The Sunday Post #341 | July 2, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


The Office AC Watch: Day 342 of no AC at the office. Okay, so it's actually more like Day 12. Apparently the AC company had to order a part from Company A. Company A had to order parts from Company B so they could make the part we need. The last I heard the part was being shipped to the AC company this week. But considering that it's a long holiday weekend, I'm not feeling overly confident.

I worked from home on Friday (because, hello, cool air) but ended up having to go into the office at almost 5 PM to assist with an issue. That wasn't resolved until after 6 PM. Not the way I intended on ending the week, but at least everything was taken care of.

Feel free to skip the next paragraph if you don't want to hear me get ranty about the state of affairs in Florida:

Have I mentioned lately how much I loathe the governor here in Florida (Ron DeSantis)? He signed around 200 new laws into effect this week and many seem to use his usual tactics: bullying and stripping people of basic rights. One law prohibits both students and teachers from using pronouns that match someone's gender identity. Another bans colleges from from using state or federal funding for any diversity, equality or inclusion programs. (This is the same man who signed the "Don't Say Gay" law into effect.) At the same time, he signed a law that expanded gun rights. Anyone legally able to carry a gun can now carry it concealed in public, whether they have a concealed carry permit or not. Now, I have no problem with responsible gun ownership. The Husband owns several guns, takes part in statewide target competitions, runs his own tournaments in our city, and is a nationally certified scorer. So I'm not anti-gun. But how can anyone think that it makes sense to allow someone to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, while acting is if the real danger is a child (or teacher) referring to themselves as they/them? Really?? That's where the danger lies? And that, folks, is Ron DeSantis, the man who wants to be the next president.  

Okay, ranty time is over...

This week's throwback song is Blue Highway (1983) by Billy Idol. Enjoy!


Tuesday, June 27


Audio: Same Time Next Summer - 4★



Paperback: Too Late by Colleen Hoover
(It's been sitting on my shelf since 2016, so I decided it was time. 😉)

Audio: The Problem with Second Chances by Piper Rayne


Paperback: I Do, Babe by Tillie Cole




  1. It's Jax in June - 12 days is like 342. I am shocked you had a CoHo book sitting around, unread for that long

    1. Sam - Right? I don't know why I put if off for so long. But I'm glad I finally read it - it was such a good time.

  2. Love seeing a Tillie Cole added to your list there. I have been curious to try out Piper Rayne. I hope you are loving that one there.

    1. Renee - I'm going to be so sad to finish the Hades Hangmen series!

  3. How are you liking the Piper Rayne book? And it does feel like an "Add to Cart" kind of week. ;D Hope you have a Happy Fourth of July!

    1. Lark - Piper Rayne is very much my go-to when I want something on the lighter side.

  4. Too Late, what an ominous title. Hope it was good.

  5. I hope that they get that AC fixed soon for you. July is not the time to have to deal with no AC. It is nice that you had the option to work at home. There are so many politicans that frankly scare me right now. Things are going backward and decisions make no sense. I hope that you have a wonderful week.

    1. Carole - I so agree. Things are moving backwards and it's scary to see it happen.

  6. Ron DeSantis is terrifying. Florida is going to be a mess with anyone carrying a gun around. I think of how easy something would escalate.

    1. Samantha - Exactly. He's busy protecting the wrong people and things are bound to go sideways.

  7. Oh my, the events in Florida do sound awful, I can totally understand your need to rant about it. Hope you'll get AC at the office as soon as possible!

    1. Thanks Lindsey - it was such a relief to have the AC working again!

  8. That's awful about the AC.

    Very eloquently said. Not a fan. The sad thing is there are a lot of people in Michigan who'd love the guy.

    1. Greg - DeSantis certainly has his rabid fans. Same as Trump. I swear, it's like a cult.

  9. yeah my brother and Mom live there but we won't visit Florida. Ron DeSantis is horrible. I agree with everything you said about him. Also July and August without AC in NC is bad and worse in FL. Work from home or one of those personal coolers? I wouldn't be happy. The whole gun thing is crazy. We try to go out as little as possible. Luckily, Lowes and Home Depot don't seem to be big attractions for mass shooters. Grocery stores are my biggest probables.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - The whole mass shooting thing is just incomprehensible. The politicians talk and talk but do nothing to effect real change.

  10. I hope the AC in your office gets fixed sooner than later. The one at my office is so unreliable. With your weather, it's got to be especially uncomfortable right now.

    It's shameful what is happening across the country. I really feel for you in Florida. DeSantis is a nightmare. And unfortunately, he isn't the only one of his kind in power. Scary times.

    I hope you enjoy your reading and have a great week!

    1. You are so right. There are many like DeSantis. He's horrible enough as governor, I cannot imagine the damage he would do as president.

  11. Hopefully the AC issue will be resolved by the end of this week. Glad you enjoyed the latest by Monaghan. It's on my TBR.

    1. Thanks Lucy! Hope you enjoy the one by Monaghan if/when you get to it.

  12. I feel your pain with the A/C problems. We've had a few days in the 90's and the A/C isn't cooling the house down properly.

  13. 12 days would also feel like 342 to me - I'm glad you have the option to work from home, I wouldn't be able to deal with that!

    1. Angela - LOL It really did! Now it's a balmy 70 degrees in the office and I love it. :)

  14. It doesn't surprise me that it is taking so long to get the AC fixed if you need a part. My husband has said it's been hard getting parts for AC stuff since the pandemic started. Hopefully it really will be fixed this week.
    It's hard watching what's going on with your state government from across the country. It's so sad. :(
    I hope you love Too Late. I read it originally on Wattpad and, man!, it surprised me at times.

    1. Deanna - Yep, that was a large part of the issue... getting the right parts. And they specifically said it was a supply chain issue. It amazes me that 3.5 years in and there are still supply chain issues.

  15. Yeah, Ron DeSantis seems like a right bully to me! I'm not opposed to responsible gun ownership either, but anyone can carry a concealed weapon with no permit?!! Are you kidding? There's not enough shootings and mass shootings out there?! What a complete moron. Oh, those Florida temps and humidity without A/C should be criminal. Ack! I hope you can work from home until it gets sorted. I'm at the age where I can't tolerate heat!

    1. Rachel - I'm relieved to see that DeSantis's campaign seems to be stalling but I honestly don't know which is worse - him or more Trump. I shudder at either possibility.

  16. No AC in 342 days! That's insanity and I'm kind of surprised it's allowed. We own a rental house and if the A/C goes from April to October there are some pretty strict rules for how quickly we have to handle it. I guess office buildings are different but still! I hope it gets taken care of soon. I hope you're having a great week!

    1. Katherine - Well, the 342 days was an exaggeration. It just felt that long. lol

  17. Ron is one scary lunatic. I hope they get your AC fixed! It's so hard to concentrate on work when your body hates the room temperature!!!

    1. Jinjer - Thankfully the AC at the office was finally fixed for good! Such a relief.
