Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2019

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2019

Goal: Do a better job of keeping track of upcoming TTT topics.

Reason: Three days ago I posted my most anticipated releases for Summer 2019. Yeah, so that happened. LOL And since I don't want to repeat any of the books I shared in that post, I only have eight releases to share today. Since my post on Saturday covered new releases through September, all of the ones I'm sharing here will release in October, November and December.

October 8
Reveal Me (Shatter Me #5.5) - Tahereh Mafi
The Burning Shadow (Origin #2) - Jennifer L. Armentrout
October 22
Twice in a Blue Moon - Christina Lauren
November 5
The Bromance Book Club - Lyssa Kay Adams
November 19
The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air #3) - Holly Black
December 3
Blitzed (Playbook #3) - Alexa Martin
December 10
Regretting You - Colleen Hoover
December 31
The One for You (The Ones Who Got Away #4) - Roni Loren

Are you excited for any of these releases?
What new release are you most looking forward to this year? 


  1. Some cool books ahead!

    Lotte |

  2. Oh, Queen of the Air? I need to get busy and read book two!

    Thank you for sharing the books you are looking forward to this fall!

    1. I’m excited for The Queen of Nothing! The ending of the second book was so surprising and I need some answers! :)

  3. I hope you enjoy all of these books.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. I cannot wait for The Bromance Book Club! I hadn't seen the cover for Reveal Me but WOW THAT IS STUNNING!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I think The Bromance Book Club is going to be so much fun!
      And all the Shatter Me covers practically make me drool they’re so gorgeous. LOL

  5. Great list! I'm so excited to read The Queen of Nothing.

    1. Same here, Jess! After the way The Wicked King ended... gah! I need to know how things are going to get resolved!

  6. I am so looking forward to The Bromance Book Club, Blitzed and The One For You (I NEED THE COVER!!!)!
    And I have to catch up on Holly Black's series! I loved Cruel Prince!

    1. You need to read The Wicked King and I need to read Fumbled! We both gotta get caught up before these new releases! :)

  7. I'm curious about The Bromance Book Club. My list is only August and September, which I did NOT do on purpose. LOL


    1. LOL Too funny, Lauren. :)

      And I have such high hopes for The Bromance Book Club!

  8. I just got back into JLA's world of books and I wanna get into this Origin series of hers. And you got Christina Lauren's Twice in a Blue Moon too! Curious about Regretting You even though I added that on my Goodreads TBR, I don't even know what it's about yet.
    My TTT list.

    1. JLA’s Lux series remains one of my favorites so I’m loving that she spun-off with the Origin series. I don’t know a synopsis for Regretting You, either, but when it comes to CoHo I don’t need to know. LOL

  9. Reveal Me has such a pretty cover.

    My TTT.

  10. The Bromance Book Club is on my list too! Looks good!

    1. It looks like so much fun! And sometimes something light and with low-angst really hits the spot. :)

  11. In a move that surprises absolutely no one, I'M SO WITH YOU ON ALL OF THESE BOOKS. I'm also in a forgetful mood apparently because I forgot about Reveal Me. Shame on me. But, OOOHHH BOY, I've been on SUCH a Christina Lauren kick lately and I'm completely obsessed with that cover because I'm a sucker for illustrations of the night sky.

    1. I definitely need to get caught up on the Shatter Me series before Reveal Me comes out! And Christina Lauren... I swear, they can do no wrong!!

  12. Oh I am curious about several of these books and I also am reminded of series I need to start. Great list!

  13. So, 8 of these are on my TBR, but I am sure you are not surprised by that, because we tend to love the same contemporaries. The only non-contemporary that made my TBR is Reveal Me. I am a Shatter Me fan, and am still enjoying the series.

    1. We do gravitate to the same contemporaries. :) I really need to get caught up with the Shatter Me series, though. I think I'm (at least) two books behind... and there's another one coming. Ack!

  14. Oh, how funny that you ended up posting that right before this TTT topic. Oops! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  15. Haha that cracks me up that you posted a similar thing- great minds think alike! I really should have done this TTT, but I too keep failing at keeping track of them! I kind of want to read Wicked King, because everyone raves, so maybe I will! And I had no idea that there was a new Shatter Me novella, guess I need to catch up on that series too!

    1. I have really fallen behind with the Shatter Me series. Ever since the 4th book came out it seems like Mafi is cranking them out quickly!

  16. Oooh a new Christina Lauren book? I'll have to check that one out!

  17. Great list! Christina Lauren's newest and The Bromance Book Club made my list this week too. :)

  18. Definitely Roni Loren! Also, the Bromance Book Club sounds interesting!

    1. I am totally loving Loren's The Ones Who Got Away series! I need to delve into her backlist soon.

  19. Lol about the TTT subject coinciding with your previous post. :) I'm looking forward to The Bromance Book Club. I'm still on the fence about the new Christina Lauren.

  20. That Holly Black series is one I really need to get to. I've heard so many good things and that third book is like on every list I've seen this week, so it MUST be a good series! That cover of The Burning shadow sure is nice too.

    1. Fingers crossed that one of these days you get around to The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King. I think you'd like them.

  21. The Burning Shadow and Queen of Nothing are on my list too!

    1. My fingers are crossed that The Burning Shadow will have more Daemon Black cameo appearances! LOL

  22. Yes! I#m planning on finally reading The Cruel Prince/Wicked King just in time for The Queen of Nothing to release so I don't have any agonising waits! lol There's always a silver lining to reading procrastination... I know enough of The Wicked King's ending to know that it'd drive me nuts without the final book to dive straight into!

    1. Good planning on your part! Because you're right... after the way The Wicked King ended I'm DYING for The Queen of Nothing!

  23. The Queen of Nothing is also on my TBR list! :)

    1. So excited for that one! After the way The Wicked King ended I have to know what happens next!

  24. I loved bromance bookclub, hope you enjoy when you get it!

    1. I can't wait to pick that one up! I feel like I'm going to love it!
