The Sunday Post #344 | July 23, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


It was brutally hot here all week and we even had excessive heat warnings a couple days, meaning the "feels like" temperature was hovering around 112 degrees. It was miserable to even step outside. I feel terrible for those that have to work outdoors in this heat.

The Husband was out of town for 5 days and I was positively giddy when he returned on Wednesday. It was the longest we've been apart in years. And it makes me wonder how we handled those long separations when he was in the Navy. 

The blogging slump seemed a bit better this week since I managed two whole posts. Go me. The reading slump is... slightly better. I am reading, just not a lot. 

The story of this young man walking to his middle school graduation warmed my heart.

The great Tony Bennett died this week, so today's throwback song is he and Lady Gaga performing I Get a Kick Out of You. Enjoy.


Tuesday, July

Friday, July 21


Kindle: The Next Best Day by Sharon Sala - 3.75★



Kindle: Further to Fall by Catherine Cowles

Audio: Vision in Silver (The Others #3) by Anne Bishop
My 4th or 5th re-read. I love returning to these characters.


Not a thing.




  1. 112. Wow. That is brutal. I wouldn't do well down there lol. Hope you get a cool off even though I know it probably won't cool off much in July in FL!

    Tony Bennett- what can you say?

    1. Yeah, cooling off is a long way ahead. Maybe October? LOL

  2. It's been hot for us too, but not as hot as your neck of the woods. When I was down South we'd get temps like that and we'd just stay inside. Too hot to do anything outside unless you're in the pool. My husband has been traveling for work more than usual and it's so lonely here when he's gone, so I totally get you! I'm happy to have my cat!

    1. Rachel - Exactly right. I do stay indoors as much as possible when it gets this hot. People are actually cautioned about being outside for any length of time. On Saturday, just walking across the parking lot at the grocery store was sweltering.

  3. It seems that everyone is melting from the heat everywhere Tanya! You missing your husband so much is cute ;-)

    1. Sophie - There's been quite the heatwave making its way across the country. Hopefully this week will be better. And I definitely miss the husband when he's away!

  4. The "feels like" temps were even rough up here. That humidity! Lots of downpours, but it dried out and has been ok. I am sitting on my patio, right now, in a sweater and slippers watching the baby and mama deer. Love the mornings! I admire military families. The separation has to be brutal. I live for those reunion videos. Cry every time. Glad the slumps are a bit better for you

    1. Sam - We had some serious thunder storms the last week. One of them dropped the temps dramatically (like 15 degrees) but the others just seemed to make it steamy. Ugh. The reunion videos get to me, too. So, so emotional.

  5. It has been brutally hot. I do feel horrible for anyone that has to work outside in the terrible heat (or even when it's really cold). I don't know if my husband and I have ever been apart for that long. Maybe once. I am glad that he is home. Nice that you felt a little less slumply last week. I hope this is a great week for you.

    1. Carole - The outdoor workers... I don't know how they do it. We passed some last Thursday around 5 PM, it's was around 95 degrees, and the were digging some ditch/trench manually. All in long pants and long sleeves for protection. I don't know how they weren't passing out!

  6. It's been hot here, but we've fortunately not even hit the feels like of 100 yet. But I think it might be coming this week. Sorry you have to deal with that, it's sooooooo hot! My reading is a bit behind because of my Scotland trip, but that's okay. They're playing Tony Bennett on the I Want My 80s time on VH1 right now instead of the normal videos, so I'm enjoying that music while I blog. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - We changed our cable package and no longer get VH1. Boo hoo. I miss it mainly because of all the 80's content. lol

  7. I'm so praying for some cooler temps. We're not as hot as where you are, but today's looking like 106 and it's 100+ days all week. Glad your reading slump is easing up. And I hope you have a great week! :D

    1. Lark - Oh boy, temps over 100... that's so miserable! I hope you get a break soon!

  8. yeah July and August are always hot. I'm glad we got some actual temps of upper 80s with feels like in mid 90s to fit in my lawn mowing. I mostly look at the wind. If it's from the north it won't feel like higher than the actual temp. I can't believe yet I'm glad July is almost through. This week will be hotter with less rain.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - Isn't it hard to believe that it's already the last week of July? A month ago I was marveling that the year was already half over and now here it is almost August. I don't like to wish time away, but I will be glad when it's cooler. :)

  9. Yeah it is suppose to get ugly/dangerous hot here this week and I am not looking forward to it. It is going to be brutal. Hopefully the reading slump improves soon!

  10. My son has been in Florida for the past two weeks with his cousins and all I've heard about every day from him is how hot it is down there compared to here. I hope you get some relief from it soon.

    1. Suzanne - The heat is bad enough but when you add in the humidity it's just brutal. Hope your son is having a great time despite the heat!

  11. Ugh, the heat is headed our way this week - I'm not looking forward to it!

    1. Angela - Hope you can stay indoors and avoid the heat!

  12. I really wish Mother Nature would give us all a break!
    I think Tony Bennett will be on my playlist this week.

  13. Man! That's HOT! I won't complain about it being almost 90 here last week then... ;) I'm glad your husband has returned to you. Mine used to be gone for work more often, but it bugs me more now when he is so I get what you mean! Is that a new Cowles book? I don't know that I've seen that cover before?

    1. Deanna - The Cowles book (Further to Fall) is actually her first book from 2018. I decided to do a deep dive into her backlist and start at the very beginning. :)

  14. Love that quote! LOL!!
    That is hot! I think I would go mad. It's been raining a lot over here these last few days. Which is hard since the kids are home and I prefer going outside with them. They get so easily bored inside.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Maureen - Cooped up in the house when you'd rather be out and about is never any fun. I hope the rain gives you a break soon!

  15. We've had some lower temperatures and rainy days here and I am so thankful for that even when people are complaining all around me. I can't handle the heat either, so I hope you'll have some cooler days soon. Glad to hear your blogging and reading slump are slowly improving though!

    1. Lindsey - Cooler temps + rain? Yes please! Send some my way. :)

  16. We've officially hit the stay inside part of summer I think. I will see outside maybe mid-October! Yay for making progress on your slumps. I hope you are having a great week!

    1. Katherine - I can relate! It's time to either just stay at home, or go from one air conditioned place to another. Being outside just isn't an option. Even going to the pool is pointless because the water is warmed to the point of not being refreshing or pleasant.

  17. 112!? That is beyond gross. It really doesn't get too much over 100 here, and even that is brutal, so you have my condolences! Glad your husband is home, that is so sweet that you missed him so much! And sorry about the slumps. I feel you so much with that ugh.

    1. Shannon - Well, the 112 was the "real feel" temp with the humidity factored in. Not the actual temp. But even the real temps can hover right around the 99-100 mark. I'm am truly over summer already.

  18. This heat is insane, isn't it? I can't wait until it cools off, but here in Phoenix that won't happen until about November. Ugh.

    1. Susan - I can relate. It's going to be at least October (if not later) before it cools off here in FL. I'm already so over summer.
