost cartoonish and the violence was so over-the-top graphic that it was just too much. There was rough sex, graphic violence, plot holes, character decisions/actions that made zero sense... I just keep coming back to the same phrase: over-the-top. The whole crazy mess was over-the-top.

I'm all for dark romance. I don't mind some violence. I'll even give some leeway on plot because it's fiction. But when it's this messy, this ludicrous, and this OTT, I just can't. I think it's safe to say this was my first - and last - by Shen.



  1. Oh, boy. I have not read this book, nor will I. I am a fan of Sinners of Saint. I would recommend that series. I had to stop reading her books after the second All Saints High for the reasons you mentioned not liking this book. Her writing style has gone crazy town and tries to push every envelope instead of picking and choosing. Those 5 star reviews may be people who truly loved her book, but she also has a strict ARC review policy. Less than 4.5 stars is not okay with her from what I've heard. I bet you'll see some more reviews like yours in the future after more non-ARC readers review.

    1. Wow, that ARC policy kind of blows my mind. I've heard of that before but have never encountered it personally. And that just has to be it with all those 5 star reviews. Either that or my taste is so far removed from the general population that I really am the lone wolf. LOL

  2. I am not about dark anything, so Shen has never been on my radar. I have read some really OTT romance books though -- sometimes I am ok with it, and sometimes I am not. At least you gave the author a go. Good for you

    1. Yeah, I gave her a try and now I know. I can move on to other authors who don't want me to board the crazy train. LOL

  3. Cartoonish villains are the worst. I have a friend who has told me not to read this author because her books are over the top and your review confirms that sentiment. I remember how she got two books in the GR awards romance category and was baffled!

    1. I guess she definitely has her fan base if she's getting her books nominated for GR awards... but I sure don't get it!

  4. Bwahahahahaha! I stopped reading her books when she produced them at an insane rate and theyr became..cartoonish? caricature? Yet I liked this one LOL.
    Now I feel exactly the same about Lord of London, the latest of Tillie Cole. I love her books usually but this time I feel like she tried too much and made a caricature. So of course I too went to look for others feeling like I do and ...I was surprised to be basically the only one! It left me with a bad taste as I am really wondering if there is something wrong with me!

    1. What a letdown. Especially from an author you already love. But I'm always a little suspect when there's loads of 5 star reviews for a book that just doesn't seem all that great (or even good).

  5. I am pretty sure that this one is not for me. I am kind of annoyed by these characters just from reading your review so I couldn't imagine hundreds of pages of the nonsense.

  6. Oh YIKES this sounds a mess. I don't even know how I feel about even the premise, if I am being honest. Like- I like dark, don't get me wrong, but I don't... think it should ever be "glamorous" to be in love with your kidnapper/rapist? ALSO reading Deanna's comment has pretty much guaranteed that this writer is NOT for me. Like- if you're treating reviewers that way, then yeah, you seem like you'd write outlandish and irresponsible nonsense hah. I agree, you can't just have the MC be a murdery drug dealer with zero backstory to support it. And they all sound like jerks, frankly. As does the author. I am glad you wrote this (great!) ranty review because I am avoiding this like the plague!

    1. Right?! The stuff Deanna mentioned had me shook. An author who is going to tell reviewers that they can't rate below a certain number. Yeah, that tells me right there that I don't want anything to do with her. I'm chalking her up as one to avoid.

  7. Oh no, this sounds terrible! I have also found myself utterly baffled by being one of the few who absolutely hated a book, so I can totally sympathize. Cartoonish characters are the worst. I'm sorry this one didn't work out for you!

    1. Thanks Tracy. I'm no stranger to not enjoying a really popular book but all the 5 star reviews for this one truly had me baffled.

  8. I have to say, I love reading ranty reviews like this one! I often feel like those memes when I hate a book that has a really high GR rating.

  9. I haven't read LJ Shen yet, but my two friends that like her books said I have to start with either Vicious or Pretty Reckless. That some of her books were not good at all lol. Buuuuuut I haven't started them yet. I'm sorry this book was such a let down, here's hoping your next book is a billion times better!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I see a lot of raves for Vicious and Pretty Reckless but I'm probably not going to read them. A trusted blogger friend told that while she did enjoy those, my issues with the writing are pretty much Shen's style. And that's just not for me. No worries, though! Not every writer (or book) is going to appeal to everyone. :) I hope you'll love those if/when you get to them!

  10. Nope... I love a dark romance, but I can see why this would have you pulling out your hair.

    1. Yeah, just didn't work for me. But that's okay... they can't all be winners. :)

  11. I can handle a lot when it comes to Dark Romance but I'm often left with a healthy dose of WTF while reading them.
    I think the only Shen book I've read is Sparrow and while it was ok (I gave it 3 stars) I was mightly confused by the number of rave 5-star reviews posted for it.
    I figure her writing is like marmite: you love it or hate it.

    1. Well, this one excelled when it came to WTF moments. LOL

      And I think you're right - Shen is probably one of those authors whose writing you either love or hate.

  12. Oh yeah, this totally would have had me ranting as well. I've not tried this author before but I think I'll pass. I hope your next read is a better one!

    1. Thanks Suzanne. It's fun to try new authors and sometimes you find a new favorite. This time, not so much. :)

  13. Isn't it weird and awful when you go to Goodreads and find you're the only one who feels that way??? lol

    I find when I start asking people though - they are out there - but don't want to be the first/only one to put the bad review.

    This one wouldn't be for me just based on the summary but I'm sorry it also had a heaping batch of wtf-ery too.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I don't even mind being the lone wolf who doesn't love a book. Because I feel like I'm in that role A LOT. lol
