The Sunday Post #331 | April 9, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


I think the universe recognized the last two weeks at the office have been brutal and decided to take mercy on me. This past week was a quiet one and virtually stress-free. So, thank you, universe, much appreciated. *tips my hat*

My hockey team, the Tampa Bay Lightning, (well, not my hockey team... I am not secretly the owner of an NHL franchise posing as a humble book blogger) clinched a spot in the playoffs but it's been rocky since then. They lost to the NY Rangers and then lost to the NY Islanders (who we had just beat the week before). As I write this (Saturday night) they'll be playing the Ottawa Senators, so fingers crossed they'll turn things around and have a win tonight.

Wanna hear how special I am? I am so special that I woke up Thursday morning with a broken toe... and absolutely no idea how it happened.😆 In fact, I actually tried to wash away the bruising while wondering how in the world I got dirt on my toe (since I don't hang around outside, and certainly not barefooted). It was while trying to wash away the "dirt" that I thought, hm, this kinda hurts. Enter The Husband who took one look and said, "Hey genius, your toe is broken." (Actually he was much nicer about it.) You'd think you'd remember breaking a toe - an event with much hopping around, yelling, and colorful words - but, nope, not me. Like I said, I am special. 😉

This week's throwback song is Enjoy Yourself (1976) by The Jacksons. This has always been one that can instantly put me in a good mood. Enjoy!



Tuesday, April 4

Friday, April 7



Kindle: What Was Meant to Be by Q.B. Tyler - 4

Audio: Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata - 4.25★



Kindle: Wolfsong by T.J. Klune

Audio: Say You'll Stay by Corinne Michaels


Audiobook: Coach by Devney Perry




  1. Oh no about your toe! I hope it heals quickly and doesn't give you too much trouble. It sucks getting older, doesn't it? Things just randomly break or whatever! I got up the other day and was like "ow". Why did it hurt just go get up lol?

    Good luck to the Lightning, and have a happy Easter!

    1. Greg - I used to have a boss who always said "Gettin' old ain't for sissies." That has taken on new meaning since I hit my 50's. LOL And yeah, waking up in pain? When did that start happening?? Haha!

  2. Ouch! Sorry about the toe. Happy reading will make it better, I think. Relax and enjoy this week after Easter watching your (secrety owned) hockey team! ;)

    1. Lyn - My (secretly owned) hockey team did not fare well Saturday night. Hopefully they'll do better now that they're back at home after a brutal road trip.

  3. Maybe you broke your toe in a dream and it bled into read life. *WHOA* Hope it heals quickly. It's nice when the universe hears our cries for help. Glad office life was better this week. Remember the Jackson 5 cartoon? That was good stuff

    1. Sam - That sounds like the beginning of a book. "It started off small. I dreamed I broke my toe and woke up to find it was true. But next it was a dead body." Dun dun dun! :)

      The Jackson 5 cartoon was great! I always watched that one.

  4. Do you sleepwalk? I broke my big toe once and it hurt!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - Ouch! I think breaking a big toe would be a lot more painful, and harder to walk. Luckily not the case for more. Have a great week!

  5. Not knowing how you broke a toe sounds like me. Bed injuries are a real thing. Hopefully it heals quickly!

    1. Samantha - Did we ever think about bed injuries when we were in our 20's? Or even 30's? Nope! Getting older isn't for the weak. LOL

  6. Oh my goodness! I have broken a toe, but there was nothing to do about it, and just had to kind of limp around a bunch. But I knew when I did it! Crazy you have no idea. I hope you are able to get around easier than I did. Some good books this week it looks like. Also glad you had a good week after two crazy ones. I need a good week too! Here's to us both having a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - So true, nothing to do about a broken toe. Thankfully it isn't bothering me much. I'm just careful about which shoes I wear. :) Hope your week is off to a good start!

  7. What a weird thing with your toe!! Luckily you don't need a functioning toe to read! :) Hope you have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. LOL Terrie - too true! I'd be a lot more bothered if it was something that messed up my reading. :)

  8. You have no idea how you broke your toe... Okay ... Yes! You really are special! There's no way I would not know. I'm a bit of a sissy.

    Hope it gets better soon! You have some great reads to keep you quietly rested I see!

    Have a great week and I hope you don't hopple along to much!

    Elza Reads

    1. Mareli - I tend to be a big baby if I'm in pain, which makes the broken toe even more surprising. Haha!

  9. Glad this past week was less stressful! And I hope your toe heals quickly. It's a little funny that you can't remember what you did it break it. Hope this next week is another good one for you. :D

    1. Lark - My husband keep saying "who doesn't remember breaking a toe?!" lol

  10. I hope your toe heals quickly and isn't too painful. I bruise easily and often have hip bruises (using my hip to carry or move things?) and don't remember how I got them. Yay for a quiet week and for that to continue.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne. I bruise fairly easily, too, and I'm used to seeing random bruises and not remembering how I get them. But the broken toe takes it to a new level. LOL

  11. Hope your hockey team wins!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    And my Sunday Watch for movie and TV fans!

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  12. LOL I've woken up with a sore back or neck, but never a broken toe!

    1. Angela - Yeah, I've yet to find anyone else who didn't recall breaking a toe. LOL

  13. Ouch! Broken toes hurt. My mom recently fractured her wrist. Same thing as you. Had no idea she had done it until it swelled and started hurting. Who knows how it happened. I am almost done with reading Coach now. I am really enjoying it. I hope you do as well.

    1. Deanna - Okay, not knowing you broke a toe is one thing, but your wrist?! Your poor mom! Is it casted? That's crazy that she doesn't even know how it happened. So glad to hear you're enjoying Coach!

  14. Ow no.. I'm sorry to read about your toe! Honestly that could have happend to me.. But mostly because I always walk into stuff, and can easily fall over my own two feet. I don't even notice it all that much anymore :D:D
    I hope this week is a good one as well!

    1. Maureen - I've never thought of myself as clumsy but now I might have to rethink that. :)

  15. Wow, well, glad the broken toe didn't hurt too bad. I'm reading What Was Meant to Be right now. Dear Aaron, Wolfsong, and Coach are all on my TBR. I really enjoyed Say You'll Stay, but it's been forever, and I don't recall much about it. Happy reading, and I hope the toe heals quickly!

    1. Alison - Dear Aaron was good, but not my favorite by Zapata. I'm reading Wolfsong now and LOVING it! It's on track to be my first 5-star read of the year.

    2. Sounds like I need to bump Wolfsong up my TBR!

    3. Definitely! I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to read it!

  16. So my bet is that you moved in your sleep and hit your husband's leg. And of course he has legs of steel LOL

    1. LOL I love your theory, Sophie! Can't wait to share it with the husband tonight. :)

  17. I'm so sorry about your toe! That's awful.

    I'll be looking for your review of Wolfsong! I absolutely loved The House in the Cerulean Sea.

    1. Hey Lindsi! I am loving Wolfsong. I feel like I'm highlighting half the book as I read it. LOL

  18. Oh wow, I'm sorry about your toe. I hope things start to turn around for your team in the playoffs. Your random is so me, haha!

  19. I'll be rooting for your own personal hockey team to do well in the playofffs :). I'm sorry about your toe! I hope it heals fast.

    1. Thanks Wendy! I'm hopeful they'll pull it together for the playoffs!

  20. Wow! That takes some real talent to break your toe without even knowing you've done it!!!!

    1. Jinjer - Yeah, I was feeling pretty "special" when that happened. lol

  21. Nice to hear you've had a less stressful week, that is besides breaking a toe! Wow, that's so odd! Hopefully it doesn't hurt much and that you heal quickly!

    Sorry to hear your team isn't doing as well as they could be. Let's hope for a spectacular turn around!

    1. Rachel - Their next to last game of the regular season is tonight so I'll be here cheering them on (with my fingers crossed).

  22. That's crazy about your toe! Though I was in physical therapy once with a woman who had done some serious damage to her knee and had no idea how she did it. She just got up one morning and her knee wouldn't work. The comment about not secretly owning the NHL team made me laugh. Too bad about Tampa. These teams do tend to seem to enjoy making us stress! I hope you are having a wonderful week with no more injuries!

    1. Katherine - Isn't it wild how you can injure yourself and have no idea how it happened? Doesn't seem to make sense. I'm not a big sports fan but I do love the Tampa Lightning. And following any sports team means you're in it for the highs and the lows. :) Have a great week!

  23. Glad work was more chill! That's crazy about the toe though. I hope it gets better soon as I know you can't do much for that. I'm always injuring myself in my sleep, apparently. I think I've hurt my ankle once and I woke up another time with bad knee pain and found out I had a sprained MCL, so that's fun. LOL

    Lauren @

    1. Lauren - That's crazy that you get injuries in your sleep! (Although I don't feel so bad now. lol)

  24. Hmm. Did you check your husband's legs for bruises?! My theory is you were dreaming and kicked him, breaking your toe. 😃 Broken toes hurt! I hope it heals quickly. And I'm happy to see you liked Dear Aaron. It's one of Zapata's backlist I still need to get to. Happy reading this week!

    1. Dedra - LOL I like your theory. :) Dear Aaron wasn't necessarily my favorite by Zapata but I still enjoyed it a lot. I loved both main characters.
